Literacy Coaching for Student Engagement

Wisconsin State Reading Association

Cheryl Dozier

Coaching for Student Engagement

Learn from and with Students and their Families

Structure Opportunities for Student Success and Engagement

How do we make learning visible?

Understand the Impact of Language Choices

Foster Reading/Writing Connections Across the Curriculum

Guiding Principles

Build Trust …First and Always

What is possible?

Make learning visible

Engage in coaching as a co-learning endeavor.

Provide Rehearsal Spaces

Imagine the logic of the learner…

Intentional language

Develop and Sustain Relationships

What is each teacher’s entry point?

How do we honor each teacher’s ways of knowing?

Name/Foster/Support Transfer

Foster Resilience

Cambourne’s Conditions of Learning

Immersion, Demonstration, Expectations, Response, Responsibility, Approximation, Use/Employment/Practice, Engagement


What does engagement sound like? look like? feel like?

Are learners complying or are learners engaging?

How much choice do we offer learners?

Provide choice(s) every day for readers and writers (Allington, 2012)

Honor and Engage with Families

Create Spaces to Learn from Families

How are we inviting/asking families to engage?

How are families welcomed into our classrooms? schools?

Provide child care, Bus pass/Taxi fare, Encore Presentations

How are we representing/do we represent families?

What assumptions do we need to check at the door?

Summer Book Reading

Invite Families to Exchange Books in the Summer

Book Room is open Tuesdays from 12-7 (timing around camp, pool, work schedules, includes evening hours)

Family members can select (and keep) recycled books/magazines (Board books, chapter books, magazines), STAR Reader Board, Family pictures placed on board

Options if Tuesday schedule does not work for families

Parents can come in and self serve from library following the process/protocols

Parents can call/ask for specific materials to be held at front desk

Parents are given cell phone number to coordinate schedule(s)

No deadlines with returns. No penalties.

Expectation = return the books when finished (end of summer, during school year)

Constructing Identities

Are we naming our children as poets, as readers, as inquirers, as historians, as mathematicians, as wonderers? Johnston, 2004

Who is Doing the Work?

Are we teaching for independence?

strategies vs. strategic knowing

Are we promoting transfer?

What did you try at home, in the reading room, in the science lab,….?

Web Based Resources