List of Rents of the TaipeiInternationalConvention Center Public Areas
(in NT Dollars)

Effective As of January 1, 2001

Descriptions of the Public Areas / Area (sq. m/ping) / Dimensions (L x W x H) (meters) / Booths (3m x 2m) / Rent 08:30-12:30/13:30-17:30/18:30-22:30/ Holidays
1F North Foyer / 130.5/39 / 15 x 8.7 x 5 / 11 / 30,000
1F South Foyer / 130.5/39 / 15 x 8.7 x 5 / 11 / 30,000
Reception Area + Marble Area in front of 101AB (1F North Corridor + North Carpet) / 135/40 / 22.5 x 6 x 2.9 / 10 / 10,000
Reception Area + Corridor in front of 201ABC (2F North Corridor + North Carpet) / 130.2/39 / 21.7 x 6 x 2.9 / 10 / 10,000
Reception Area + Marble Area in front of 101CD (1F South Corridor + South Carpet) / 130.2/39 / 21.7x 6 x 2.9 / 9 / 10,000
Reception Area in front of 101AB (1F North Carpet) / 60/18 / 16.2 x 5.8 x 2.9 / ─ / 5,000
Reception Area in front of 101CD (1F South Carpet) / 60/18 / 16.2 x 5.8 x 2.9 / ─ / 5,000
Reception Area in front of 201DEF (2F South Carpet) / 60/18 / 16.2 x 5.8 x 2.9 / ─ / 5,000
1F West Corridor (in front of Room 103),
2F West Corridor / 90.94/28 / 42.7 x 2.2 x 2.9 / 8 4m x 1.5m booths / 5,000
2F North Corridor (in front of Room 205) / 63.8/19 / 11 x 5.8 x 2.5 / ─ / 2,000
2F South Corridor (in front of Room 204) / 85.26/25 / 14.7 x 5.8 x2.5 / ─ / 2,500
4F West Corridor (in front of 4F VIP Room) / 131/39 / 37.5 x 3.5 x 2.9 / 8 / 4,000
South (North) Rest Area in front of Room 401 / 40/12 / 8 x 5 x 2.9 / ─ / 1,500


1.A customer may conduct activities in the Central Lobby (excluding the 1F South/North Foyer) only when it leases the entire Convention Center or when no other meetings are proceeding in the Convention Center. The rent shall be NT$30,000 for each section.

2.For decorating rented areas or dismantling decorations, 40 percent shall be deducted off the rent for each section (08:30 ~ 12:30 ; 13:30 ~ 17:30 ; 18:30 ~ 22:30); where the decoration or dismantlement is made in the early hours(00:00 ~ 03:30 ; 03:30 ~ 07:30), 70 percent shall be deducted off the rent for each section.

3.A customer may conduct activities in the corridor in front of a meeting room only when it leases the meeting room; for example, only the lessee of Meeting Room 101AB may use the 1F North Corridor; should the meeting room be leased by a customer, no other customers may lease or use the corridor.

4.A customer may lease the reception area and the marble area in front of Room 101CD only when it also leases Meeting Rooms 101CD, 102 and 103.

5.Lessees holding international conferences and exhibitions may use, over lessees of the Plenary Hall, the flagpoles around the fountain at the intersection of Hsin Yi Road and Keelung Road. The flagpole rent, which is NT$10,000 for each conference session, shall be paid one month before the conference to confirm the right to use.

6.The rent of the marble check-in desk south of the Central Lobby shall be NT$5,000 for each section; nevertheless, the lessee of the Plenary Hall may use the desk free of charge. If necessary, the north/south check-in desk may be extended (to the north or south) by adding up to three desks (180cm in the total length/per desk), and the check-in desk rent for each section shall be NT$5,000. Where back walls (up to 2.6m in height) are erected behind such extended parts, the rent for each section shall be NT$10,000. Lessees holding international conferences shall have priority to lease the check-in desks.

7.The priority to lease the south and north sides of the central lobby for raising flags shall be granted asthepriority to lease the check-in desks in the Central Lobby. The rent of each side shall be NT$10,000 for each conference section.

8.No decorations in the pubic areas are allowed to block the ConferenceCenter's air-conditioning units, fire extinguisher cabinets, emergency exits or the entrance to the AV control room.