IBMSPSSStatistics21 Installation Guide

Step 1

Browse the DVD and execute the file

(by right clicking it and selecting “Run as Administrator” for Windows Vista/7):


(SPSS_Statistics_21_win64_.exefor 64 bit OS installations)

Step 2


Step 3

Choose “Single user license (I purchased a single copy of the product)” and click “Next”

Step 4

Choose “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click “Next”

Step 5

Inserttheinformationat the appropriate fields and click “Next”

*this information is optional

Step 6

Choosethehelplanguage(s) youwantfortheinstallationandclick “Next”

Step 7

Choose whether you need JAWS and click “Next”

(JAWS for Windows is screen reading software for those with visual impairments)

Step 8

Choose the installation folder and click “Next”

Step 9

Click “Install” and wait until the installation is completed

Step 10

Unclick “Click here to register for product updates and special offer alerts. Two minutes is all it takes!” and click “Finish”

Step 11

Automatically the “IBMSPSSStatistics21Licensing” window appears, choose “Licensemyproductnow” and click “Next”.

Incasethiswindowdoesnotappearautomatically, youcanopenitthroughthefollowingroute

Step 11


(There should be an InternetConnection)

Click “Next”.

Awindowwithgreenlettersshould appear – Click “Next”

If “Successfully processed all codes” appears, click “NEXT”, then “Finish” and you can open IBM SPSS Statistics.

If“Oneormorecodesfailed” appears, then follow the next steps:

You must get a personal LICENSECODE!

In order to get your personal code you should send an email at th your authorization code and your lockcode.

Lockcodeis different for every computer. In order to find it you go to “Start -> Run”

At the appearing window you copy-paste the command:

C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\21\echoid.exe

And clickΟΚ

Another window will open with your Lockcode (looking like the one below)

WritedownyourLockcode, :

Please send myLICENSECODEfor IBMSPSSStatistics 21.

My authorization code is <authorization code

AndmyLockCodeis: <the code you just wrote down> (e.g.100-25E8F)


Your Name

Ina (working) dayyouwillgetacodethatwilllooklikethis:


You will copy-paste it at the “IBMSPSSStatistics21Licensing” window (step 10-11)

The code must be copied with the # symbol. Open IBMSPSSStatistics21. At the bottom right of the window there should be a statement:

“Processor is ready”

If Statistics 21 does not function correctly you can send us an email with the print screen of the error that appears with a description of the problem at

or call us at
