Last Name1

Student’s Name

Mrs. Richey

Literature and Social Justice

11 April 2016

Modern Day Slavery Research Paper Guidelines

This research paper is a course requirement, so should you choose to deny this task and attempt to subvert the system, you will receive a failing grade for the semester. Please prepare yourself to dig in and do your best work. Your task here is to write a meaningful, well-researched, insightful, analytical research paper on a pre-approved topic that investigates a form of modern day slavery. You must tie in at least one of our Social Justice themes to help explain the MDS you are writing about.(See content requirements on the back of this assignment sheet.) Be sure to read this entire assignment sheet and to write all the due dates from it in your planner today. If you are concerned about any portion of this assignment, discuss it with me before the due date.

Paper Requirements:

●3-5 pages (2 ½ = less than average = D or lower; 5 pages maximum.)

●Minimum of 5 sophisticated sources (not Wikipedia; 3 must be .org/.edu/.gov)

Basic MLA Format


○12-pt. Times New Roman font

○Double-spaced throughout (including Works Cited page)

○One-inch margins (LEFT justified only)

○Tab once to indent each paragraph

○Proper 1st page heading and title (see sample above)

○Properly formatted Works Cited page

(See back of this sheet for all due dates!)

Due Dates*:

2 annotated articles:Thursday, April14

●Thesis:Friday, April15

Typed rough draft:Friday, April 22

○MLA format, including in-text citations and Works Cited page.

Due whether you are here or not

●Essay:Wednesday, April 27

Staple digital receipt (not email receipt) to front of essay

Due whether you are here or not

*To be considered on time and eligible for full credit, all assignments must be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. LATE ESSAYS LOSE 10% EACH DAY, EVEN WEEKEND DAYS! (Other late assignments = ½ credit)


  1. The situation:
  • What the form of slavery is, where and how it typicallyoccurs
  • Identity of traffickers, enslavers, and slaves
  • The UN and other governmental and/or NGO responses.
  1. Analysis: Apply SJ themes (identity, universe of obligation, obedience, conformity, indifference, etc.) to help analyze the situation. For a more detailed reminder of what we’ve covered, check out the “Be A Watcher of the Sky” white board.