M1 / Arts- and Craftsmaking / Hammer, Carving Tools, Machete
M2 / Bakery / Blender, Cool Box, Deep Frying Pan, Freezer, Fridge, Grinder (electric), Grinder (manual), Hot plate (electric), Oven (electric), Oven (charcoal), Oven (firewood), Saucepan, Stove (charcoal), Stove (electric), Stove (firewood), Stove (kerosene), Water Heater (electric), Weighing Scales
M3 / Basket Weaving / Mat Making / Machete
M4 / Blacksmith / Locksmith / Metalwork Shop / Welding Shop / Chisel, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), File, Hammer, Pliers, Anvil, Key Cutter (electric), Key Cutter (manual), Saw (electric), Saw (manual), Soldering Equipment, Vice, Weighing Scale, Welding Equipment
M5 / Brick Making / Hoe, Spade/Shovel, Mould, Moulding Machine (manual), Moulding machine (electric), Kiln (kerosene), Kiln (charcoal), Kiln (electric), Kiln (firewood)
M6 / Briquette Making / Briquette Press, Crusher, Machete, Hoe
M7 / Butchery / Axe, Bone Saw (electric), Bone Saw (manual), Cool Box, Freezer, Fridge, Mincer (electric), Mincer (manual), Sharpener, Weighing Scales, Machete
M8 / Candle Making / Moulds
M9 / Carpentry Workshop (including Boat Building, Cart Building, etc) / Chisel, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), File, Carving Tools, Hammer, Plane, Saw (electric), Saw (manual), Vice, Machete, Brush for varnishing, Power Saw
M10 / Concrete Block Making / Sand and Stone Excavation / Chisel, Hammer, Hoe, Pick Axe, Spade/Shovel, Moulding Machine, Concrete Mixer, Mould
M11 / Charcoal Making / Axe, Hoe, Slasher/Machete, Saw (manual), Power Saw
M12 / Contractor / Brick Laying / Building Square, Chisel, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), File, Carving Tools, Hammer, Plane, Plumb Rule, Rough Casting, Saw (electric), Saw (manual), Spade / Shovel, Spirit Level, Trowel, Vice, Concrete Mixer
M13 / Cushion Making / Sewing machine (electric), Sewing machine (manual)
M14 / Distillery / Distiller (charcoal), Distiller (electric), Distiller (firewood), Drum, Saucepan,
M15 / Dressmaking / Tailoring / Knitting machine (electric), Knitting Machine (manual), Sewing machine (electric), Sewing machine (manual), Scissors, Measuring Tape
M16 / Food Processing (except Bakery, Butchery, Distillery, Mills) / Blender, Cool Box, Deep Frying Pan, Freezer, Fridge (electric), Fridge (kerosene), Grinder (electric), Grinder (manual), Hot plate (electric), Oven (electric), Oven (charcoal), Oven (firewood), Saucepan, Stove (charcoal), Stove (electric), Stove (firewood), Stove (kerosene), Water Heater (electric), Weighing Scales
M17 / Ice Block / Cube Making / Freezer, Fridge, Cool Box, Weighing Scales
M18 / Mill (Grains, Cassava, Oil...) / Mill (electric), Mill (manual)
M19 / Pottery / Hoe, Kick Wheel, Kiln (charcoal), Kiln (electric), Kiln (firewood)
M20 / Saw Mill / Chisel, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), File, Carving Tools, Hammer, Plane, Saw (electric), Saw (manual), Vice
M21 / Soap Making / Boiling Pan, Grater (electric), Grater (manual), Iron Kettle
M22 / Shoe Making and Repair / Drill (electric), Drill (manual), Hammer, Pliers


S1 / Accounting / Printer, Copier, Personal Computer
S2 / Bicycle Repair Shop / Welding Equipment, Soldering Equipment, Hand Pump, Screwdriver, Hammer, Drill (manual), Drill (electric)
S3 / Bank (commercial, public) / Teller Machine, Scanner
S4 / Bar (Beverages only) / Blender (electric), Fridge, Pool Table
S5 / Barber Shop / Beauty Shop / Hairdressers' Salon / Hair Drier (electric), Mirror, Shaver (electric), Smoother (electric), Hair Steamer (electric), Sink (for Hair), Tongues Equipment, Water-Heater, Sterilizing-Kit
S6 / Battery and Mobile Phone Charging / Battery Charger, Extensions
S7 / Copy Shop / Binding Machine, Printer, Scanner, Paper Cutter, Laminator, Stapler, Puncher
S8 / Electrician / Electronics Workshop / Charger, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), Electronic Tool Kit, Ladder, Pliers, Soldering Iron, Volt/Ampere Meter, Wire Cutter
S9 / Fuel Station / Gas Pump
S10 / Guest House / Hotel / Bed, Fridge (electric), Fridge (kerosene)
S11 / Health Facility / Hospital (PRIVATE) / Bed, Medical Equipment
S12 / Internet Café / Printer, Scanner, Hubs
S13 / Laundering and Ironing Service / Flat Iron (charcoal), Flat Iron (electric), Ironing Board, Washing Machine, Dryer
S14 / Painting Service / Spray Gun
S15 / Photo Studio / Camera
S16 / Repair Shop (Automotive) / Charger, Compressor, Drill (electric), Drill (manual), Electronic Tool Kit, Hammer, Level, Pliers, Pressure Gauge, Soldering Iron, Spray Gun, Volt/Ampere Meter, Wire Cutter, Grease Pump, Carjack, Pressure Pumo
S17 / Restaurant / Blender, Coffee Machine, Cool Box, Deep Frying Pan, Freezer, Fridge (electric), Fridge (kerosene), Grinder (electric), Grinder (manual), Hot Plate (electric), Microwave, Oven (electric), Oven (charcoal), Oven (firewood), Saucepan, Stove (charcoal), Stove (electric), Stove (firewood), Stove (kerosene), Water Heater (electric), Weighing Scales,
S18 / Retail Shop / Freezer, Fridge (kerosene), Fridge (electric), Weighing Scales
S19 / School (PRIVATE) / Blackboard, Cool Box, Deep Frying Pan, Freezer, Fridge (electric), Fridge (kerosene), Grinder (electric), Grinder (manual), Hot Plate (electric), Microwave, Oven (electric), Oven (charcoal), Oven (firewood), Saucepan, Stove (charcoal), Stove (electric), Stove (firewood), Stove (kerosene), Water Heater (electric)
S20 / Security Service / Gun, Machete, Spear
S21 / Telephone Service
S22 / Video / DVD Rental / DVD-Player, VCR-Deck
S23 / Video / Movie Theatre / DVD-Player, VCR-Deck
S24 / Wholesale / Freezer, Fridge (kerosene), Fridge (electric), Weighing Scales