Litigation Support Leaders SuperConference
CrownePlazaHouston –Downtown, March 6-7, 2008
Day One: Thursday, March 6(All Rooms on Concourse Level)
12 Noon-
1:00 p.m. / Registration (Lunch on Your Own) / Bluebonnet Foyer
1:00 p.m.
1:10 p.m. / Welcome and Opening Remarks
Gary Melhuish, Host / Bluebonnet Ballroom
1:10 p.m.-
2:00 p.m. / General Session – Featured Speaker
“SaaS: The Time is Now”
Brett Burney / Bluebonnet Ballroom
2:10 p.m.-
3:10 p.m. /

Summation Tips, Tricks & Traps - Mary Buker


Summation "Tips, Tricks & Traps" -- Whether you're brand new to Summation or a seasoned user, this fast-paced workshop will help you avoid common "traps" and give you tips and tricks you can put into practice right away. Each participant will receive a detailed custom color handout of the tips and trapspresented.

/ Bayou Ballroom B
Basic Computer Concepts for New Litigation Professionals
Part I - Bill Long / Session reviews concepts, terminology, buzz words, new rules, process and resources for the entry-level litigation support professional. You may go to 1 session or both. / Bayou Ballroom A
Database Design: How to Ensure You GetConsistentResults
Part I - Lisa Fabian / Learn how to make crucial decisions putting documents allowing better research and review, production, depositions and trial. Understand how decisions impact cost and time options tomorrow. You may go to 1 or 2 hours of this workshop. / Bayou Ballroom C
Best Practices for Managing Documents in a Complex Litigation Case - Henry Alonso / Bluebonnet Ballroom
3:15 p.m. -
4:15 p.m. / Litigation Without Borders - Cliff Shnier / Many similarities, a few minor differences, between how the US and its largest trading partner Canada have approached electronic discovery; European Union privacy directives on bringing data from Europe to North America; US/EU “Safe Harbor” certifications of US companies and comparing that to countries such as Canada that the EU has certified as compliant with their privacy laws. / Bayou Ballroom B
Basic Computer Concepts for New Litigation Professionals
Part II - Bill Long / Continuation: Session reviews concepts, terminology, buzz words, new rules, process and resources for the entry-level litigation support professional. You may go to one session or both. / Bayou Ballroom A
Database Design: How to Ensure You GetConsistResults Part II - Lisa Fabian / Learn how to make crucial decisions putting documents to allow better research and review, production, depositions and trial. Understand how decisions impact cost and time options tomorrow. You may go to 1 or 2 hours of this workshop / Bayou Ballroom C
The Evolving Role of Computer Forensics in Litigation: What You Need to Know Now -
David Greetham / Overview of pitfalls for firms who choose the “do-it-yourself” method to computer forensics and document evidence methods. / Bluebonnet Ballroom
4:20 p.m.-
5:15 p.m. / General Session - Keynote Speaker
”A Year Later-The Deadly Sins of E-Discovery-Werethe Doomsayers Correct?”
Michael Arkfeld / Bluebonnet Ballroom
5:15 p.m.-
6:30 p.m. / “Meet the Speakers”
Cocktail Reception / Bayou Ballroom
Litigation Support Leaders SuperConference
CrownePlazaHouston –Downtown, March 6-7, 2008
Day Two: Friday, March 7
7:30 a.m.-
8:30 a.m. / Continental Breakfast
with the Exhibitors / Bluebonnet Ballroom
8:30 a.m.-
8:40 a.m. / Welcome and Opening Remarks
Gary Melhuish, Host / Bluebonnet Ballroom
8:40 a.m.-
9:30 a.m. / General Session - Keynote Speaker
“E-Discovery and the Golden Thread: Presumed Competent
Until Proven Not?”
George Socha / Bluebonnet Ballroom
9:30 a.m.-
10:00 a.m. / Coffee Break
with the Exhibitors / Bluebonnet Ballroom
10:05 a.m.-
11:05 a.m. / The Rise of ESI, Metadata and Its Myths! - Lisa Rosen / Presentation explores the rise of ESI, metadata and myths; what service bureaus don’t want you to know; overview of metadata extracted. / Bluebonnet Ballroom
New Horizons in the Litigation Manager’s Role - Andrew Hall / Where is the profession headed? What career options are available? What new responsibilities and duties will be expectedof you in the next 5 years? / Bayou Ballroom B
Thinking Like a Plaintiff - Jim Michalowicz
/ Find out how traditional corporate defendants can gain an advantage in litigation by applying a few lesions learned from the “other” side. Go on the offensive and deliver results. / Bayou Ballroom A
Online Document Review Tools –
Darcie Spruance / Presentation reviews comparison of more popular tools; evaluation of vendor’s review tool; proper questions; newer technology; ECA first-pass and content analysis / Bayou Ballroom C
Gumshoe ESI: A Look at the PI Licensing Issue – Jerry Hatchett / The state of Texas now regulates computer forensic practitioners as private investigators, and this trend is spreading across the country. This session will discuss the impact of this licensing trend on ESI collection and admissibility issues. / Cougar Room
11:10 a.m. -
12:10 p.m. / Trial Technology – YOU Can Do It -
Charlene Agnew / Presentation helps you motivate attorneys and paralegals to utilize trial presentation software; you’ve got the software – using it effectively is the key; get fresh ideas to use trial software to win. / Bayou Ballroom A
The Basics of Hybrid Productions -
Rob Miller / Covers methods developed to address hybrid production challenges for producing party and e-discovery partner; methods, cost/time considerations and early planning. / Bayou Ballroom B
How to Recruit and Train the Litigation Support Technician -
Andrew Hall / Techniques for selecting the right candidates and best practices for proper training, retention and productivity. / Bayou Ballroom C
Summation for Beginners -
Henry Alonso / Cougar Room
The e-Discovery Questionnaire -
Gary Melhuish / Session shows you how to design effective questionnaire, participate in interviewing of client IT staff and assist attorneys in obtaining relevant info to respond to discovery requests. / Bluebonnet Ballroom
12:15 Noon-
1:30 p.m. / Luncheon / Bluebonnet Ballroom
12:45 p.m.-
1:30 p.m. / General Session - Luncheon Speaker
”E-Discovery: Not Just a Federal Issue”
Joe Howie / Bluebonnet Ballroom
Litigation Support Leaders SuperConference
CrownePlazaHouston –Downtown, March 6-7, 2008
Day Two: Friday, March 7 - Continued
1:35 p.m. –
2:30 p.m. / General Session A
“Unicode: The e-Discovery Engine”
Tom O’Connor / Bayou Ballroom B
General Session B
“Steps to Developing a Premier Litigation Support Department”
Charlotte Riser Harris / Bluebonnet Ballroom
2:35 p.m.–
2:55 p.m. / Refreshment Break
with the Exhibitors / Bluebonnet Ballroom
3:00 p.m.-
4:00 p.m. / Tearing Down Electronic Borders – Dealing with Foreign Language Data -
Jerry Hatchett / Highlights challenges involved in handling foreign language data in litigation; strategies and methodologies for incorporating foreign languages into the data universe of your litigation. / Bayou Ballroom A
Ethics & e-Discovery: Mistakes Made in the Trenches -
Tom O’Connor / Highlights preservation and production of digital evidence. Hearty discussion on: failure to search and/or produce, options for asserting privilege claims after production, the use of “claw backs” and “quick peeks,” and proposed amendment to Rule 502. / Bayou Ballroom B
Vendor Relationships: You Can’t Live With ‘Em and You Can’t Live Without ‘Em – Getting the Best Support at the Best Cost -
David Bignault / Techniques for establishing smooth and cost-efficient relationships with vendors; getting the job done the way you want it done; and getting the best support at the best cost. / Bayou Ballroom C
Cost Conscious Trends in e-Discovery (Go Native or Go Broke) -
Bob Sweat / Learn how to estimate number of pages; native review; de-duping; gain knowledge of volumes of e-discovery; deal with costing out a project; culling and online repositories. / Bluebonnet Ballroom
4:05 p.m.-
4:50 p.m. / General Session
“The Final Word -
Wrap-Up, Highlights and Pointers from the Gurus of the Industry”
MonicaBay, George Socha,
Tom O’Connor, Brett Burney / Bluebonnet Ballroom