Bio 310 Microbiology Spring 2010
Lecture: Monday & Wends. 8:00 -8:55 AM Piez Hall Rm 119
Lab: Piez Hall Rm 312 Monday 1:50 - 4:50 PM
Wends. 1:50- 4:50 PM
Instructor: Dr. Tim BraunOffice Hours (312A Piez):
Office: 312A Piez HallMonday 9-11:15 AM
Phone: 312- 2797Weds. 11:30 – 12:25 PM
Email: (or by appointment, please email me)
Text (required): “Microbial Life” (2nd Edition) by Perry, Staley, & Lory
(Sinauer publishing)
Lab manual: A course pack is available in the campus bookstore and a three ring binder will be needed
Course Webpage:
Note: We will be migrating to Angel during the course of the semester
Powerpoint lectures will be available on the course webpage on at least the evening or afternoon preceding the next lecture. The course syllabus and other handouts will also be available on the course website.
Course Goals
By the end of this course you should be able to do (or have):
An appreciation for the diversity of bacterial metabolism and the contribution of the bacteria to the biosphere, industry and human health.
Classification of bacteria and viruses
Aseptic technique
Methods for controlling the spread of bacteria and viruses
Media preparation and handling
Culturing techniques
Some basic molecular biology techniques such as: Plasmid isolation, Transformation, Conjugation, DNA electrophoresis, and Restriction Mapping of Plasmids
Hourly Exams (3): 100 pts each
Final Exam 150 pts.
Microbiology Interest 100 pts. total (15 pts. for topic and ref.)
Formal Lab Reports (2) 50 pts. each
Lab Abstracts 100 pts. (20 X best 5 of 7 )
Participation 50 pts.
Total 800 pts. Total
Grading: The table below is a guide only, and will be used if the class average falls around an 80% . If the class average is significantly lower than 80% a curve will be imposed on the class grade distribution.
A 94-100%C+ 77-79%D- 60-62%
A- 90-93C 73-76E 0-59%
B+ 87-89C- 70-72
B 83-86D+ 67-69
B- 80-82D 63-66
Hourly exams will cover material up to the lecture two periods before the exam (you will not be responsible for material covered on the lecture immediately preceding the exam). The final exam will be comprehensive.
Microbiology Interest Presentation
During the semester each student will find an organism of interest and prepare a 10 minute oral presentation on your topic of interest to be given during lab time. The presentation will be powerpoint based. Additional information on the oral presentation will be given during the semester.
The oral presentation, abstracts and the formal lab reports are individual efforts and I refer you to the sections of the student handbook regarding intellectual dishonesty:
Intellectual integrity on the part of all students is basic to individual
growth and development through college course work. When academic dishonesty
occurs, the teaching/learning climate is seriously undermined and student
growth and development are impeded. For these reasons, any form of
intellectual dishonesty is a serious concern and is therefore prohibited.
Exam Make-up Policy
Students who know they will miss an exam due to doctor’s appointment, sports, etc. MUST notify me at least one week in advance of the exam. Students who miss an exam due to illness must provide a doctors excuse (health center excuse is not sufficient) within 48hrs. of the exam date (personal details of the illness are NOT required). Make-up exams, when given, may be of different format and questions than the regular class exams. If no excuse or explanation is provided within 48 hrs. you will receive a zero for that grade, including the final.
Late Assignments
When assignments are due, they are due at the beginning of class (first 10 minutes of lecture) on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day.
Severe Weather Policy
Winter weather may interfere with activities of the college. However, if the college is open we will have class! If you are commuting, please use your best judgement. If you commute and feel conditions are unsafe, stay at home. Class attendance is important but not worth dying over.
Students with Disabilities
If you have a disabling condition which may interfere with your ability to
successfully complete this course, please contact the Disability Services
Office. The DSO is located in 226 Hewitt Union, the phone number is 315-312-3358.
Class Date/Topic/ Lab schedule:
Schedule is subject to change, with notification, during the semester
Week / Topic / Chapter (s) / Lab / Assignment Due1 / Overview & History of Microbiology / 1&2 / Microscopy
2 / Structure & Function of Prokaryotes / 3&4 / Cell Staining & Colony Morphology / Organism of interest + 1 ref
3 / Prokaryote Physiology
Drop Deadline (Feb 12th) / 4 / Sterile Technique & Media Preparation
4 / Cultivation and Growth / 5,6&7 / Controlling Microbial Growth
5 / Control of Microbes &
Start Metabolism
EXAM 1 (chapters 1-6) / 7 &8 / Quantification of Microbial Growth
6 / Continue Metabolism / 8&9 / Presentations
7 / Metabolism / Presentations
No Class
(Spring Break) / 10,11&12 / No Lab
(Spring Break)
8 / Microbial Genetics
EXAM 2 (chapters 7-12) / 13 / Environmental
9 / Microbial Genetics / 14&15 / Bacterial Unknown
10 / Genetics/ Microbial Diversity / 16,17,&18 / Bacterial Unknown
11 / Microbial Diversity/ Ecology / 19, &24 / Transformation
Conjugation / Env. Sampling
12 / Microbial Ecology
EXAM 3 (chapters 13-16) / 25 / No Labs
13 / Medical Microbiology / 26 & 27 / Plasmid Isolation / Bacterial Unknown Report
14 / Applied Microbiology / 30, 31, 32 / Plasmid Mapping & Bacteriophage Titre
Final Exam: Friday May 14, 8:00-10:00 AM