Spring 2012
January 14-May 9
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-12:30
Art Annex
Lab: Integrated
Printmaking I, II and III
ART 21504, 31504, and 41504
Studio Core Sequence
Art Department, School of Fine Arts
Professor: Benjy Davies, MFA
Phone: 245-7372
Office: Fine Arts, Room 126
Office Hours:
Monday: 12:30-1:30
Tuesday: 12:20-2:00
Wednesday: 12:30-1:30
Thursday: 12:20-2:00
Friday: By request
THE BIG QUESTION: How can I use printmaking tools and techniques to make original artwork?
What you should take from this course:
- Basic skills in the techniques of print media.
- More knowledge/skills in formal and conceptual aspects of art
- At least one piece of art that you are really proud of
This course will introduce the student to printmaking as an art form. Topics may include but are not limited to Relief, Intaglio, Lithography, Serigraphy and Photomechanical printmaking.
Printmaking II and III students will be completing self-directed research, and more difficult print techniques and assignments.
PREREQUISITES: none, Foundations sequence suggested.
TEXTBOOK AND OTHER REQUIRED MATERIALS: None. Materials will be supplied.
PROGRAM OUTCOMES--The following student learning outcomes have been adopted for the degree program for which this course is required:
Anchor PSLO
Student is able to:Create a cohesive body of work within the chosen area of concentration.
Other PSLOs
Student is able to:Demonstrate formal and technical proficiency in their area of study.
Student is able to:Exhibit and document their work and experiences professionally.
Student is able to:Explain the historical, cultural and conceptual aspects of their work.
Student is able to:Conduct independent research in the arts.
Each course included in the BFA Program has a relationship to the PSLOs, as stated in the BFA Program Policies Manual.
This Studio Core Course is designed to instruct the student in a specific media that develops skills necessary to create a cohesive body of work within the chosen area of concentration and to demonstrate technical and formal proficiency in a given media.
The work created in this course may or may not be part of the student’s senior exhibition.
This course may be used to satisfy the content area of the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree, with licensure in Multi-Age Visual Arts. The content standards that this course addresses are the following:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2, 4.4
COURSE OUTCOMES: The following outcomes have been adopted for this course. Alloutcomes listed below have direct relevance to course material. Upon completion of this course students are expected to demonstrate competence in these areas:
- Student is able to make editions of prints in a variety of print media.
- Student is able to relate content and materials.
- Student is able to make at least one print larger than 800 square inches.
- Student is able to print an edition of 20 prints consistently and neatly.
- Student is able to make work relating to the ideas, images or techniques of a professional print artist.
- Student is able to mat a print professionally.
- Student visited at least one museum during the semester and wrote a paper relating her or his work to something seen at the museum.
- Student is able to conduct independent research in print techniques, tools, or materials.
Course Grading
Component and Criteria / Professional / Developing / Below StandardAQIP Documentation (20 points)
- See AQIP Rubric
- See AQIP Rubric
- See AQIP Rubric
- See AQIP Rubric
Portfolio Completion (40 points)
- All five assigned projects completed
- All projects meet basic criteria for assignment
(40,39,38,37,36, 35) / One project is not completed, OR does not meet basic criteria for assignment.
(43, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25) / More than one project is not complete or does not meet basic criteria for assignment.
(24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Reflective Journal (10 points)
- hand-written journal is complete and clear
- includes correct typed form
- addresses each section adequately
- contains no mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, typos, different sizes or cases of fonts, etc.)
(10, 9) / Project does not satisfy one or two of the listed criteria.
(8,7,6) / Project fails to satisfy more than three of the listed criteria.
(5, 4, 3, 2, 0)
Museum Visit (5 points)
- Student visited museum
- Student related something to her or his own work
- Paper is correct length
- Paper includes images
- No mechanical errors
(10, 9) / Project does not satisfy one or two of the listed criteria.
(8,7,6) / Project fails to satisfy more than three of the listed criteria.
(5, 4, 3, 2, 0)
Self-Directed Achievement (25 points):
Each student must choose ONE of the following tracks to accumulate additional points in order to get a grade better than a “C”.
Track ONE-Quality
- All five assigned projects show superior quality, with no errors, creativity and insight, attention to every detail, and truly inspiring creativity.
(25, 24, 23, 22, 21)) / Three-Four projects reach this level of quality
(20,19,18,17,16) / One or two projects reach this level of quality
(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Track Two-Quantity
- In addition to the five assigned projects, five more projects are created that show a basic competence, and are roughly equal in scope to the five assigned projects.
(25, 24, 23, 22, 21)) / Three-Four more projects are completed
(20,19,18,17,16) / One or two more projects completed.
(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Track THREE-Effort
- The hand-written journal shows evidence of an average of five hours of additional work each week, above and beyond class time, hybrid sessions, and any time required to make up for excused and unexcused absences.
(25, 24, 23, 22, 21)) / Three-Four hours documented each week.
(20,19,18,17,16) / One or two hours documented.
(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Track Four-Improvement
- Each of the five assignments has been re-worked, and shows immense improvement over initial assessment. Before and after examples are clearly documented.
(25, 24, 23, 22, 21)) / Three-Four projects are clearly improved.
(20,19,18,17,16) / One or two projects are improved.
(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
Sub-Total: / Deductions for absences, lates: / Deductions for missed homework:
Deductions for Facebook/Cell phones:
Deduction for sitting at the lunch table talking: / Final Grade:
Letter Grade:
AQIP Disk Rubric-Bring your files on a flash drive, not a CD!!
Levels/Criteria / Professional / Developing / UnacceptableImage Quality
50 points possible / The images from this student are excellent. They contain exemplary focus, lighting, color balance, contrast, scaling references as appropriate, little negative space for three-dimensional work, two-dimensional work fills frame, image square to frame, clean background, clean image.
(50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40) / Most components of these images are ok, but some of the previous criteria are not as good as they could be.
(39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30) / So many of these criteria are missing, or unacceptable as to make these images unusable. (0)
All images and document files required are present.
20 points possible / Each image or document required by the instructor is included.
(20) / One or two documents or files are missing.
(15) / Three or more of the images or documents required by the instructor are missing.
File Names and Format
10 points possible / All of these files are named correctly according to assigned file names and are saved in the correct format.
(10) / One or two errors of file naming or format.
(5) / Three or more errors in file naming or format.
Image Size
10 points possible / All of the images are between 1000-2000 pixels in size.
(10) / One or two of the images are not between 1000-2000 pixels in size.
(5) / Three or more of the images are not between 1000-2000 pixels in size.
10 points possible / These images and files are submitted by the time requirement.
(10) / These images and files are submitted late.
(0) / These images and files are submitted late.
Total Score and divide by five to get AQIP component of the course.
Exams: None
Quizzes: None
Extra Credit Project(s): None-get your work done!
Lecture, Lab and Assignment Information: as above
Classroom and Lab Behavior and Class Participation:
It is expected that each student:
Always comes to class on time and ready to work
Completes all homework and projects on time
Helps other students and shares knowledge when working on projects
Undertakes challenging projects, and is willing to take risks
Leaves the workplace neat and clean and cleans up messes of others
Maintains a pleasant, enthusiastic attitude with other students, faculty and guests
Works outside of class at least 4 hours/week
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and Punctuality
- Attendance is mandatory.
- An excused absence is defined as “illness, family emergency, transportation emergency, professional conflict (job interview, etc.) or school-sponsored student activities.”
- In order for the absence to be excused, the instructor must be notified via email () or text (740-441-5950) by 5pm of the day of the absence.
- If excused absences prevent the student from completing the work in a reasonable fashion, the student may apply for a grade of “incomplete”.
- Every unexcused absence will result in a grade penalty of 2 points.
- Coming to class late or leaving early will result in a grade penalty of 1 point.
Homework/late work
- Homework will be assigned on a daily or weekly basis, as necessary.
- Completion of homework is mandatory.
- Every incomplete homework will result in a grade penalty of 1 points.
Classroom distractions
- No cell phones, facebook, youtube, email, or other non-instructional electronic distractions may be used during class.
- For each violation of this policy, there will be a grade penalty of 2 points.
Vocabulary: included in course website/handouts
ADA POLICY: If a student wishes to be identified as having a physical, mental, or learning disability, that may or may not require reasonable accommodation(s), he/she must register with the Office of Accessibility. These registered students should identify themselves to their instructors and provide a written statement from the Accessibility Office that indicates the appropriate accommodations. The process of a student self-proclaiming the need for accommodation should occur as early in the semester as possible. The Office of Accessibility phone is 245-7339 and is located in Rhodes Hall, Room 116, University of Rio Grande.
FERPA: The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College are committed to fully respecting and protecting the rights of students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These rights generally include the right to inspect, review and seek amendment to the student's education records and the right to provide written consent before personally identifiable information from education records is disclosed. Under FERPA, students have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures to comply with FERPA. Please see the Student Records Confidentiality/Rights Under FERPA section of the Student Handbook for details and more information.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Standard universitypolicies, as described in the Student Handbook, apply.
WITHDRAWAL: Standard universitypolicies, as described in the Student Handbook, apply.
Printmaking I / Printmaking II and IIIWeek One / Cardboard Print / Research Projects
Week Two / Cardboard Print / Research Projects
Week Three / Cardboard Print / Research Projects
Week Four / HIPS Engraving / HIPS Engraving
Week Five / HIPS Engraving/San Francisco / HIPS Engraving/San Francisco
Week Six / HIPS Engraving / HIPS Engraving
Week Seven / Monotype/Transfer/Xerox Transfer / Lithography/CMYK
Week Eight / Monotype/Transfer/Xerox Transfer-MIDTERMS / Lithography/CMYKMIDTERMS
Week Nine / Screenprinting / Lithography/CMYK
Week Ten / Screenprinting / Lithography/CMYK
Week Eleven / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice
Week Twelve / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice
Week Thirteen / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice / Trade Print/Art History/Student Choice
Weeks Fourteen / FINAL PORTFOLIOS DUE!!! (last day of class this week) / FINAL PORTFOLIOS DUE!!! (last day of class this week)
Week Fifteen / Final Critique, Written Test, Matting, Individual Meetings, AQIP disks, etc. / Final Critique, Written Test, Matting, Individual Meetings, AQIP disks, etc.
Midterm Portfolios Due: Thursday, March 7, 5PM
Final Portfolios Due: Thursday, April 25, 5PM
Final Exam: Thursday, May 9, 8:30-10:30 AM