·  True or False

T / F
1 / Tim needs to revise for the maths test. / ✔
2 / The chapters to be revised for the test are numbers 3, 4 and 6. / ✔
3 / Jacopo finds some formulas on page 65 of chapter 3. / ✔
4 / The images in chapter 4 are not very helpful. / ✔
5 / Chapter 7 is the most important part to be known by heart. / ✔
6 / There are no exercises to be reviewed. / ✔

class test

·  Listen and complete the script

TEACHER: Ok, now that we all have a copy of the class test, we’re ready to begin. Don't start until I give the signal. Work alone and ... don’t panic. OK, you can start.

TEACHER: Is there a problem Jacopo?

JACOPO: No, no, ... really..

TEACHER Ok, just be careful: in the first exercise you need to substitute the argument of the sine with t. In the second one, I suggest you using the method of reduction.

TEACHER: Jacopo, what did I say? Work alone. Leave Tim be. There are only 20 minutes left.

recreation time

·  Select the correct answer

a.  To sign up for the extra activities you should go to the

o  Administration

o  Bar

o  Presidency

b.  Going downstairs Jacopo will find the

o  Chemistry lab

o  Physics lab

o  Biology lab

c.  The chemistry lab is on the

o  First floor

o  Second floor

o  Same floor as Jacopo and Tim’s class

d.  The Administration is

right next to the presidency

o  in front of the chemistry lab

o  at the end of the corridor

class test correction

·  Find the mistakes and correct

1 / After the maths test there is a personal correction. / mutual
2 / You get two points for each correct answer. / one
3 / You use a tick if the answer is wrong. / correct
4 / Jacopo’s test looks like a cementer. / cemetery
5 / Tim asks Jacopo to pay his drinks for a month. / week

asking for further information

·  Jacopo can’t write down Newton’s first law as stated by the teacher, can you? Complete the text

An ______will ______at ______or in ______in a ______unless ______upon by an ______.

An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

exercise time

·  This is the script of the video, find the mistakes and correct them

TIM: Oh come on.. It’s not a big meal (deal)..

JACOPO: Did you never (ever) get an F?

TIM: Of sure (course) not!

TIM: Ok, so let’s look at the exercise we were talking about before...ok?

JACOPO: I ate (hate) maths...

TIM: And don’t forget my three (free) drinks..

TIM: yea, yea…that's a good (the right) idea, ah ah… go (Keep) to the point. yea... You have (need) to go into more detail there... ah ah, yea, that’s it…


Ok, got it. How about this one? I just don't hollow (follow) your point here.


You got to chick (check) your fax (facts) I mean… You would get good scarfs (marks) for this.

JACOPO: If you say so...

TIM: I feel a little bit rusty (thirsty)... why don’t we go upstairs (downstairs) to the bar for a small drink...

ending the lesson

·  True or False

T / F
1 / Students should copy down what the teacher wrote on the board. / ✔
2 / Students have not work enough. / ✔
3 / Students have 10 exercises for the following day. / ✔
4 / Tim is going to a photography class in the afternoon. / ✔
5 / Jacopo is going to meet some friends in the afternoon. / ✔
6 / Tim wants to revise maths before the following morning. / ✔