List Of Standard Operating Procedures

For the Biological Services Unit

  1. Staff changing procedures on entry to large animal facility
  1. Wearing of personal protective equipment
  1. Staff changing procedures on entry to the barrier facility
  2. Visitor changing procedure on entry and exit of the barrier facility
  1. Staff changing procedures on exit of the barrier facility
  1. Disposal of laundry and PPE
  1. Checking and recording temperature and the humidity of animal rooms
  1. Checking and recording the condition of all animals in a small animal holding room

9. Procedure in the event of finding a sick or dead animal

10. Disposal of small animal carcases

11. Monitoring of experimental animals in BSU care

12. Provision of food and water to rodents and rabbits

13 .Methods of cleaning animal cages and cage trays

14. Methods of disposal of animal waste

15. Methods of cleaning of animal rooms

16. Procedures for transferring dirty cages/waste from the barrier unit to the washroom/ skip

17. Procedures for operating the cage washing machine

18. Procedure for cleaning water bottles

19. Procedures for manual cleaning of heavy soiled cages

20. Procedure for re entry of washed items into the upstairs barrier unit

21. Procedures for receiving diet/bedding

22. The use of chemical agents for cleaning purposes

23. Procedures for receipt of new animals

24. Procedures for the despatch of new animals to UCC

25. Procedure in the event of an outbreak of disease in the unit

26. Procedure for the despatch of animals to external customers

27. The disposal of sharps and contaminated materials

28. Procedure for dealing with the media/public

29. Procedure in the event of electrical/mechanical breakdown

30. The operation of the hoist system in BSU

31. The security procedures in place on entry to the Biological Services Unit

32. The security procedures in place for research workers to gain access to the BSU after hours

33. The procedure in the event of a fire

34. The procedure in the event of an accident

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No. BSU 001

Date 10.1.2000

Status Approved

TITLE : Staff changing procedures on entry to the large animal facility

Objective :-

To maintain a high standard of personal hygiene in order to benefit both worker and animal .

To provide staff with suitable and comfortable working clothes and footwear.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that protective clothing must be worn at all times while in the animal units ,wash area and loading bay.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn when working with animals and chemicals as detailed in S.O.P no BSU 002

Description:- Each staff member will

  • Enter the large animal facility via the reception area.
  • Step in the virucidal footbath as you enter the building
  • Remove outdoor shoes and outer clothing and place in the personal lockers provided.
  • Put on overalls /apron as appropriate to tasks
  • Put on safety wellingtons as appropriate to tasks
  • Put on P.P.E as detailed in S.O.P BSU 002
  • Use shower and WC facilities as necessary
  • Proceed into and through the airlock ensuring to close the door behind before opening the door in front.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No BSU 002/2

Date 10/1/2000

Status Approved

TITLE: Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment

Objectives: To reduce the risk of the affects of Laboratory Animal Allergens in staff and to provide safe comfortable work wear for staff.

Policy: It is BSU policy that all staff and Researchers must wear adequate Personal Protective equipment while working with animals at the BSU.

Description: The Health and Safety Department of the Biological Services Unit has assessed the unit in relation to the PPE requirement here. Their findings are as follows.

All Staff must:

On entry to the ground floor changing area, change into transfer clothing as described in BSU 003. They must then put on a PP3 rated maskor flow hood system and a hairnet. They then proceed to the upstairs area as in BSU 003. The staff must not remove the PP3 mask or the hairnet until they reach the ground floor changing rooms again as to do so would allow allergens accumulated on the work wear into the face area, and defeat the purpose of wearing a mask.

Other Personal Protection includes.

Safety shoes and wellingtons.

Powder free latex gloves.

Peltex ear protection

Safety Glasses

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No. BSU 003/2.


Status Approved

TITLE: Staff changing procedures on entry to the barrier facility.

Objectives:- To maintain a high standard of cleanliness in the small animal facility.

To provide staff with suitable and comfortable working clothes and footwear.

Policy :-No person can gain entry to the small animal (barrier) facility without changing into “clean” overalls and footwear. All persons must wear suitable PPE as detailed in S.O.P no BSU 002

Description: All staff will:-

  • Enter the small animal facility via the reception area, downstairs changing facility and upstairs changing facility.
  • Remove outer clothing and footwear and place in the personal lockers provided in the downstairs facility
  • Put on transfer clothing (jog pants)
  • Put on transfer footwear
  • Proceed up the stairs and enter the upstairs changing facility
  • Remove jog pants and transfer shoes
  • Step across the barrier line
  • Change into the clean barrier overalls and safety shoes
  • Proceed into and through the airlock closing the door behind before opening the one in front.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No BSU 004

Date 10.01.2000

Status Approved

TITLE: Visitor/Researchers changing procedures on entry and exit of the barrier facility

Objective:- To ensure visitors/ researchers gown in a manner which does not expose themselves to allergens and to prevent contamination of the upstairs area from visitors footwear and clothing.

To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene is adhered to.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that visitors must wear protective clothing while visiting the Unit


All visitors will:-

On Entry

  • Step in the Virucidal footbath on entry to the BSU and ensure that the soles of your shoes are immersed in the liquid.
  • Proceed through the male or female changing areas to the area at the base of the stairs
  • Put on disposable face mask overshoes and paper suit in that order.
  • Proceed up the stairs and through the step over barrier room.

On Exit

  • Proceed to the base of the stairs
  • Remove overshoes and paper suit in that order
  • Finally the face mask should be removed
  • Paper suits and face masks are for one day use only and should not be worn on a second day.
  • The suits masks and overshoes must be discarded in the bin provided

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No BSU 005/2

Date 10.01.2000

Status Approved

TITLE: Staff changing procedures on exit of the barrier facility

Objective:- To ensure staff degown in a manner which does not expose themselves to allergens accumulated on their worker.

To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene is adhered to.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that degowning must be carried out in a sequence which does not expose the worker to excess allergens which may accumulate on worker.

Description: All staff will:-

  • Renter the changing rooms via the airlock
  • Remove safety shoes
  • Remove overalls and hang up or place across the barrier line for laundry
  • Step across the barrier line
  • Put on transfer clothing (jog pants and pool shoes)
  • Remove laundry to the laundry bin
  • Proceed down the stairs to the ground floor changing facility
  • Replace transfer clothing with either normal clothes or clothing suitable for working in the ground floor area.
  • Only then can the PP3 mask and hairnet be removed

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P. No BSU 006


Status Approved

Title:- Disposal of laundry and P.P.E

Objective:- To safely dispose of gloves, masks and other PPE in a hygienic manner

To minimise risk of staff being exposed to unnecessary allergens

Policy :- It is BSU policy that overalls are either disposable or laundered daily. Gloves are disposable and masks are to be used in accordance with SOP 002 depending on their quality.


  • Overalls are either (a) disposed of in bin provided

(b) placed in a special laundry bin provided and laundered


  • Latex gloves are discarded into a bin provided.
  • Face masks may be reused or discarded depending on quality and condition
  • Disposable items are removed to the skip.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No BSU 007

Date 11.1.2000

Status:- Approved

Title:- Checking and recording Temperatures and Humidity of animal rooms

Objective:- To determine the maximum and minimum room air temperatures reached in the previous 24 hour period. To determine the actual room air temperature at the point of taking.

To determine the percentage moisture content of the air at the point of taking.

To make a permanent record of the above.

Policy:- It is BSU policy the temperatures and humidity of every animal room is taken daily and recorded in a permanent record.

Description:-To check minimum ,maximum and actual temperatures.

  • Check the minimum temperature reached in the previous 24 hours by pressing the max/min button on the left hand side of the electronic thermometer. Record temperature.
  • Check the maximum temperature reached by pressing the min/max button on the left hand side of the thermometer
  • Check actual temperature when neither min or max thermometer symbols are shown

To check humidity:-

  • Read the value given in the hygro section of the unit

To Reset the unit

  • Press the max function
  • Hold the button for a min of 3 seconds
  • The unit will automatically reset all min/max values to current actual temperature/humidity

Written By :- Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By :-

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P no BSU 008

Date 11.1.2000

Status :- Approved

Title:- Checking and recording the condition of all animals in a small animal holding room

Objective:-To determine the health status of all the animals in the room

Policy:- It is BSU policy that all animals in the unit are checked as early as possible in the daily routine and that all findings are recorded in the daily log and any treatment required by an animal is addresses as quickly as possible.


  • Check the animals cage by cage
  • Open the cage or tap lightly on the side if you can not see the animal(s) properly
  • In the event of finding an injured sick or dying animal see S.O.P BSU008
  • Record any findings.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No BSU 009

Date:- 11.1.00

Status:- Approved

Title :-Procedure in the event of finding a sick injured or dead animal

Objective:-To ensure a quick and efficient method of dealing with sick animals. To remove dead animals as quickly as possible so as not to cause distress to other animals.

Policy:- All sick animals in the unit are reported to the technician or manager , who will decide whether it is necessary to treat or cull the animal

If treatment is required the veterinary surgeon on call may be notified if necessary.


  • In the event of there being a sick animal inform the manger or technician.
  • If neither the manager or technician are available or contactable the veterinary surgeon can be called if the technical assistant deems it necessary.
  • Isolate the animal and make as comfortable as possible
  • Make a record of the sickness/injury in the daily log
  • The manager or technician will make a decision what treatment the animal requires or if culling the animal is necessary.
  • Any dead animal is removed immediately and placed in a small plastic bag
  • All findings are recorded in the daily log.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P no BSU 010/2

Date:- 11.1.99

Status:- Approved

Title:- Disposal of small animal carcasses

Objective:-The disposal of small animal carcasses in a manner which minimises risk of infection and contamination of the environment.

Policy:-All small animal carcasses are placed special clinical waste bins and frozen for ease of disposal.


  • Place the animal in a special plastic bin (30l) in the freezer or if the animal is of experimental value wrap in a plastic bag available in the store room, clearly label and place in the bottom compartment of the fridge freezer.
  • Fill the bin to the maximum level
  • When full place the locking lid on the bin and remove with the help of 2 staff members
  • A maximum of 2 bins can be stored in the large freezer in the loading bay area while awaiting collection by Healthcare waste Management.
  • The bins must be accompanied be a C1 certificate otherwise collection will not take place.
  • Prefilled C1 Certificates are filed under ‘Waste Management@ in the managers office.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit BSU 011

Date :-11.1.99

Status :- Approved

Title:-Monitoring experimental animals in BSU care.

Objective:- To monitor the health status of animals involved in experimental procedures. To record all findings as part of the experiment.

Policy:- All experimental animals are observed as the rooms are being checked in the morning

The manager or nominee will contact the licensee in relation to any abnormalities.

The licence conditions in relation to minimising pain or distress must be strictly adhered to.


  • The experimental animals are checked on a daily basis by the animal care workers.
  • Any abnormalities are reported to the manager/technician
  • The manager /technician check the animal and decides which course of action to take.
  • The licensee is informed of the situation and an opportunity is given to alleviate any pain or distress
  • The Licence conditions are strictly adhered to if the animal is in pain or distress

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved By

Biological Services Unit

SOP No BSU 012/2

Date 12.1.2000

Status Approved

Title:- Provision of food and water to rodents and rabbits.

Objective:- To have an efficient method of ensuring that all animals have access to adequate food and water.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that all rodents have food and water ad-lib. Rabbits have water supplied by automatic drinkers and food is given on a ration basis.


  • Rodent rabbit are supplied by RED MILLS .
  • Rodents are fed R+M cubes, Rabbits RGP pellets.
  • The diet is stored in the large downstairs store and taken upstairs as required to the barrier unit.
  • A large bin (capacity 225 kg diet) is used to transport the diet to the upstairs barrier unit.
  • This bin is retained outside the lift on the upper floor
  • Each room has its own bin which is wheeled to the diet bin.
  • The diet is poured into the bins.
  • Feeding is normally done on cleaning days unless otherwise necessary.
  • The diet is scooped into the rodent hoppers until full.
  • Rabbits are given a measured ration in their hoppers.
  • All diet is fed in dry form.
  • Rodents are given water in water bottles.
  • Mouse bottles are emptied and re filled twice weekly
  • Rat water bottles are emptied and refilled twice weekly with a top up mid week.
  • The rabbit colony have their water bottles filled on a daily basis.

Written By Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved by

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P no BSU 013

Date 12.1.2000

Status Approved

Title :-Methods of cleaning animal cages and cage trays.

Objective:- To clean bedding cages and waste trays in an effective and efficient manner which minimises stress to animals.

To ensure staff are not exposed to excess dust and dander

Policy:- It is BSU policy that mice bedding cages are cleaned once weekly and rat trays are cleaned twice weekly. Trolleys are changed on a monthly basis.


  • Place the mouse cage on the cleaning trolley and place a clean cage base with bedding beside it.
  • Remove cage top and place animals in clean cage base
  • Place lid on the clean cage
  • Stack the soiled cages in convenient numbers
  • Move the stacked cages into the corridor
  • Remove tray from trolley.
  • Replace with clean tray
  • Stack the soiled trays in convenient numbers.
  • Move the stacked trays into the corridor

Written by Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved by

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P No 014/2

Date 12.1.2000

Status: Approved

Title:- Methods of disposal of animal waste.

Objective:- To remove waste products from the animal housing area in an efficient manner which reduces the risk on infection and is easy for handling.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that all animal waste is put in white bags and taken away in a skip to the local authority dump.


  • Filled white potythene bags are knotted and left in the hallway.
  • Waste exits the barrier via the waste airlock and the hoist
  • All bags are collected and taken to the skip in the loading area.
  • The skip is removed when full.

Written by Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved by

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P no 015

Date 12.1.2000

Status: Approved

Title:- Methods of cleaning of animal rooms.

Objective:- To have an efficient method of cleaning the floor and bench in an animal room.

Policy:- It is BSU policy that bench tops are kept clean at all times and the floors are kept swept and washed.


  • Using a cloth provided clean off any dirt, shavings, diet ect from the work top.
  • Rinse the sink ensuring no dirt remains .
  • Sweep all loose debris off the floor and place in bin bag, moving the racks to one side.
  • Half fill a bucket with water and add two squirts of cleaning agent (Iodophor)
  • Wash floor using squeezable mop and bucket.
  • Move trolleys and repeat procedure on unmopped area.
  • Take caution as floors may be slippery.

Written by Kieran Mc Manamon

Approved by

Biological Services Unit

S.O.P no BSU 016

Date 12.1.2000

Status: Approved

Title:- Procedure for transferring dirty cages / waste from the barrier unit to the wash room/ skip.