Supplementary file:
Table.1. List of 71 chickpea genotypes undertaken in the present study
Serial No. / Variety / Source / Pedigree / Year of release / Zone of Adoption / Type
1 / BGD 72 / IARI, New Delhi / (Pusa 256’ × E100 YM) × ‘Pusa 256 / 1999 / UP, MP, Gujarat, Maharastra / -
2 / BG 256 / IARI, New Delhi / (JG 62 × 850-3/27) × (L 550 × H 208) / 1985 / Haryana, Punjab, MP, UP, / -
WB, Bihar, Delhi
3 / GCP 101 / JAU, Junagadh / GCP2 × ICCV2 / 1999 / CZ
4 / Katila / Land race / - / - / - / T (Jha and Shil, 2015)
5 / Avrodhi / CSAUA&T, Kanpur / T3 × K315 / 1987 / UP / -
6 / BGM 413 / IARI, New Delhi / Mutant of G130 / 1985 / UP, WB, Bihar / -
7 / CSG 8962 / CSSRI, Karnal / Selection from GPF 7035 / 1998 / NWPZ / -
8 / Pusa 372 / IARI, New Delhi / P 1231 × P1265 / 1993 / NWPZ, NEPZ, CZ / -
9 / JG 11 / ICRISAT, JNKVV, PKV / (Phule G-5 ×Narsingpur Bold) × ICCC 37 / 1999 / SZ / -
10 / PDG 3 / PAU, Ludhiana / (GL769 × GNG146) / 1997 / Punjab / -
11 / PDG 4 / PAU, Ludhiana / (GL769 × GF 88421) × GF8976 / 2000 / Punjab / -
12 / Chaffa / Selection from NIPHAD / 1948 / Maharastra, Gujarat
Maharastra and Gujarat / -
13 / JG 16 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / ICCC 4×ICCV 10 / 2000 / UP, MP, Gujarat, Maharastra / T (Gaur et al. 2016)
14 / KWR108 / CSAUA& T, Kanpur / Selection from genetic stock P108 / 1996 / NEPZ / -
15 / RVG 203 / RVSKVV, Sehore / (ICCV91902 × ICCV10) × ICCV89230 / 2012 / CZ / -
16 / JG 130 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / (Phule G5 ×Narsinghpur bold) × JG74 / 2002 / MP / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
17 / GPF 2 / PAU, Ludhiana / GL769 × H75-35 / 1990 / NWPZ / -
18 / JAKI 9218 / ICRISAT, Hyderabad / (ICCC 37 × GW 5/7)× ICCV 107 / 1997 / CZ / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
19 / RSG11 / RAU, Durgapura, / Mutant of RS10 / 1968 / Rajasthan / -
20 / Pusa 261 / IARI, New Delhi / P327 × P9847 / 1985 / NWPZ / -
21 / Viswas / RAHURI / B110 × N31 / 1985 / CZ / -
22 / K850 / CSAUA&T, Kanpur / BANDA LOCAL × ETAH BOLD / 1950 / UP / -
23 / Pusa547 / IARI, New Delhi / Mutant of BG256 / 2006 / NWPZ / -
24 / GNG 469 / Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan / Annegeri × H75-35 / 1996 / Rajasthan, Punjab,Haryana / -
25 / RVG 202 / RVSKVV, Sehore / (JAKI 9226 × DCP20) × JG412 / 2012 / CZ / T
26 / HC1 / CSSHAU, Hisar / F61 × L550 / 1990 / NWPZ / -
27 / RSG 888 / RAU, Durgapura, / RSG 44 × E100Y / 2002 / NWPZ / -
28 / DCP 92-3 / IIPR, Kanpur / Selection from local germplasm / 1998 / NWPZ / -
29 / ICC 1205 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / T
30 / RAU 52 / RAU, Dholi / ST 4× RS10 / 1985 / Bihar / -
31 / GG 2 / GAU, Junagadh / JG 1258 × BDN 9-3 / 1999 / Gujarat / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
32 / Annegiri / ARS, Gulbarga / Local selection from germplasm / 1978 / Karnatak / -
33 / JG 315 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Selection from WR 315 / 1984 / Haryana, Punjab, UP, Delhi, MP / -
34 / JG 74 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Selection from composite genetic stock / 1983 / Bihar, WB, Eastern UP, MP / -
35 / Digvijay / MPKV, Rahuri / Phule G 91028 ×Bheema / 2005 / Maharastra / -
36 / PBG 5 / PAU, Ludhiana / BG 257× Narsinghpur Bold / 2002 / Punjab / -
37 / GL 769 / PAU, Ludhiana / H233 × L168 / 1982 / Punjab / -
38 / PUSA 209 / IARI, New Delhi / P827 × C235 / 1980 / Rajasthan, Delhi, Eastern UP / -
39 / C 235 / PAU, Ludhiana / IP58 × C1234 / 1960 / Punjab and Haryana / -
40 / PBG 1 / PAU, Ludhiana / GG578 × NEC 206 / 1988 / NWPZ / -
41 / RSG 931 / RAU Durgapura / RSG44 × RSG524 / 2005 / Haryana, Punjab, UP, Delhi / -
42 / ICC 4958 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / - / - / - / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
43 / ICC 07110 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
44 / ICC 96030 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / -
45 / IPC 09-161 / IIPR, Kanpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
46 / ICC 8950 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / T (Krishnamurthy et al. 2011)
47 / ICCV 92944 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / (GW 5/7 × P 327) × ICCL 83149 / T
48 / ICCV 10 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / P 1231 × P 1265 / 1992 / Central and South Zone / T
49 / Haringhants - / Landrace / - / - / -
50 / ICC 4567 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / S (Krishnamurthy et al. 2011)
51 / PDE-2E / - / Accession / - / - / -
52 / ICC 96029 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / -
53 / PDG 85-1 / - / Accession / - / - / -
54 / JG 2003-109 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
55 / ICC 7117 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
56 / PDG 84-10 / - / Accession / - / - / -
57 / Pusa 408 / IARI, New Delhi / Mutant of G130 / 1985 / NWPZ / -
58 / JG99-115 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
59 / Pusa 391 / IARI, New Delhi / ‘ICCV 3935’ × ‘Pusa 256’ / 1996 / CZ / -
60 / ICCV07118 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
61 / JG 2002-87 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
62 / JG 2001-115 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
63 / Pusa 512 / IARI, New Delhi / P340 × G130 / 1983 / Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP / -
64 / ICCC 37 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / P 481 × (JG 62 × 1630) / 1989 / Central South India / T
65 / JG 01-14 / JNKVV, Jabalpur / Advanced breeding line / - / - / -
66 / ICC 1356 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / T(Gaur et al. 2016)
67 / IPC10-48 / IIPR, Kanpur / Advanced breeding line / -
68 / Barwan / Landrace / - / - / -
69 / ICC 15196 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / ICRISAT, Accession / - / - / -
70 / ICC 81248 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / ICRISAT, Accession / - / - / -
71 / ICC 14245 / ICRISAT, Patancheru / Accession / - / - / -
NWPZ= North West Plain Zone
NEPZ=North East Plain Zone
CZ=Central Zone
SZ=South Zone
T=heat tolerant
S= heat sensitive

Fig.1. Structure analysis of chickpea genotypes based on SSR markers data showing grouping of genotypes when K=2

Fig.2. Phenotypic distribution of mean value of MSI trait (data recorded in 2016and 2017 year) in 71 genotypes.

Fig.3.Phenotypic distribution of mean value of SCMR trait (data recorded in 2016 and 2017 year) in 71 genotypes.


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