Link – Episode Three

M.A.G. says:


=^..^= says:

sup nigger

=^..^= says:

havent seen you in a while, whats goin on?

M.A.G. says:

things have been a little crazy

=^..^= says:

crazy how?

M.A.G. says:

ok, let me fill u in

M.A.G. says:

see, I was talking to maggie the other day

M.A.G. says:

and there was a secret I wanted to tell her

=^..^= says:

what were u all talking about?

M.A.G. says:

thats not important

=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

just listen

M.A.G. says:

anyway, she invited mel, terry, and aaron right when i told her my secret

M.A.G. says:

and it was supposed to be between us!!!

M.A.G. says:

u feel what im saying?

=^..^= says:

man, sounds like you got a swift kick in the balls there

M.A.G. says:


M.A.G. says:

but lets just forget about that

M.A.G. says:

i got bigger news

=^..^= says:

im listening

M.A.G. says:

i moved out of my family’s place

=^..^= says:


=^..^= says:

how old did you say you were again?

M.A.G. says:

and moved into my own house

M.A.G. says:


=^..^= says:


=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

my uncle gave me his old boarding house

M.A.G. says:

this place is pretty old, but he kept most of it in good shape

M.A.G. says:

i think its about 50-60 years old or something

=^..^= says:

so whats fucked up?

=^..^= says:

u get that?

M.A.G. says:


M.A.G. says:

just this old library i found, two stories

M.A.G. says:

also me and terry discovered a secret room that my uncle never knew much about

M.A.G. says:

and inside it was…

=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

no, not porn

M.A.G. says:

anyway, what we found was

=^..^= says:

a leper colony?

M.A.G. says:


M.A.G. says:


=^..^= says:


=^..^= says:

dude, lepers rule

M.A.G. says:

=^..^= says:

ok, im done now

M.A.G. says:

we found a abandoned bowling alley

=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

cant do shit tho

M.A.G. says:

since that part of the house has been left untouched by humans for years

M.A.G. says:

the place looks like shit

=^..^= says:

damn, doesnt that suck a monkey’s left testicle

M.A.G. says:

lol yeah

=^..^= says:

so hows the kung fu burrito shit going?

M.A.G. says:

eh, nothing new lately

=^..^= says:

and the company?

M.A.G. says:

we got artists, but we need a studio

=^..^= says:

that reminds me

=^..^= says:

im starting a company as well

=^..^= says:

im calling it

=^..^= says:

Rabid Jackel Entertainment

M.A.G. says:


M.A.G. says:

im still gonna come up there like i promised and hear yall

=^..^= says:


=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:

uhh, i gotta go

M.A.G. says:

i’ll let u kno tho

=^..^= says:


M.A.G. says:


Later on that week, I packed my things for my trip. Terry was walking through the hall, eating a graham cracker, when he stopped at my opened door.

Terry: You leaving?

Marcus: Yeah, I’m gonna be gone for a few days.

Terry: Where you headed?

Marcus: Stroudsburg

Terry: Oh ok…uh…

Marcus: It’s in Pennsylvania.

Terry: Oh, cool. What’s up there?

Marcus: Nick. He’s got a band that he wants me to consider signing to my label or help him with his. So I’m going up there to hear them play.

Terry: Heh, don’t sign them if they sound like Limp Bizkit or something.

Marcus: No shit. But I don’t know if I can sign them. We don’t have a studio

Terry: That’s what you think.

Marcus: Huh?

Terry: Look in the basement.

Marcus: We have a basement?

Terry: Follow me.

Terry led me past the third bedroom of the house. There was a door I didn’t notice. We went through it to find a small lounge area, kinda similar to the living room. There was some old dark green furniture with a counter in between two doors.

Marcus: This doesn’t look like a studio. Although we could turn this into a mini spa.

Terry: Why don’t you try looking through that door?

I wasn’t sure which door to go through. So I went for the one on the right. It led to…the backyard.

Marcus: Oh, very funny.

Terry: I meant the other door.

Marcus: …I knew that.

I came back in and opened the other door to see a flight of stairs going down. We went down into the dark, dank basement to find a washing machine, dryer, furnace, and just about every other basement doodad that I’ve yet to gain names for. At the other side was yet another door.

Marcus: Damn, why are there so many doors in this place?

We opened the door to find…equipment. Recording equipment. Dusty yet functional recording equipment, in front of a glass window with a booth on the other side. This room had everything I needed, keyboards, a DJ set, the whole nine yards.

Marcus: I’m in heaven. Punishment Entertainment is officially IN BUSINESS!

Terry: You mean you weren’t before?

Marcus: …shut up.

The train finally arrived at the station. I got my bags in hand and I was on my way. According to the schedule, I was to arrive in Stroudsburg in about 3-4 hours. This was gonna be a long ass trip. Luckily, I had two seats all to myself. So I had plenty of room to stretch out. About an hour through the ride, after I had a good long nap, I saw a girl walk into the next car. I didn’t get a good look at her, but I could’ve sworn I knew her. So I pulled out my CD player and started listening to some Pete Rock. After a little bit, the girl came back, but I didn’t look up in time to see her face.

Marcus: Could it be…nah, I doubt it…but then again…

As the girl sat down, faced away from me, I got up from my seat and slowly walked towards her. All these different questions started swimming through my head: Was it her? Has anything changed about her? Does she still care about me? Does she even remember me? I tapped the girl on her shoulder. She turned around, and to my surprise…it wasn’t her. I immediately apologized and went back to my seat. Feeling disappointed and embarrassed, I went back to listening to my music while looking out the window of the moving car. Once again, I had set my hopes up too high.

I arrived at the station late that evening. Nick called me yesterday, telling me he was gonna give me a ride to see his band. I waited outside the station for about a half-hour when Nick finally arrived in this green Honda Civic. I walked over to the car and put my bags in the trunk and got in the car through the passenger’s side.

Nick: What’s up nigger?

Marcus: What’s up cracka? So what’s the game plan?

Nick: Ok, we’re gonna drop off your stuff at the hotel. You already booked a room, right?

Marcus: Yeah.

Nick: Good, after that, we’re gonna head over to my place so we can get our band ready. Then you can tell us how we sound then.

Marcus: Alright, cool. By the way, who’s car is this?

Nick: My mom’s.

Marcus: Cool, didn’t know you had a license already.

Nick: I don’t.

Marcus: So your mom just lets you drive her car around?

Nick: Nope.

Marcus: So she doesn’t know you even have it?

Nick: Yep.

Marcus: …ok.

Nick: But we won’t get pulled over by cops…hopefully.

After stopping at the hotel, we took a long trip back to his place.

Marcus: So what was the name of your band again?

Nick: Arsenal. I’m the lead singer, and my friend, Corey, is on lead guitar.

Marcus: Ok, what about the others?

Nick: We just got some new guys in, I haven’t learned their names yet.

Marcus: Oh, ok. So are we gonna meet Danielle at your place?

Nick: Nah, she’s at her dad’s place.

Marcus: Man, I can’t believe you’re actually trying to do this.

Nick: I can’t help it, she’s just so beautiful.

Marcus: Yeah, yeah, just remember, with something like this, you’re bound to get caught.

Nick: That’s why I’m doing as much as I can.

Marcus: …whatever…

Nick: And what’s with you, nigger?

Marcus: Just shit.

Nick: Tell me.

Marcus: Nah, I don’t think you need to know.

We came to a screeching halt in the middle of the street on a bridge. Cars started backing up, waiting for us to move.

Nick: Ok, listen motherfucker. You’re gonna tell me what the fuck is wrong with you before I

Marcus: OK, OK, OK. Look, the other day, I was talking online with Maggie, and I wanted to tell her one of my secrets. But the secret got out to Terry and Aaron. I just can’t believe Maggie would do this to me.

Nick: Was the secret that bad?

Marcus: Yeah.

Nick: What was it?


Nick: SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I STAB YOU IN YOUR EYE, BITCH! So anyway, what was the secret?

Marcus: …you sure you wanna know?

Nick: Yeah.

Marcus: …I never had a girlfriend before.

Nick: …And?

Marcus: And what?

Nick: Well surely there’s more.

Marcus: Uh, that was it.

Nick: Really?

Marcus: Yeah.

Nick starts laughing hysterically, accidentally hitting the horn a few times.

Marcus: What’s so funny?

Nick: You’re getting angry over some shit like that. Dude, it’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Marcus: …so, there’s nothing wrong with being a virgin?

Nick: Of course not. You just gotta remember to keep searching for the girl for you, that’s all. Who knows, she could be right next door to your house for all I know.

Marcus: …never looked at it like that. Thanks, cracka.

Nick: Anytime, nigger.



We soon arrived at Nick’s garage. His band was already set up, with some people waiting on the driveway for the performance to start. We got out the car and Nick went to go prepare while I waited with the crowd. They eventually got started and, well let me put it this way. I’m not much of a metal fan, and I’ve never been to a rock concert, but Arsenal’s sound was surprising good. I just wish I had something to record them with at the moment so I can listen to them at home. Everything was going good, until the mosh pit broke out. I never quite understood the point of a mosh pit until I saw a few guys beat on each other. So I thought I can stand up to them. I started doing the same things they did, beating people left and right. But some guys started running away. After I hooked this one guy in the jaw, he wanted me to stop.

Guy: Hold on, hold on. This guy’s getting too rough.

Two days later, Nick and I made it back to the boarding house, with our bags in our hands.

Marcus: So where’s Corey gonna stay?

Nick: He has family down here, so he’s with them.

Marcus: And the rest of the band?

Nick: They weren’t that good, so we got rid of them.

Marcus: Well, I’m sure you’ll find some better people.

Nick: So where are we gonna record our stuff?

Marcus: Well, the other day, I just discovered that we have a recording studio downstairs in the basement. I had forgot that my uncle tried to start a recording business before.

I helped Nick unpack his things in the room he chose to be in, which was the third one. After unpacking, I went upstairs to see if Terry made any progress with cleaning up the bowling alley. I checked the room, and the place looked brand new. Floors cleaned, alleys spotless, bowling shoe rack setup nicely, this place looked fucking beautiful. Terry was bowling on one of the three lanes.

Marcus: Wow. This place looks nice man. How did you clean the rest of this up without me?

Terry: Easy, I had a cleaning company come down here and fix this place up. By the way, you owe them $130.

The End