
Lindfield Activity Centre

Phone: (02) 94161936


Vacation Care Program 26th September – 7th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

Lindfield Activity centre is pleased to provide a Vacation Care Program for the 2016September/October school holidays. We havenine days of fantastic activities programmed that include visits from specialist activity providers and excursions.

You can choose to enrol your child on any or all days of vacation care. It is important to note that only one program will be run each day, so if an excursion is programmed, there are no alternative activities provided. All staff working on the excursion day will attend excursions and the LAC building will be closed on departure of the children and re-opened when they return.

Please read the attached documentation carefully and provide your completed form back to me as soon as possible to secure your position.

We look forward to spending time with your children and are confident your children will have a great time at LAC these holidays.

Kind regards

LAC - Centre Manager
Ph – 02 9416 1936

Vacation Care Program 26th September – 7th October

Please note that theprogram described here is subject to change dependent upon enrolment numbers, wet weather or availability.


The centre will be open from 7.30am to 6.00pm each day.

On Excursion Days, all children must be at the Centre by 9.00am. If your child is not signed in by the time the bus departs, your child will not attend the excursion. As only one program will be run each day, if an excursion is programmed, there are no alternative activities provided. All staff working on the excursion day will attend excursions and the LAC building will be closed on departure of the children and re-opened when they return.


LAC will provide breakfast (cereal and toast) as an option for children arriving before 8:30am.

All children must bring their own morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea snack plus a refillable water bottle. No nuts are permitted.

Please ensure all lunch boxes and drink bottles are labeled with your child’s name.

A late afternoon/evening snack will be provided by LAC each day.


Children are not allowed to bring electronic devices to LAC. Staff at LAC will take no responsibility for loss or damage to electronic equipment brought into the centre by the children.


Please ensure children bring a hat and shoes suitable for walking each day.

Singlet tops and shoestring straps are not appropriate wear according to our SunSafe Policy (see our website at

Please take the time to read and think about the programmed activities to make sure your children are dressed appropriately every day, particularly with hats and sun/rash shirts. (Please avoid singlet tops and strap dresses that leave shoulders exposed. PLEASE LABEL CLOTHES!!! (We accumulate mountains of lost property!)


Please make sure that your child comes to vacation care with sunscreen applied or help yourself to the bottle on the sign in desk.

Your child must bring a hat. Children without an appropriate hat will not be allowed to participate in any outdoor activities.


A compulsory Excursion T-Shirt is required for excursion days only – T-shirts can be purchased at the centre for $10 each. It is also a requirement that children are in closed shoes(no thongs or sandals).


The cost of all activities and transportation is included in the fee of $70.00 per day (7:30am-6pm or part thereof).

How to book:

  1. Complete a LAC enrolment form (if your child has not attended the service before)
  2. Complete a Vacation Care Booking Form, ensuring you sign the terms and conditions.
  3. Complete a consent form for each excursion activity nominated on your booking form
  4. Return all the forms
  5. Bookings will be confirmed via email once payment has been made.

Please note – this program is priced based on a minimum number of enrolments and therefore once confirmed with payment, bookings are not refundable.


Payment must be made prior to attending vacation care.


Excursion Consent Form

  1. I, ______hereby give permission for my child/children to participate in programmed activities and attend Excursion Days nominated on the program for the holiday period 26th September-7th October 2016, as well as participate in all walking and use of public transport and contracted busesrequired to attend excursionsoutside the centre.

Note: Buses provided may not be fitted with seat belts.

  1. I have read and understand the information outlined in the risk assessments for excursions during the term 3 vacation care period

Note: risk assessments found attached to this document

SIGNED______DATE: ______/______/______



Name / Age / DOB / Allergies/medication / School
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3

Please tick:

My child/children are currently enrolled at LAC for 2016 and I have previously completed an OOSH enrolment form. Please find my vacation care enrolment form attached.

My child/children are NOT yet enrolled at LAC - please find my completed vacation care enrolment form. (Note: ensure that you have also completed the LAC OSHC enrolment form – available upon request at the centre)

Please also find my completed LAC OSHC enrolment form attached.

While the Department continues to process matters regarding our Approval ID for Vacation Care there will be no opportunity for families to qualify for CCMS benefits ie.CCB,CCR,JET etc for the upcoming Vacation Care period/s until further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

I would like to book my child/children in for the following Vacation Care days:

Date / Activity / Child 1 / Child 2 / Child 3
Example / Jed / Amy / Emily
Monday26th September / Animal Awareness Day
Tuesday27th September / Tie-Dye Tuesday
Wednesday28th September / Wacky Circus Day
Thursday29th September / Master Chef Day
Friday30th September / Laser tag day
Monday 3rd October / PUBLIC HOLIDAY- NO VACATION CARE / N/A / N/A / N/A
Tuesday 4th October / Movie Excursion
Wednesday5th October / Garden Day
Thursday 6th October / Come Camping at LAC
Friday 7th October / Bowling at AMF Hornsby

*****All excursions and incursions are subject to confirmation and may be changed or altered without notice. All reasonable effort will be made to notify families of changes to the program.


Vacation Care 2016 Terms & Conditions

I understand that:

  • Current Vacation Care fees are set at $70 per day, including all centre based activities and excursion costs.
  • I agree that my child/children will arrive by 9am on excursion days. I understand that if my child/children arrive late, they will not be able to attend the excursion.
  • Fees are payable in advance in order to confirm position and booking.
  • Once vacation care is confirmed, fees are not refundable.
  • It is a legal requirement that a parent/guardian or other authorized person signs my child/children in and out of the service every day.
  • It is compulsory that all children wearthe approved participant t-shirts during excursions to maximize their safety. I understand that a replacement shirt will be provided at an additional cost of $10 per shirt if my child/children does not have the shirt for an excursion day.
  • If any unavoidable late change to the program occurs, a similar excursion/incursion will be substituted and parents will be notified as soon as possible.
  • It is important that my child/children have enough food and water to include morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
  • This centre is a NUT FREE centre and all and any food brought to the centre must be nut free.
  • Children are advised not to bring valuable items to the centre
  • Children are not permitted to bring mobile phones, game boys, electronic equipment etc to the Centre. The centre/staff cannot take responsibility for these items, especially on excursions. All personal items must be labeled.
  • Parents are required to notify the centre of any allergies their child may have.
  • Parents are responsible for updating all parent contact and emergency contact details including authorised pick up persons.
  • Staff can only administer medications with the written permission from a parent/guardian. Parents requiring staff to administer medication must complete a Medication Authority form (Included in the centre enrolment form).
  • Centre and vacation care rules are established for the safety and enjoyment of all children. Children are expected to respect and follow these rules. Breaches of these rules will result in children being excluded from activities or, following consultation between centre staff and parents, the rest of the program. Any critical incidents will result in immediate exclusion from the service.
  • LAC closes at 6.00pm and late fees will be charged in accordance with LAC late fee policy.
  • I agree to my child/children travelling with staff via public transport, chartered bus, car and walking where appropriate as part of the vacation care excursion program.
  • I understand that if my child/children is sick, fees are non refundable.
  • I acknowledge that G and PG rated movies, DVD’s and games may be shown at the centre where and when appropriate.
  • I agree to my child/children being photographed to assist with ongoing evaluation of the program and child observations in accordance with the National Quality Framework (Quality Area 1) YES / NO
  • I agree to my child/children being photographed for use in current and future promotions and activities arranged by the centre. YES / NO
  • I agree to my child/children watching G and PG movies at the centre where and when appropriate. YES/NO



Signature :______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Authorisation

  • I hereby indemnify LAC, its officers and agents and keep them indemnified against all claims, demands, actions and liabilities of any kind.
  • I give permission for LAC educators and supervisors to perform First Aid when needed
  • In the course of participation or attendance, I authorise LAC, its officers and agents in the event of accident or illness to obtain such medical and hospital assistance as required and agree to meet any and all expenses thereby incurred.
  • I understand that my signatures below are providing permission to participate in the specific activity as detailed for the persons under my care.
  • I understand that no refunds are given to confirmed booking and the centre does not accept cancellations to bookings made.
  • I agree that my fees will be paid in advance by cheque or cash.
  • I have read the vacation care enrolmentform,excursion information form and LAC OSHC enrolment form and acknowledge that my child/children will be exposed to all normal risks associated with the participation in this program.

I, the undersigned, have read and accept all the terms and conditions outlined in the Vacation Care enrolment form and LAC OSHC enrolment form (if you have a problem or question relating to any of the above, please contact the Centre Manager). If your child/ren are attending one or both of the excursion days



Signature :______Date: ______

Contact phone: ______

Email: ______

Monday 26th September / Tuesday 27th September / Wednesday 28th September / Thursday 29th September / Friday 30th September
Animal awareness day
Come into the centre to meet, learn about and interact with animals!
/ Tie-DyeTuesday
Get crafty with tie-dye! Make sure to bring in your own white t-shirt or pillowcase and make your own patterns!ob got a certificet for being awsome / Wacky Circus Day
  • Welcome to the circus! Come in and get your face painted, watch a circus performer and maybe you’ll learn a few tricks as well!
/ Master Chef Day
Cook up a storm and show us how a master chef cooks! You will get to make your own delicious treats to eat or take home at the end of the day  / Laser Tag Day
Come in and battle your friends in a game of laser tag!
Choose your team by coming either red or blue.
Monday 3rd October / Tuesday 4th October / Wednesday 5th October / Thursday 6th October / Friday 7th October
Vacation care is not on today! / Movie Excursion
Enjoy a day out to the movies with friends  / Garden Day
Come help LAC plant new veggies and flowers to make our centre beautiful! You can even make your own grass head too! / Come Camping at LAC
Join us for a day filled with fun camp activities! Marshmallows,scavenger hunts,stories and pizza making. / Bowling at AMF Hornsby
Enjoy a fantastic day to the AM F bowling
Lunch provided

Vacation CareProgram Sept/Oct 2016

RS 2nd September 2016