Call for Proposals for 2018 Annual Conference

Connect, Collaborate, Innovate

April 4-6, Las Vegas

ExtendedDeadline: October 27, 2017

The theme of the 2018 NAAC conference emphasizes the purpose of the meeting –for stakeholders in alternative certification toconnect with new and established colleagues; find opportunities to collaborate across programs, states, regions and sectors; and explore ways to innovatein delivering teacher preparation for the 21st century.NAAC invites teacher and administrator preparation programs, licensing and certifying agencies, district human resources departments, researchers, policy organizations, and other stakeholders to submit proposals for the conference. We welcome proposals for workshops, roundtables, and intern-focused sessions.

We encourage innovative proposals on diverse topics. The topics below are examples of the possibilities that relate to connecting, collaborating and/or innovating.

  • How have you successfully used accountability measures and/or evidence of impact to improve your program?
  • What challenging policy issues does your state face and how are they being addressed?
  • What new curricular tools and resources have proven effective in your program?
  • How does program content need to change to match the learning styles of a social and digital media generation?
  • What innovative technologies have streamlined your delivery of service?
  • What practices and policies are being implemented to ensure equitable access to effective teachers for all students?
  • What partnerships have helped to increase program effectiveness?
  • How do HR departments assist in recruiting and connecting prospective teachers to certification programs?
  • What new or creative funding opportunities can be used to support programs?
  • What unique characteristics of a Grow Your Own model improve recruitment and retention of local educators?
  • What best practices in collaboration enable a residency program to flourish?
  • Which practices are most effective in recruiting, selecting and preparing mentors?
  • What types of collaboration provide the best experiences for new educators?

NAAC accepts the following session formats:

  • WorkshopSessions - are sessions that present best practices, research, theory, concepts, and technology. Sessions are 60 minutes long and should provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and engage in further dialogue, and be interactive in nature.
  • Roundtable Presentations – are smaller, interactive discussions among presenters and attendees on diverse topics. Each presenter will deliver a brief talk and will immediately field questions from attendees. Again, the time frame is 60 minutes; however,most of the time should be devoted to questions and dialogue. Topics can range from an effective program model, to new research, to discussion of policy, theory or any timely issue. Typically, roundtables have 8-10 seats and do not utilize technology; however, presenters may bring laptops if needed and/or supporting materials to distribute to participants.
  • Special sessions designed for interns (teachers in alternate route programs) - Proposals for these sessions should consider that the information provided must offer more in-depth learning than interns would receive in their regular program curriculum. The presentation should be considered above and beyond normal program training, and extend the learning of core program curriculum. Proposals should provide evidence of a strong interactive presentation that involves intern participation. Sessions should be one-two hours in length.

Submit your proposal to NAAC by email (as an attached Word document) or through Survey Monkey, as described below. Deadline: Friday, October 27, 2017.

To submit a proposal by email, complete the cover sheet (downloadable Word document on NAAC’s website), then add a two-three page Word document that includes all the information requested below. Review the scoring rubric below. Email the proposal as an attachment to: . In the subject line of the email, include “Proposal Submission” and the lead presenter’s name (ex: ProposalSubmissionSmith).

To submit online, go to:

Please note that the online submission process has some limitations. You should review all the steps below and type out your narrative responses prior to submitting online. The system does not allow you to view or save a complete copy of your submission; however, you may email NAAC and we will email a copy of your submission to you. The system also does not allow for spell checking. Additionally, you can only complete one submission online. If you have multiple submissions, you will need to submit by email.

The lead presenter will receive a reply email within 24 hours confirming the proposal has been received. If you don’t receive a reply email, you should assume that it was NOT received and RESEND the proposal. Notifications about proposal acceptance will be emailed on or before November 20, 2017.

Include in your proposal:

  1. Cover Sheet: Download and complete the cover sheet on the Annual Conference page of our website ( Provide thesession title and the name, position, institution, address, email, and phone contact for all presenter(s). Indicate who the lead presenter is (correspondence will be with the lead presenter). The rest of the proposal should be on separate sheets, with the session title provided again; the cover sheet will be removed prior to dissemination for blind review.
  1. Session Title: The session title should be no more than 10 words and should be included on both the cover sheet and proposal itself so the proposal can be matched with the cover sheet after it is blind reviewed.
  1. Presentation Format:Indicate the format for this presentation.

Workshop session

Roundtable discussion

Special session designed for internsor residents (teachers in nontraditional preparation programs)

  1. Description/Purpose: In approximately two pages, clearly describe the purpose of your presentation, list at least three goals you hope to accomplish by the end of your presentation, and describe in detail how you will meet the goals. This information will be used by the committee for reviewing and selecting proposals.
  1. Evidence Base: Describe the evidence base for your presentation.
  1. Summary: Provide a brief summary (no more than 100 words) that can be copied and pasted directly into the program. This summary will guide attendees in conference selections.
  1. Target Audience: Indicate who the target audience is for your session (check all that apply).

□ IHE-based Program Administrators□ Human Resources Administrators

□ Non-IHE-based Program Administrators□ Researchers

□ State Agency Administrators□ Faculty

□ Site Supervisors/Evaluators/Specialists□ Interns/New Teachers/Residents

□ Alternative Leadership Preparation Programs

National Association for Alternative Certification 2018 Annual Conference

Call for Proposals Additional Information


The conference organizers will provide a screen, an LCD projector, table, and power cord for break-out sessions. Presenters MUST provide their own laptop. For roundtables, no AV equipment is provided.


Prior to the Conference

Presenters are required to register for the conference and make payment no later than February 16, 2018. If presenters have not registered by February 16, the session will be cancelled. The registration fee is $515 for members with huge discounts for registering early. If you register by December 15 the fee is just $420 andif you register by February 16, the fee is $470.The non-member registration fee is $100 additional. In addition, presenters are responsible for securing and paying for their own travel and lodging.

The conference will be at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.The NAAC discount allows you to book rooms for just $190 per night, inclusive of the “resort fee.” This consists of a discounted room rate of $175 and an accompanying resort fee of $15 per night (the resort fee is mandatory but has been discounted more than 50% from the usual $32). The resort fee covers in-room wireless internet, access to the spa, and shuttles to the airport and the Las Vegas Strip.The hotel is approximately 18 milesfrom McCarranInternational Airport and 11 miles from North Las Vegas Airport.

Presenters must email their final presentation to Kay Trent at by April 1, 2018. Presentations will be made available to attendees and others via the NAAC website.

After the Conference

Presenters are also encouraged to submit a manuscript to the Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification at . Manuscripts will be double-blind peer reviewed.

For more information contact Judy Corcillo at NAAC: or 202-277-3600.

Proposal Deadline: September 29, 2017

Conference Date: April 4-6, 2018

Location: Red Rock Resort, 11011 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV


1 - Not at all / 2 - Somewhat / 3 - Moderately / 4 - Strongly / 5 - Very Strongly
Relevance of Topic: How well does the topic relate to the conference theme?
Description/Purpose: Is the purpose clearly described?
Description/Purpose: Are three relevant and appropriate goals included?
Description/Purpose: Does the description explain in detail how goals will be met?
Evidence Base: Is the presentation backed by a clear evidence base?
Audience: Is the content appropriate for the target audience?
Total all categories
Recommend for acceptance? (Yes, No, or with changes)

NAAC Call for ProposalsConnect, Collaborate, Innovate2018 Annual Conference