List of Current Major Procurement Items at 21 November 2012
Title / Estimated Value ex GST / Description / StatusTatura Park Drainage Works / $100,000 / Drainage and associated works / Jarvis Delahey has been awarded the contract under delegated authority for the sum of $128,700 inclusive of GST. Works are to be completed by End December 2012
Contract 1380 Supply of Crushed Rock and Sealing Aggregate / $1,500,000 / This is a 12 month contract for the supply of various gravels both ex bin and to several locations within the Municipality. This will be a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers will be appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / Report was presented to the Council meeting of 20 November 2012. This a panel of suppliers contract, EB Mawson and Sons, Boral Construction and Norville Pty Ltd were appointed to the panel
Contract 1379 Supply of Pre-Mix Concrete / $500,000 / This is a 12 month contract for the supply of various concrete mixes and volumes to locations within the Municipality as needed. This will be a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers will be appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / Report was presented to the Council meeting of 20 November 2012. This a panel of suppliers contract, E B Mawson and Sons and Boral Limited were appointed to the panel
Extension to Contract 1234Supply and delivery of Hot and Cold Bituminous Products / $1,000,000 / This is a 36 month contract,with provisions for extension, for the supply of various Bitumen Products and Sealing of Roads. This is a Panel Contract under a Standing Offer Agreement (a number of suppliers were appointed and goods sourced according to availability and location of the work site) / An extension of the contract to 30 June 2013 was agreed under the provisions of the existing contract. This is a panel contract; contract extension was negotiated, with EDI Downer successful.
Contract 1384 Watt Road Enhancement Works / $500,000 / Re-profile and reseal 1200 metres of road (and associated drainage works) from near rail crossing on Watt Road in the direction of Goulburn Valley Highway / Tenders closed on Wednesday 26 September 2012 and are currently being evaluated. A report and recommendations will be presented to the Council meeting of 18 December 2012
Contract 1387
Concrete Crushing / $400,000 / This is a 24 month contract for crushing of waste concrete at Council’s Wanganui Road for the purpose of use as recycled material / Tenders closed on Wednesday 26 September 2012 and are currently being evaluated. A report and recommendations will be presented to the Council meeting of 18 December 2012
Extension of Contract 1186
Saleyards Operations / $500,000 / This is a 48 month contract, with provisions for extension, for the operation of the Shepparton Regional Saleyards. / An extension of the contract to 31 December 2013 is proposed under provisions of the existing contract. A report recommending the contract extension will be presented to the Council meeting of 18December 2012
Contract 1392 Fryers Street Streetscape Andrew Farrell / $135,000 / This contract is for Fryers Street Streetscape works from Wyndham Street to Welsford Street / Tenders will be advertised on approximately 14 December and close mid January 2013
Contract 1396 Cosgrove Landfill – Cell 3 Cap / $400,000 / Construction of a Phyto Cap to Cell 3 of Council’s Landfill at Cosgrove / Tenders will be advertised on Friday 23 November and close Wednesday 19 December 2012. It is anticipated a report and recommendations will be presented to the February 2013 Council meeting
Contract 1397 – Upgrade of Shepparton Transfer Station / $1,800,000 / Upgrade of the Shepparton Transfer Station including an enclosed “walking floor” waste receival area and This contract will take approximately 6 months. / Tenders will be advertised end of January 2013 and close at the end of February. It is anticipated a report and recommendations will be presented to the March 2013 Council meeting
Contract 1398 Construction of Culvert / $170,000 / Construction of culvert. Works are expected to take around 6 weeks but weather dependant as jobsite is located in a depression. / Tenders will close late December with the contract award by Early January 2013 and authorized by delegated authority.
Contract 1400 Powerline Pruning 2013 / $200,000 / This contract is for municipality powerline pruning that will be carried out in March 2013. / Tenders will be advertised end of November and close end of December 2013. It is anticipated a report and recommendations will be presented to the February 2013 Council meeting.
TRIM Ref.: M12/68220