List of Mentors
Name / Primary Dept. / Research Interests / Email AddressBlack, Dan / Harris / Impact of Education on the Mortality Rates of Older Americans; Labor Economics /
Cagney, Kathleen / Sociology, Public Health Sciences / Relationship of Environment to Health and Well-Being of Older Adults /
Charles, Kerwin / Harris / Applied Microeconomics; Labor Markets /
Chin, Marshall / Medicine / Assessment of Treatment Preferences of Older Persons with Diabetes; Improving the Care and Outcomes of Vulnerable Patients with Chronic Disease; Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers /
Dale, William / Medicine / Identification and Treatment of Vulnerable Older Patients Who Have Complex Medical Conditions, including Cancer; Medical Decision-Making; Quality of Life, and Frailty;
Role of Emotions in Decisions About Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment /
Hawkley, Louise / NORC / Psychological, Physiological, and Health Correlates of Individual Differences in Sociality During Aging /
Heckman, James / Economics / Inequality and Lifecycle Dynamics of Skill Formation /
Huisingh-Sheetz, Megan / Medicine / Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine; Frailty and the Role of Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Energy Expenditure in the Pathophysiology of Aging /
Huang, Elbert / Medicine / Aging, Diabetes, and Health Economics; Clinical Decisions Related to the Care of Older Diabetes Patients /
Hurst, Erik / Booth / Housing Markets; Labor Markets; Household Financial Behavior /
Kalil, Ariel / Harris / The Impact of Economic Conditions and Parents’ Socioeconomic Status
Across the Lifespan; Child Development in Low Income Families /
Kocherginsky, Masha / Public Health Sciences / Statistical Methods in Medical and Biological Research /
Konetzka, Tamara / Public Health Sciences / Health Economics, Long-Term Care; Effects of Financing and Market Structure on Quality of Care; Medicare and Medicaid Policy; Health Workforce Issues /
Kozloski, Michael / NORC / Aging; Demography; Genderand Sexuality /
Lauderdale, Diane / Public Health Sciences / Sleep Quality and Functional Health Status at Older Ages; Health of Immigrant
Populations; Use of Preventive Care Services /
Laumann, Edward / Sociology / Human Sexuality Among Older Americans; Sexuality in Urban Places; Subjective Well-Being; Quality of Life, Health Status; and Social Networks in Various Social Contexts /
McClintock, Martha / Psychology / Biopsychology, Pheromones and Social Behavior Among Older Adults /
Meltzer, David / Medicine, Harris, Economics / Improving the Cost and Quality of Hospital Care; Theoretical Foundations of Medical Cost Effectiveness and Analysis Applied in the Context of Diabetes and Prostate Cancer; Integrated Inpatient and Outpatient Care for High-Risk Medicare Patients /
Menendez, Alicia / Harris / Fertility; Investments in Human Capital; Labor Economics; Household Behavior /
Monk, Ellis / Sociology / Comparative Research on Ethnoracial Inequality and Health Disparities /
Neal, Derek / Economics / Demography; Economics /
O’Muircheartaigh, Colm / Harris / Survey Sample Design; Measurement Errors in Surveys; Cognitive Aspects of Question Wording; Latent Variable Models for Nonresponse /
Pinto, Jayant / Surgery / Age-Related Olfactory Decline; Chronic
Rhinosinusitis /
Schumm, Philip / Public Health Sciences / Social Relationships and Health Among Older Adults /
Song, Xi / Sociology / Role of Grandparents in Social Mobility;
Demography, Social Stratification and Mobility; Family and Kinship /
Trinitapoli, Jenny / Sociology / Transitions to adulthood in sub-Saharan Africa, fertility, religion, HIV /
Wroblewski, Kristen / Public Health Sciences / Survival Analysis; Longitudinal Analysis; Survey Data Analysis /
Waite, Linda / Sociology / Social Demography, Aging, the Family, Health, Working Families, and the Link
Between Biology, Psychology, and the Social World /