Online Resource 1: Summary of literature search and list of the selected studies (including Fig. S1, Table S1, Table S2, Table S3 caption, and the full list of references)for the article “Laboratory social environment biases mating outcome: a first quantitative synthesisin a butterfly” by Nieberding and Holveck.

Fig. S1

PRISMA flow diagram summarizing the results of the systematic literature search and study selection criteria and process (after Moher et al. 2009; Nakagawa and Poulin 2012). aImpossible to retrieve sex ratio or density (i.e. cage volume or number of individuals of each sex was not reported). Supplementary Tables S1 and S2 shows studies excluded from analyses, and Table S3 the studies included in the analyses.

Table S1

List of the 38 excluded studies because of unrelated topics

Reference / Topic
Allen (2008) / Evolution and development of wing patterns
Bauerfeind and Fischer (2007) / Evolution of egg size
Beldade et al. (2002) / Evolution and development of wing patterns
Bijlsma and Loeschcke(1997) / Book on environmental stress, adaptation and evolution
Brakefield(2010) / Review/opinion on radiations of Mycalesine butterflies
Brakefield and Kesbeke(1997) / Developmental plasticity of growth
Brakefield and Mazzotta(1995) / Developmental plasticity of wing patterns and life history
Breuker and Brakefield(2003) / Developmental plasticity of wing patterns
Dierks and Fischer (2008) / Food preferences
Everett et al. (2012) / Developmental plasticity of vision
Fischer et al. (2003a) / Plasticity of egg size
Fischer et al. (2010) / Phenotypic plasticity of stress resistance
Franke et al.(2012) / Evolution and plasticity of stress resistance
Franke and Fischer (2013) / Inbreeding depression and plasticity of stress resistance and life history
Geister et al. (2009) / Embryonic development
Koch et al. (2000) / Development of wing patterns
Koch et al. (2003) / Development of wing patterns
Kooi(2000) / Adaption to host plant
Kooi and Brakefield(1999) / Developmental plasticity of wing patterns
Liénard et al. (2014) / Evolution of sex pheromone biosynthetic pathways
Lin et al. (2014) / Gene characterization in another butterfly species
Monteiro et al. (1997) / Evolution and development of wing patterns
Monteiro et al. (2007) / Evolution of wing patterns
Oostra et al. (2014) / Physiological mechanism of developmental plasticity
Pijpe et al. (2008) / Evolution of starvation resistance
Pijpe et al. (2006) / Evolution of lifespan
Saastamoinen et al. (2012) / Evolution of dispersal-related life-history syndromes
Saccheri et al. (1996) / Inbreeding depression and population persistence
Starnecker(1998) / Review/opinion on the evolution of pupae color in bivoltine butterflies
Steigenga and Fischer (2007b) / Developmental plasticity of life history
Steigenga and Fischer (2009) / Adaptive significance of developmental plasticity
Steigenga et al. (2005) / Evolution of egg size plasticity
Vanhoutte et al. (2002) / Identification and evolution of visual pigments
Van't Hof et al. (2008) / Characterization of chromosomes
Van't Hof et al. (2005) / Characterization of microsatellite loci
Vlieger and Brakefield(2007) / Predation
Wasik et al. (2014) / Evolution of wing patterns
Wijngaarden and Brakefield(2000) / Genetic basis of wing patterns

Table S2

List of the 14 relevant studies we excluded from analyses because cage volume or number of individuals of each sex was not reported, thus preventing the estimation of sex ratio or density

Bear et al. (2010)
Brakefield et al. (2009a)
Brakefield et al. (2009b)
Dierks et al. (2012a)
Dierks et al. (2012b)
Fischer (2007)
Fischer (2003b)
Kehl et al. (2013)
Lewis et al. (2010)
Mölleman et al. (2004)
Saccheri et al. (2005)
Steigenga and Fischer (2007a)
Van Oosterhout et al. (2000)
Zijlstra et al. (2002)

Table S3

Between-study comparison of experimental environments, traits under study and main results

See the Online Resource 2“ESM_2_TableS3.xlsx”. References (same ordering as Fig. 1 in Holveck et al. 2015): (1) Brakefield et al. (2001);(2) Breuker and Brakefield (2002); (3) Costanzo and Monteiro (2007);(4) Ferkau and Fischer (2006); (5) Fischer (2006); (6) Fischer et al. (2008); (7) Fischer et al. (2009); (8) Frankino et al. (2005); (9) Frankino et al. (2007); (10) Geister and Fischer (2007); (11) Heuskin et al. (2014); (12) Janowitz and Fischer (2010); (13) Janowitz and Fischer (2011); (14) Janowitz and Fischer (2012); (15) Joron and Brakefield (2003); (16) Karl and Fischer (2013); (17) Karl et al. (2013); (18) Kehl et al. (2014); (19) Lewis and Wedell (2007); (20) Nieberding et al. (2012); (21) Nieberding et al. (2008); (22) Prudic et al. (2011); (23) Robertson and Monteiro (2005); (24) Saccheri and Brakefield (2002); (25) van Bergen et al. (2013); (26) Westerman and Monteiro (2013); (27) Westerman et al. (2014b); (28) Westerman et al. (2012); (29) Westerman et al. (2014a); (30) Zwaan et al. (2008); (31) Holveck et al (2015)

Supplementary References

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Bauerfeind SS, Fischer K (2007) Maternal body size as an evolutionary constraint on egg size in a butterfly. Evolution 61:2374-2385

Bear A, Simons A, Westerman E, Monteiro A (2010) The genetic, morphological, and physiological characterization of a dark larval cuticle mutation in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. PLoS ONE 5

Beldade P, Brakefield PM, Long AD (2002) Contribution of Distal-less to quantitative variation in butterfly eyespots. Nature 415:315-318

Bijlsma K, Loeschcke V (1997) Environmental stress, adaptation and evolution. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, CH

Brakefield PM (2010) Radiations of mycalesine butterflies and opening up their exploration of morphospace. Am Nat 176:S77-S87

Brakefield PM, Beldade P, Zwaan BJ (2009a) The African butterfly Bicyclus anynana: A model for evolutionary genetics and evolutionary developmental biology. In: Behringer RR, Johnson AD, Krumlauf RE (eds) Emerging model organisms: a laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, NY, pp 291-329

Brakefield PM, Beldade P, Zwaan BJ (2009b) Culture and propagation of laboratory populations of the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 4

Brakefield PM, El Filali E, Van der Laan R, Breuker CJ, Saccheri IJ, Zwaan B (2001) Effective population size, reproductive success and sperm precedence in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, in captivity. J Evol Biol 14:148-156

Brakefield PM, Kesbeke F (1997) Genotype-environment interactions for insect growth in constant and fluctuating temperature regimes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 264:717-723

Brakefield PM, Mazzotta V (1995) Matching field and laboratory environments: Effects of neglecting daily temperature variation on insect reaction norms. J Evol Biol 8:559-573

Breuker CJ, Brakefield PM (2002) Female choice depends on size but not symmetry of dorsal eyespots in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 269:1233-1239

Breuker CJ, Brakefield PM (2003) Heat shock in the developmentally sensitive period of butterfly eyespots fails to increase fluctuating asymmetry. Evol Dev 5:231-239

Costanzo K, Monteiro A (2007) The use of chemical and visual cues in female choice in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274:845-851

Dierks A, Baumann B, Fischer K (2012a) Response to selection on cold tolerance is constrained by inbreeding. Evolution 66:2384-2398

Dierks A, Fischer K (2008) Feeding responses and food preferences in the tropical, fruit-feeding butterfly, Bicyclus anynana. J Insect Physiol 54:1363-1370

Dierks A, Kölzow N, Franke K, Fischer K (2012b) Does selection on increased cold tolerance in the adult stage confer resistance throughout development? J Evol Biol 25:1650-1657

Everett A, Tong X, Briscoe AD, Monteiro A (2012) Phenotypic plasticity in opsin expression in a butterfly compound eye complements sex role reversal. BMC Evol Biol 12

Ferkau C, Fischer K (2006) Costs of reproduction in male Bicyclus anynana and Pieris napi butterflies: Effects of mating history and food limitation. Ethology 112:1117-1127

Fischer K (2006) Reduced mating vigor in selection lines of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. J Insect Behav 19:657-668

Fischer K (2007) Control of reproduction and a survival cost to mating in female Bicyclus anynana butterflies. Ecol Entomol 32:674-681

Fischer K, Brakefield PM, Zwaan BJ (2003a) Plasticity in butterfly egg size: Why larger offspring at lower temperatures? Ecology 84:3138-3147

Fischer K, Dierks A, Franke K, Geister TL, Liszka M, Winter S, Pflicke C (2010) Environmental effects on temperature stress resistance in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana. PLoS ONE 5

Fischer K, Eenhoorn E, Bot ANM, Brakefield PM, Zwaan BJ (2003b) Cooler butterflies lay larger eggs: Developmental plasticity versus acclimation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270:2051-2056

Fischer K, Perlick J, Galetz T (2008) Residual reproductive value and male mating success: Older males do better. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275:1517-1524

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Franke K, Dierks A, Fischer K (2012) Directional selection on cold tolerance does not constrain plastic capacity in a butterfly. BMC Evol Biol 12

Franke K, Fischer K (2013) Effects of inbreeding and temperature stress on life history and immune function in a butterfly. J Evol Biol 26:517-528

Frankino WA, Zwaan BJ, Stern DL, Brakefield PM (2005) Natural selection and developmental constraints in the evolution of allometries. Science 307:718-720

Frankino WA, Zwaan BJ, Stern DL, Brakefield PM (2007) Internal and external constraints in the evolution of morphological allometries in a butterfly. Evolution 61:2958-2970

Geister TL, Fischer K (2007) Testing the beneficial acclimation hypothesis: Temperature effects on mating success in a butterfly. Behav Ecol 18:658-664

Geister TL, Lorenz MW, Hoffmann KH, Fischer K (2009) Energetics of embryonic development: Effects of temperature on egg and hatchling composition in a butterfly. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 179:87-98

Heuskin S, Vanderplanck M, Bacquet P, Holveck MJ, Kaltenpoth M, Engl T, Pels C, Taverne C, Lognay G, Nieberding CM (2014) The composition of cuticular compounds indicates body parts, sex and age in the model butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2:37

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