Ultimate Purpose
Today is Firstfruits. Yes this is the first day of the month. Yes, this is the First Fruits First Devotional. Most significantly, this day, the first day of April, corresponding to the Hebrew calendar of Nissan 17, is literally the day of Firstfruits as described in Leviticus 23:9-12. Hallelujah!
I don’t believe in accidents. I believe that the Lord directs our every step. God ordained this to take place long before any of us ever realized that today is the exact day for the celebration of Firstfruits.
The Kingdom of God is very much in order. What a relief to know that the Lord is fully in charge of all activities on earth and in heaven. This is a great comfort as we work our way through the chaos of life.
Seldom do we see the connection between how the Lord is guiding us to be obedient and the ultimate purpose behind our actions. How could Israel know the significance of the blood on their doorways in Goshen? Certainly they needed protection as the Angel of Death passed over. But Israel could never have known about the curtain that would separate them from the Most Holy Place within the Temple standing in Jerusalem.
Consider that the blood on their doorways sealed their protection from death. When the curtain tore in the temple at the moment of Yeshua’s death, the Lord completed His timeline from the release of Egyptian bondage to the conquering of death itself.
Let us keep these events in mind as we struggle with our day-to-day activities. Little do we know how the Lord uses our actions to further his purposes. Even our challenges become His building blocks for the Kingdom.
Three days following the tearing of the curtain, on this day of Firstfruits, Yeshua’s resurrection would come. The Firstfruits offering that Israel was instructed to bring on this very same day would find its fulfillment in our Messiah as he conquered death and all sin. Never in our wildest dreams could humanity have fathomed God’s plan for salvation and redemption.
This day was set in order for us to reveal God’s specific plans for our life and for the life of His only Son. May this day of First Fruits First bring resurrection power to you as we celebrate the defeat of sin and death. Amen.