International Commission for Acoustics


Held in Kyoto on Wednesday, 2004 April 7

1.Opening of the meeting

The third General Assembly of the International Commission for Acoustics opens at 17:00 in room D of the Kyoto International Conference Hall.

The ICA President, G. Daigle welcomes all the participants to the meeting

2.Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda is approved:

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Election of Chairman for the meeting
  4. Ratification of membership in the Commission
  5. Summary of Commission activities
  6. Adoption of By-laws (if necessary)
  7. Election of the Board (2004-2007)
  8. Financial report from Treasurer
  9. Agreement on a provisional budget for future years
  10. Discussion of membership in ICSU
  11. Discussion of questions submitted by the Members

i. Questions submitted ahead (2 months prior) in writing: none

ii. Other questions submitted later than 2 months prior to the General Assembly

3.Election of Chairman for the meeting

G. Daigle is proposed to act as the Chairman of the meeting. The proposal is seconded and approved.

Daigle provides a brief explanation for this formal procedure. The work of the International Commission for Acoustics is directed by the General Assembly of official delegates appointed by the Member Societies. The President of the Commission is therefore not automatically the Chairman of the General Assembly

4.Ratification of membership in the Commission

The President provides a PowerPoint presentation.

There is a claim for correction on the title of Dutch Acoustical Society to "Nederlands akoestisch Genootschap" (the Acoustical Society of the Netherlands).

5.Summary of Commission activities

The Presidents continues the PowerPoint presentation to cover this item.

6.Adoption of By-laws

The were no changes to the By-laws

7.Election of the Board

There are two names for President (Yoon and Nelson), one name for Secretary General (Kuwano), and one name for Treasurer (Fastl). This leaves the names for the remaining Designated Seats: China (Hou), France (Blanc-Benon), Italy (Pompoli), Russia (Dubrowsky), and USA (Schmid).

A slate of 6 names is proposed for the 5 Open Seats. These are in random order), Cato, Benes, Sliwinski, Gallego-Juarez, Gerges, Dodd.

An Election Committee was nominated by the Board. Ballots are distributed to the delegates for the election of the Open Seats, Each Member Society receives an envelope containing a number of ballots equal to their number of votes (see attachment x). The names on each ballot have been randomly rotated. The ballots are filled and are handed to the Election Committee and the committee retires to a private room to count the ballots.

8.Financial report from the Treasurer

The treasurer is invited to present a summary sheet of the Commission finances.

9.Agreement on a provisional budget for future years

The report of the Treasurer in the preceding item is approved with (1) no change in the dues and (2) the allocation of 5% from the 19th ICA in Madrid.

10.Discussion of membership in ICSU

Using a PowerPoint presentation (attachment), the President provides some background description on International Unions and discussion on how to promote the ICA to the level of an International Union. During the discussion, the Member Societies represented at the General Assembly confirmed their support.

The new President will send the letters to the National Academy of Sciences / Engineering of each Member country for supporting our promotion to the International Union for Acoustics.

11.Discussion of questions submitted by the Members

  1. Questions submitted ahead (2 months prior) in writing

There are no items to be discussed under this point of the Agenda

  1. Other questions submitted later than 2 months prior to the General Assembly

There are no items to be discussed under this point of the Agenda

There not being anything else to discuss in the Agenda, the Election Committee announces the results of the election.

The General Assembly was then adjourned.