Planning Committee
AREA / EastPARISH / Lingwood & Burlingham
APPLICATION NO: / 20050579 / TG REF: / 3588/0825
LOCATION OF SITE / Corner of Norwich Road/Alison Close, Lingwood
APPLICANT / I & M Harwood Hawthorn Properties Ltd, The Lodge, 1 Heath Road, Thorpe End, Norwich, NR13 5QB
AGENT / David Futter Associates Ltd, Arkitech House, 35 Whiffler Road, Norwich, NR3 2AW
Date Received: / 14 April 2005
8 Week Expiry Date: / 09 June 2005
1.1 The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of a one and a half storey dwelling with a detached, single, pitched roof garage to the rear of the dwelling. The garage is proposed to gain access onto Norwich Road from land to the west, which is also in the ownership of the applicant. This is the first dwelling proposed on a larger site which has the benefit of outline planning permission for 5 dwellings.
1.2 The dwelling is sited parallel to Norwich Road, set back from the edge of the footpath, there are no openings in the side elevation towards Alison Close. The dwelling measures 9.8 metres across its frontage, with a depth of 7.7 metres at its narrowest point. The dwelling is arranged so that it has two bedrooms, both with en-suites in the roofspace, dormer windows serve the bedrooms in the front elevation. The rear elevation has windows/doors at ground floor level but no openings to the roofspace.
1.3 The application is in its amended form as the following alterations have been made:
· The ridge height of the dwelling has been reduced by 500 mm to 6.4m,
· The first floor window in the side (western) elevation has been removed and an additional dormer window is proposed in the front elevation,
· The projecting gable to the front elevation has been removed and re-positioned to the rear.
2.1 Lingwood & Burlingham Parish Council:
Comments on original submission:
Object on the grounds that the proposed dwelling is not in accordance with the outline approval, which states only single storey with no dormers or first floor windows should be permitted. In addition the proposals are considered to be not in keeping with the properties in Alison Close in terms of roof height.
Comments on amended submission:
Object on the grounds that there is no site plan showing the position of the dwelling in relation to the revised layout. Also that there are two front dormers proposed, which are not in-keeping or character with the street scene and not in accordance with the outline approval, which states only single storey with no dormers or first floor windows.
2.2 Highway Authority:
No objection, subject to the imposition of a condition requiring that prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, the proposed access/on-site parking/turning areas shall be laid out, demarcated, levelled, surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved plan and retained thereafter for that specific use.
2.3 Environmental Services - Pollution Control:
There may be geotechnical issues that the applicants will need to consider as well as contamination issues and a condition should be imposed.
2.4 Building Control Consultancy:
No adverse comments to make.
3.1 Site Notice:
Expiry date 30 May 2005
3.2 Neighbour notification:
Nos. 4, 5, 6, 11, 15 & Amza Ltd. Norwich Road;
Medina, Alison Close, Lingwood.
Expiry date 19 May 2005
Reconsultation Letters:
Nos. 4, 5, 6, 11,15 & Amza Ltd. Norwich Road;
Medina, Alison Close, Lingwood.
Expiry date 8 July 2005
4.1 No letters received.
5.1 PPS1 – Delivering Sustainable Development:
Sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable development through the planning system.
5.2 PPG3 – Housing:
Emphasises the need for the planning system to give priority to re-using previously developed land within urban areas in preference to development of greenfield sites, and to create more sustainable patterns of development.
Broadland District Local Plan
Site located within the defined development boundary.
5.3 Policy GS3:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature and conservation, agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services.
5.4 Policy ENV2:
For all development proposals, a high standard of layout and design will be required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout, energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking into account the existing character of the surroundings.
5.5 Policy HOU4:
Within development boundaries, permission will be given for individual dwellings or small groups of houses.
5.6 Policy HOU11:
Sub-division of plots will not be permitted where it would lead to development out of character and scale with its surroundings in order to prevent town cramming.
5.7 Policy TRA4:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. In appropriate cases, a traffic impact study will be required.
Revised Deposit Version Broadland District Local Plan: -
The site is located inside the defined settlement limit.
5.8 Policy *(RD) GS4:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account as well as any specifically related to the nature of the proposal.
5.9 Policy *(RD) ENV2:
For all development proposals, a high standard of layout and design will be required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout, energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking into account the existing character of the surroundings.
5.10 Policy **(RD) HOU4:
Within the settlement limits, permission will be given for individual dwellings or small groups of dwellings.
5.11 Policy *(RD) HOU10:
Sub-division of plots will not be permitted where it would lead to development out of character and scale with its surroundings in order to prevent town cramming.
5.12 Policy *(RD) TRA11:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. In appropriate cases, a traffic impact study will be required.
5.13 Policies marked “*” above can be given some weight. An objection has been made but does not challenge the aim of the plan nor challenge its validity judged against government policy. These objections are often ones of detailed wording and the Council has made changes in line with the objection. Policies marked “**” above can be given significant weight as there is every likelihood that the text will be adopted in the final version of the Local Plan.
5.14 Broadland District Council Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Provides design advice including the principles of new residential development.
6.1 The application site is located on the corner of Norwich Road and Alison Close. The site forms part of the wider former garage site to the west.
6.2 Pedestrian access to the site is gained directly off the pavement through a gate in the existing boundary wall to Norwich Road.
6.3 The site boundaries are marked by a low wall with shrubbery to the Norwich Road and Alison Close frontages and a hedgerow to the northern boundary with a bungalow at No. 11 Norwich Road beyond.
7.1 20031279:
Demolition of existing garage, workshop and flats and erection of five dwellings and garages (Outline). Outline Approval October 2003.
7.2 20041732:
Erection of new dwelling. Withdrawn November 2004.
7.3 20042044:
Erection of new dwelling. Refused February 2005.
7.4 20050251:
Demolition of existing garage, workshop and flats and erection of seven residential units and ancillary works. Refusal May 2005.
8.1 The main issue to be taken into account in the determination of this application are an assessment of the proposal against Local Plan policies and secondly, consideration of the sites planning history.
8.2 The application site is located within the respective development boundaries /settlement limits of both the adopted and emerging Local Plans and the general principle of development is therefore acceptable. Consideration should be given to the requirements of Policies GS3, ENV2, HOU11 and TRA4 of the adopted Local Plan and policies (RD) GS4, (RD) ENV2, (RD) HOU10 and (RD) TRA11 of the revised deposit version of the Local Plan, to assess whether the site is able to satisfactorily accommodate the proposal.
8.3 With regard to the character and appearance of the surrounding area, the Parish Council has commented that the proposed front dormers are not in keeping or character with the street scene and that the dwelling should be single storey. The surrounding area comprises a variety of dwelling types and that the proposal in its revised form, although not single storey, would not be out of character with the surrounding area. The revised proposal has reduced the ridge height of the dwelling and provided a second dormer window to the front elevation, which is considered to give a better balance to the appearance of the dwelling. The plot is of comparable size to others in the locality and there is considered to be adequate space within the plot to accommodate the proposal.
8.4 With regard to neighbour amenity, the dwelling, in its amended form, is designed so that it has no windows in the roofspace on the rear elevation and therefore will not overlook the neighbour to the rear. The dwelling is located at a distance of 15 metres, at its nearest point, from the rear wall of the neighbour at No. 11 Norwich Road. This is considered to be an acceptable relationship. The first floor window in the side elevation of the proposed dwelling has been removed, which will safeguard the amenities of the future neighbour to the side. The proposed dwelling is not therefore considered to have an unacceptable effect on the residential amenities or privacy of neighbours.
8.5 The Highway Authority has no objection to the proposed vehicular access arrangements subject to the imposition of a condition. The District Council’s Pollution Control officer has requested that a condition is imposed which requires that a site investigation be undertaken to establish whether the site has any contamination as a result of its close proximity to the former garage. Both of these conditions are recommended to be imposed.
8.6 In turning to the second issue of the sites planning history, the Parish Council has commented that the proposal is not in accordance with the outline approval, which states that only a single storey dwelling with no dormers or first floor windows are permitted. Planning application ref. 20031279 gave outline approval for the demolition of the garage buildings and a residential re-development of the garage site, including this plot, to provide 5 dwellings, of which 3 were single storey. The adjoining plot to the west, formerly the site of the detached house, No. 9 Norwich Road, was shown as accommodating a pair of semi-detached houses. A condition was imposed on the outline approval that required that the building on the plot that is subject to this application, should be of single storey construction and that only dormer windows or other openings to the roofspace that are authorised by the subsequent reserved matters applications will be permitted. It is considered therefore, that the condition does not prevent dormer windows from being proposed, but consideration as to why the condition was imposed is necessary. In this case, the condition was imposed to ensure the satisfactory development of the site in relation to the surrounding pattern of development and to prevent overlooking to the detriment of the amenities of the adjacent properties. For the reasons stated above, it is considered that the proposals are acceptable in both respects. Planning application ref. 20042044 proposed the erection of a chalet with a dormer window in its front elevation on this plot. This application was refused on highways grounds as the vehicular access serving the dwelling was proposed to connect directly from the plot onto Norwich Road with no provision for turning within the plot, which in this case is considered to be essential in the interests of highway safety.
8.7 It is considered that the proposed dwelling in its amended form accords with the character and appearance of the surrounding area and has an acceptable effect on the residential amenities and privacy of neighbours.
8.8 The application is reported to Committee at the request of the Ward Member.
RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE, subject to the following conditions:
(1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this decision.
(2) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with amended plans, drawing nos. 4900/SL3C received 15 June 2005 and 4900/06D received 20 June 2005.
(3) Prior to the commencement of development, details of all external materials to be used in the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be constructed in accordance with the approved details.
(4) Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme is required to deal with any contamination of the site. This scheme shall comprise the following elements;
(a) A comprehensive site investigation to identify, the nature and extent of any contamination present i.e. those materials which could have an adverse effect on future occupants, the public, buildings, building services, vegetation in the development and the surrounding environment including controlled waters and amenity areas; and
(b) The measures to be taken to avoid risk to future occupants, the public, buildings, building services, vegetation in the development and the surrounding environment including controlled waters and amenity areas when the site is developed.
The investigation shall include areas to be used as gardens and communal spaces and land in which service pipes are to be laid. The method of the proposed site investigation is to be submitted in writing and approved by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the investigation commencing.