Pediatric Infectious Diseases

  1. Features of infections and immunity in children. Prevention of childhood infectious diseases (specific and nonspecific). Organization of preventive vaccinations for children.
  2. Diphtheria.Etiology, epidemiology. Pathogenesis of different clinical forms. Pharyngeal diphtheria. Clinical forms. Complications. Laryngeal diphtheria. Diphtheria of the nose, eyes, genitals, skin. Diagnosis. Treatment of diphtheria. Antidiphtheritic serum, the method of it’s administration. Prevention of diphtheria.
  3. Scarlet fever. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. Classification of scarlet fever. The clinical picture of typical and atypical forms. Complications. Treatment. Prevention.
  4. Measles. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. Clinical picture of typical and atypical forms. Complication. Basic principles of treatment. Prevention of measles.
  5. Rubella. Etiology pathogenesis. Clinical picture, diagnostics. Congenital rubella. Treatment. Prevention.
  6. Pertussis. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Features of pertussis in infants. Complications. Laboratory diagnostic. Principles of the therapy of patients with pertussis. Prevention.
  7. Chickenpox. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. The clinical picture of typical and atypical forms of chickenpox. Complications. Treatment, prevention.
  8. Herpes zoster. Diagnosis. Treatment.
  9. Herpetic infection (herpes simplex). The etiology, ways of transmission. Clinical forms, diagnosis. Treatment.
  10. Mumps. Etiology, epidemiology. Classification. The clinical picture of different forms of mumps (mumps, submaxillitis, sublinguitis, pancreatitis, orchitis,meningitis, etc.). Treatment. Prevention.
  11. Influenza. Clinical course. Especially in young children. Complications and their pathogenesis. Treatment. Prevention.
  12. Parainfluenza viruses and respiratory syncytial (RS) infection in children. Features of clinical manifestations. Treatment, prevention.
  13. Adenovirus infection. Ways of transmission. Features in the young children. Treatment. Prevention.
  14. Pharyngitis (tonsillitis) in children. Etiological characteristics depending on age. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  15. Meningococcal infection. Etiology. Epidemiology.Pathogenesis. Clinical forms. The clinical picture of meningococcal meningitis. Features in children 1-st year of life.
  16. Meningococcemia, the clinical picture. Laboratory diagnosis. Basic principles of treatment. Prevention. Emergency conditions (septic shock, brain edema), diagnosis and treatment, prehospital and hospital care.
  17. Infectious mononucleosis.Etiology. Clinical picture. Laboratory diagnostic. Basic principles of treatment.
  18. Poliomyelitis. Etiology. Clinic. Treatment. Prevention.
  19. Enteroviral infections. Etiology. Epidemiology. Clinical forms. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
  20. Shigellosis in children. Morbidity in different age groups. Clinical picture, diagnostic. Treatment. Prevention.
  21. Salmonellosis in children. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical forms. Treatment. Prevention.
  22. Escherichia coli infection in children (EPEC, ETEC, EIEC, EHEC, EAEC). Etiology. Clinical features in children of different age groups depending on the pathogen. Treatment. Prevention.
  23. Acute intestinal infections in infants. Etiological structure. Clinical features. Diagnosis. Treatment.
  24. Pseudotuberculosis.Epidemiological features of children. Pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment, prevention.
  25. Intestinal yersiniosis (Yersinia enterocolitica infection). Features of epidemiology in children of different ages. Pathogenesis. Clinical forms. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
  26. Rotavirus.Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Treatment.
  27. Viral hepatitis A. Etiology. The clinical picture in children. Laboratory diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
  28. Viral hepatitis B. The etiology, pathogenesis. Features of the young children. Laboratory diagnostic. The principles of therapy.
  29. Peculiarities of the diagnostic of hepatitis C, D, E and others. Their courses in children.
  30. HIV / AIDS in children. Epidemiology. Clinical picture. Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.
  31. TORCH-infections: toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection herpetic infection.Characteristics of pathogens, epidemiology, pathogenesis of congenital and acquired forms, clinical manifestations, depending on the route and timing of infection. Laboratory diagnostic of acute, latent forms and exacerbations. Principles of treatment and prevention.