LET 3 and 4 U3C1L2
TAB 11 - Portfolio
1. FNAME______LNAME______DATE ______
2. Task, read to learn task, Condition, classroom learning environment and Standard (see performance assessment task):
3. Performance Assessment Tasks: Inquire – Gather – Process - Apply
4. Performance Assessment Tasks:
· On-Task, Active Read to Learn Strategies Met Not Met
· On-Task, Active Listen to Learn Strategies Met Not Met
· On-Task, Active Make Right Everyday Choices Strategies Met Not Met
· On-Task, Active Build Higher Level Thinking Strategies Met Not Net
5. Student Notes: additional to reading material and provided by SAI/AI:
1. Task. Read to make connections between current lesson learning and prior knowledge, experiences…
2. Task. …then summarize the main ideas that I read.
/ Learning Progression
1. Read the reading then answer: What did I already know about this lesson’s content before I read the lesson readings?
2. Read the reading then answer: What emotional experiences have I had with this topic?
3. Read the reading then answer: What would I like to know?
4. Read the reading then answer: Summarize the main idea(s). / Inquire Phase
What? (Structured Reflection)
1. Task. Gather data, concepts, and material, making notes, Post-its, summaries…
2. Task. …then ask myself questions, make predictions, and make inferences to assure understanding of what I read throughout the material.
/ Learning Progression
1. What is the lesson competency: What you will learn?
2. Think through the information, answer: What learning technique or strategy do I need to do to understand the information or improve my skills in my own preferred way?
3. Think through the information, answer: What idea, knowledge, skill or process can I identify that is/are meaningful to me?
4. Think through the information, answer: What Thinking Map pattern(s) and appropriate example(s) do I recognize?
5. Think through the information, answer: What else do I need to know to make predictions and make inferences to assure understanding of what I read throughout the material? / Gather Phase Summary
So What? (Structured Reflection)
1. Task. Re-read, organize, analyze, compare, contrast, classify, prioritize and/or categorize prior learning with new learning...
2. Task. …to make logical suggestions / Learning Progression
1. Identify your strongest WINNING COLOR.
2. Identify the strongest WINNING COLOR for each person in your team.
3. Summarize the similarities and differences between the members of the group by their WINNING COLOR
4. Identify one WINNING COLOR strength that you bring to the team.
5. Identify one WINNING COLOR strength that each person brings to the team.
6. Describe how each person’s WINNING COLOR strengths can be valuable in working as a team to solve problems or accomplish goals.
7. Summarize the value of diversity in working as a group. / Process Phase Summary
Now What? (Structured Reflection)
-- (1) Show Active Reading Strategies and (2) Present Using Graphic Organizers --
1. Task. Connect, infer, model, interpret, anticipate transfer and/or apply new learned material to something concrete in real life…
2. Task. ..apply to something in real life, application
/ Learning Progression
1. Demonstrate Active Understanding: What else can I do with this knowledge, skills and concept to apply it in ways that connect with my real life at home?
2. Demonstrate Active Understanding: What else is related to what I am learning or experiencing in my daily life at school?
3. Demonstrate Active Understanding: What else is done with this knowledge that I can try outside the classroom?
infer / Apply Phase Summary
What Else? (Structured Reflection)
Apply Active Demonstrate Understanding Strategies