Lisa Heger, Linda Kokoros, Leah Nabstedt, Jeffrey Rubin and Kristen Zechello
Minutes from the September 30, 2015 meeting went through final approval and are being forwarded on for submission to the School Committee.
SEPAC Membership meeting held 10/15/15 at 6pm, Thayer Library
· New preschool parent came to meeting and is excited to get involved. Mrs. Sutton will be taking on some tasks to inquire with other organizations for help with funding for Sara Ward Workshop on May 16th.
SEPAC School Committee Presentation 10/19 meeting
· Each year in the fall the SEPAC Board presents a report of last year’s goals and the goals for the upcoming school year along with a schedule of upcoming events and workshops. The presentation this year also included an overview of the organization’s role for the new Superintendent, Dr. Frank Hackett.
· This year the board due to the many competing priorities will need to scale back on some of the new offerings (i.e. parent to parent discussions) but will continue the core workshop offerings and focus on generating more parent involvement to increase manpower.
Basic Rights Workshop held October 13th with Weymouth and Holbrook
· Had only one Braintree parent attend besides SEPAC Board. Opened up discussion of the advertising of our workshops via Connect Ed.
Upcoming November 5th Workshop – “Home & Community Supports”
· (See update above)
Connect Ed Email for Workshop Announcements
· SEPAC requested that the Central Office either communicate with Principals and encourage sharing SEPAC Information via Connect Ed or communicate globally on SEPAC’s behalf about SEPAC workshops to assist with boosting parent involvement and participation. Mrs. Fay-Beers was supportive of idea and will investigate.
PDP Procedure for Braintree Staff to attend SEPAC Workshops
· Mr. Rainie, South Principal has asked SEPAC how staff can attend SEPAC Workshops for PDP hours/credits. Mr. Rainie attended the SEPAC Membership meeting in September and hopes to encourage his staff to attend events and inform them how to get credit.
· SEPAC workshops are free and some wonderful topics are presented each year. It would also be encouraging for parents to see teachers in attendance.
· General Ed Teachers need 15 PDPs for Special Ed for re-certification. The Administration was supportive of this and will do some research on the procedure and inform the group.
· Mrs. Fay-Beers will follow up and share more information at the next meeting.
Equipment Issues in the Language Based classrooms at Braintree High
· .SEPAC asked about a few issues discussed at a member meeting regarding a classroom without a short throw projector, and no printing capability in room 143.
· The group discussed the fact that there is only one Maintenance person who can do the installs and that person was out so there are some installs behind. Several contractor shave been brought in to assist with the many technology initiatives that are underway.
· Mr. Rubin reported that all short throw projectors are in now.
· So much technology had been installed this summer and there wasn’t enough manpower to get all issues resolved
· Mrs. Fay-Beers discussed that a new server necessitated reconfiguring printing system wide and that all printing issues should be fixed at this point
Subcommittee Updates/Goals for the school year 2015-2016:
· MCAS/PARCC(Eileen Donohue -Chair)
o MA decision on transition to PARCC (November 2015)
o “MCAS 2.0” was discussed. Braintree’s two PARCC Fellows feel the students are prepared and although MCAS will be re-vamped, we were ahead of the game in Braintree because PARCC was piloted last year. There will be a letter drafted by the School Committee soon and November 17th there will be a public meeting to address concerns at Malden High School.
o As goals and objectives are decided Professional Development and tutoring for students will still be on the plan.
o Teachers feel very uncomfortable with not knowing how the state is going to proceed. vote to decide
· Anti-Bullying (Linda Kokoros - Chair)
o Mrs. Fay-Beers requested that Principals book either “Tiger” or “Roar” Anti-Bullying presentations as well as “Boston vs. Bullying”. Spring is target time for the Special Education Programs use the board games from “Boston vs. Bullying”.
· Diversity (Suzanne Brouillard – Chair)
o Mrs. Zechello asked about dates for ELL Parent Evening. Mrs. Fay-Beers will share dates as they’re booked. Title 1 families will also be included for those presentations. SEPAC wants to be included to be a resource for parents at all of these events.
o Mr. Rubin brought up the fact that Sesame Street has introduced a new character with autism named Julia. Discussion among the attendees involved how there is such a large population of children now with autism and the awareness being spread in many ways. So many positive things are happening in disability awareness in all areas.
· Community Inclusion Awards (Kristen Zechello-Chair)
o SEPAC purchased DVD copies of the 2015 event from BCAM for all the recipients this year’s award.
· Community Outreach (Kristen Zechello-Chair)
o Implementation of “New Parent Binder” to be this fall, Mrs. Brouillard will be working on this initiative.
o SEPAC made it to most Open Houses and the Principals and Secretaries were very supportive and helpful to ensure our materials were available for distribution for all parents.
· SEPAC Website - (Suzanne Brouillard-Chair)
o Hoping to change the structure a bit to show subcommittee topics to guide parents to particular resources.
· SEPAC Facebook Page - (Leah Nabstedt -Chair) – No update at this meeting
· Transition (Leah Nabstedt - Chair)
o Mr. Rubin informed the group that the November 3rd PD day, all elementary, middle and high school Special Ed teachers that are transitioning students will be required to attend a training on the issue of transition. Early in the year they will be able to interact with and have discussion with the next program or classroom students will be moving to.
o SEPAC continues to stress to administration the importance of communication on behalf of students in Special Ed programs AND mainstreamed students. Mr. Rubin explained that this training would only be for students with resource or program students on IEPs and not students on 504 plans.
o Mr. Rubin spoke about how teachers are aware of students on 504s and many alternative programs are not Special Ed programs.
o Mrs. Zechello asked about the appx. 200 students on 504 plans and who would be the “oversight” contact person would be. Every building has a 504 coordinator and Mr. Rubin will share the list so SEPAC can post to the website.
o SEPAC will share information each year with parents to ensure that they are connecting with their child’s 504 coordinator to ensure all information is being shared with new teachers each year and accommodations are implemented.
PARCC the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career
· See update above
Ongoing Space Concerns/School Building Committee – No update at this meeting
· Results from the survey taken in the spring regarding school buildings have been tabulated. The results will be discussed at future School Committee Meetings. Building a new High School was the #1 option however, not by much of a margin.
Support/Resources for students with anxiety
· Mrs. Fay-Beers discussed possible speakers with Anthony Garofalo, Director of Guidance. Several names were discussed and she will be following up with the different districts that have had the speakers for feedback and will target presenters for January Professional Development day.
· The social and emotional health of students is a prevalent topic currently and the effect of a student struggling with anxiety is absolutely going to impact the classroom, and teachers.
· Laurie Melchionda , Interim Director of Nurses, will be attending a full day of training at Children’s Hospital on several topics regarding Mental Health issues in children which she can then share with staff.
Next Meeting
· Has been rescheduled to November 30, 2015 11:45am at BHS Special Services Office
Minutes prepared by
· Kristen Zechello