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As of October the 1st, we have setup a new booking system based on the SFR guidelines (Lyon-Est based Research Health Federation).
The first step for each user is to create his/her account as follows:
- Follow this link:
- Select “fiche utilisateur”.
- To create your account, select: “veuillez créer une fiche utilisateur”.
- You should see the following page:
Enter “Surname”, “First name” and then select your “Team”“équipe”, please make sure you select the right team, since this team will be billed for the time you spend on the cytometer. Enter your e-mail address “Courriel” and telephone number in case we have to contact you.
If your team is not listed, contactme at ().
For your Login use “First name.Surname”.
Choose a password. Be careful, however, as I will not be able to access your password and will not be able to help you if you forget it. A new user account will have to be created in that event.
You then have to select the equipment you wish to use:
- Names preceded by CRCL refer to equipment based at the CRCL or at the CLB
- Names preceded by LAENNEC refer to equipment based at the CeCIL (Centre Commun d’Imagerie de Lyon-Est, a microscopy platform), located in the Lyon-Est Medical Faculty
- Names preceded by ROCK refer to equipment belonging to Charles
DUMONTETs’ team, located in the Rockfeller Faculty
- Once you have completed the user account form, I will authorise you, or not, to use the equipment you have selected, according to the training you have received beforehand.
- If you repeatedly break some of the rules established in the general procedures, or damage the equipment, I will suspend your authorisation and you will no longer be allowed to use the cytometer.
- Once you are authorised to use this machine, you automatically gain access to its booking schedule.
- The cytometers can be used:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week for holders of a CLB access badge
from 9 am to 6 pmduring week days and outside of bank holidays for people who are not badge holders
- The shortest time slot is 30 minutes.
- If you wish to book the equipment for more than 3 hours, you have to free the equipment after the first 3 hours, for at least 30 minutes,so as to allow a different person to use the equipment.
- You have to include the time it takes the machine to conduct a cleaning cycle (15 minutes) in your own time schedule, since no other person can use the equipment during that time.
If another user has booked the equipment after you, you should clean the equipment 10 minutes using the FACSClean and FACSRinsesolutions, followed by 5 minutes with water
If you are the last user that day: 15 minutes FACSRinse + 10 minutes FACSClean + 5 minuteswith water
- The time slot can be booked 15 minutes after this slot has begun, at the latest.
For example: you may reserve the time slot between 2 pm and 2.30 pm, at 2.15 pm at the latest.
- You can cancel a time slot 15 minutes before the time slot begins, at the latest.
For example: you can cancel the 2-2.30 pm time slot at 1.45 pm at the latest.
- Once a time slot has begun, it is automatically billed.
- You will automatically be sent a confirmation e-mail when you book an equipment.
- Follow the link:
- Select the equipment you wish to use, beware you book the right one:
- Confirm the equipment you wish to use “Valider”.
- The schedule will then appear:
- The current time slot is highlighted (here at 4 pm/16h00).
- Only one person per equipment can book a night shift.
- The colour code gives you some additional information:
“Libre”/Free: you can book the time-slot.
“Libre, sans assistance”/Free, without supervision: you can book the equipment but I won’t be available to supervise your work.
“Attente de confirmation”/Awaiting confirmation: another user is waiting for me to confirm that I will be available to supervise his/her work.
“Occupé”/Booked: the time slot is booked.
“Indisponible”/Out of order: the cytometer is out of order (breakdown, servicing, …)
- Select the beginning of your time slot (2 pm/14h00 if you wish to use it between 2-5 pm 14h00 - 17h00).
- You can then:
Either book the 2 pm to 5 pm time slot directly:
- However, you won’t be able to cancel part of your slot in case you finish earlier (from 4 pm to 7 pm for example).
- You will be billed for the 3 hours.
Or book the 3 hours in shorter time slots (6 times 30 minute time slots):
- You will be able to cancel part of your slot (from 4 pm to 5 pm for example).
- If you cancel the 4-5 pm time slot you will only be billed for 2 hours.
- You can request some supervision/assistance:
- Confirm your booking by entering your Login and password.
- I will received your request for supervision by e-mail and will let you know as soon as possible if I am available.
- To cancel a booking, click on the trash/bin icon next to your name:
- Confirm the cancelation of your booking by entering your Login and password:
- You can also be included in the electronic mailing list, and receive information related to each cytometer:
-You can also leave a comment in case of breakdown, clogging of the machine,… (this should not prevent you from telling me directly), by selecting the comment box next to your name (once you have signed out).