English 10 Pre-AP Rowland Poetry Unit, Project weight = 3x
DUE DATE: ______ (may pass in up to 2 days late for -10pt each day)*
Choose one of the poems we studied from the list below and create a picture book of that poem.
“The Barn” by Heaney “I Wander’d Lonely as a Cloud” by Wordsworth
“Hatred” by Szymborska “Ballad of Birmingham” by Randall
“We Real Cool” by Brooks “The Bells” by Poe
“Mirror” by Plath “Not Waving but Drowning” by Smith
“The Fish” by Bishop “Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat” by Gray
o The poem should appear in the book in its entirety
o You may divide up your poem in any fashion, but be certain the illustration on each page matches the accompanying text in some way
o Illustrations may be hand-drawn and colored, printed from computer clip art and hand colored, created as collages from magazine photos, or comprised of your own photographs
o The book should have a cover and should be at least 8 pages in length (not including the cover)
o Do not make your picture book larger than 11”x17” or smaller than 8”x5”
o Cover should display poem name, poet name, student name, period, and date
GRADING RUBRIC (please include this sheet when you pass in your project)
pts Effort score Illustration/Layout score Accuracy/Follows Instructions
30 / Project shows exceptional time and effort in creation through exceptional detail and neatness / Cover is extensively decorated to reflect thematic elements or mood; illustrations accurately depict each excerpt of the poem in action, theme, and/or mood; poem is divided and displayed in some meaningful way to depict meter or highlight rhyme and/or important elements / Cover displays title and author of the poem, book is 8 pages or longer, illustrations appear on every page, book divides up and displays all of poem accurately20 / Project shows time and effort in creation / 2 of 3 above points fulfilled / 3 of 4 above points fulfilled
10 / Project shows minimal effort / 1 of 3 above points fulfilled / 2 of 4 above points fulfilled
0 / Project is sloppy and/or appears thrown together haphazardly / Illustrations and layout are not rendered in a way to convey greater meaning / Project does not follow instructions
+ Student name, period, and date appear clearly on front cover (10 pts) = ______total of 100
* if you have an excused absence on the day the project is due, you must provide a note from your parent or guardian stating that the project was complete before the date of your absence in order to avoid late penalties; if you know you will be out (field trip, etc), pass in your project the day before you leave