Mrs. Wilcox’s Kindergarten News:



March 30th-teacher workday-no school

March 26-April 5th
Eric Carle Author study /

April 5th –Report cards

April 8th 2012-Happy Easter!

April 6th-13th-NO SCHOOL-Spring Break.

Maps-symbols and signs on a map.
Science-eggs, & animal characteristics.
Spelling for March 26-April 5th
Did, look. Of, this, went
Bonus word; with
Test on April 5th
April 5th report cards go home
After spring break we begin 4th quarter. /

3rd quarter Math

Use matching to decide if a group is more, less, or equal.

Use counting to decide if a group is more, less, or equal.
Use take away to decide if a group is more, less, or equal.
Use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Build a set from 11-29 using tens and ones
Break apart a set from 11-29 into groups of ten and count how many are left.
Count by 10’s to 120
Count by 1’s to 100
Write numbers 0-30
Fractions and Ordinals
***Ideas for spelling practice- write them with sidewalk chalk, paint them, cut out letters and have your child build the word, type them on the computer and print. J / 4th quarter Math
Write numbers to 20.
Rote count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s
Look at 2 numbers and tell which one is more, less or equal
Tell how 2-D and 3-D shapes are alike and different.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to have a conference on your childs progress.

Tuesday, March 27 - Spring Family Night at TES. more information coming soon from PTO

Book Fair March 26 - 29- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

We are trying something different for the Book Fair this month. Please follow this link. It will ask you to enter your email address. Then, scroll down. You will see the available dates. Click on the day you want. Time slots have been set up in one hour increments.

We are still looking for people to help plan Fall Festival for 2012. If you are interested in working on this committee, please let us know.

Relay for Life – April 30-May 4

Students can donate $1

K- Registration April 24 (9-11 and 3-5)

Lupus Walk – May 5th Fail/someone else who is interested can head this up

PE Dept. will incorporate by doing a student Lupus Walk in PE where students can bring money-more info, to come

Field Day – Will be in April TBA