“Be a Gift to the World!”
February 11th, 2016
Peace & Conflict Resolution Month
Literacy, Central Vancouver Island
Feb 14th – Valentine’s Day
Feb 15th – Golf Committee Meeting at 5PM.
Feb 18th – RDN Waste Water Services
Feb 23rd – Celebrate Rotary.
Feb 25th – t.b.a.
Feb 27th – Breakfast at 7-10 Club
No one came to visit. L
Michelle Hiller – Literacy CVI
Dale Werezak – potential new member J
Jan s – another year wiser on Feb 15th.
Haven’t heard anything to the contrary, so we’ll presume we’re okay…
Joining in fellowship to support growth and development in education and health for those less fortunate in our local and international communities.
Presidential Observations
● President Len – all members are invited to attend the Golf Committee Meeting next Monday (the 15th at 5PM at Royal LePage on Long Lake).
● Very nice thank-you plaque received from the Royal Canadian Legion, Lantzville Branch, for our contribution to their new Cenotaph - $1,800 towards new flag poles.
$130 donated to The Rotary Foundation this morning. THANK-YOU for your support.
Sergeant-at-Arms this AM was Ralph L who admonished the “talkative” table. Jim T got three hugs!! Jamal asked the wrong question. Robert made some inappropriate comments. Barry was happy and apologetic. Lorie had nothing to say. Richard confused us. Bob M is getting a puppy. Harry was the big winner!
Breakfast at the 7-10 Club
Thank-you for your support.
The “back room boys” at work…sort of…
Next Breakfast – Saturday, February 27th
● Big thanks to Brian R for his dedication (including many hours in the Shack on the 10th) to making “Golf by Donation” as success. Despite the gloomy weather, golfers donated over $1,000. Also, thanks to Fairwinds for allowing us to use their course. http://www.fairwinds.ca/fairwinds/
● Notice of Motion for next week: that we donate $1,000 from “Golf by Donation” to Nanoose Community Services. http://www.nanoosecommunityservices.com/
● DLTA – District Leadership and Training Assembly. April 1st to 3rd in Victoria. A great opportunity for all club members to learn a bit more about Rotary. Please let PE Don White when you have registered. http://portal.clubrunner.ca/50092/SitePage/district-leadership-training-assembly-(dlta)
● Our 19th Annual Golf Tournament, our major fund raiser, is coming up on Friday, June 3rd. It’s never too soon to find sponsors, prizes and golfers. Your help is needed and appreciated.
Next meeting – Monday, February 15th.
Don White talked to us about financial planning. He pointed out that anybody can put up a sign and claim to be a financial planner, so confirm that your adviser is, in fact, qualified and certified. The role of a FP is to learn about you and address your overall financial situation.
Pension plans are changing from defined benefit to defined contribution. The defined benefit pension is in effect when the pensioner knows what his lifetime income from the pension will be. This is based on a formula. The employer is responsible for making these payments from an established pension fund which both the employer and the employee have contributed to. The defined contribution plan also has both the employer and the employee contributing to the plan but the employees pick the investments they want from a range of investments and when the employee retires the funds are turned over to him/her and the employer has no further
Andrea is our Outbound Exchange Student. According to her Mom, Andrea moved to her new host family just after Christmas and really likes it there. She has sprained her ankle, but is doing okay. All in all, she is doing well.
Literacy is a challenged faced by many in Nanaimo and Michelle Hiller – the Executive Director for Literacy, CVI – talked to us about their efforts to address that challenge.
They are based in their own bookstore, “Well Read Books”, on Commercial Street and rely on the work of many trained volunteers (supporting several paid staff) to provide a number of one-on-one tutoring programs:
© Literacy For Families
© Literacy For First Nations’ people
© Literacy at the Nanaimo Correctional Centre
They also offer English Practice Groups – conversational groups for those learning English as a Second Language. They will be working with Nanaimo’s Multi-Cultural Society to help newly arriving Syrian refugees.
BEARS and BEAMS, in elementary schools, encourage young people to Be Enthusiastic About Reading and Math Success.
Their computer refurbishment program cleans up, refurbishes and “re-loads” donated old computers. Since 1999, they have given over 2,000 computers to families and learners.
Rotary (Daybreak) helps with their book bins for used books. Some are “recycled”, some go to Community Bookcases, and most go on the shelves of Well Read Books.
Rotary (Downtown) helps with significant donations from their twice-a-year used book sale.
Michelle invited us to join them for their regular Wednesday afternoon tea, at 3PM in their store.
DLTA – District Leadership & Training Assembly
In Victoria, April 1st to 3rd.
A great way to learn more about Rotary and meet Rotarians from across our District.
Open and useful for all Rotarians.
Early-bird sign-up rates until Feb 14th. Even if you attend only the working sessions on Saturday (April 2nd) it will be informative for you and useful for our Club.
You can find out where and when all the Clubs in District 5020 meet on the 5020 website:
Rotary International: http://www.rotary.org
Member’s access: https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en
District 5020:
Rotary Club of Lantzville:
· “ www.clubrunner.ca/Lantzville
· “Facebook” - www.facebook.com/RotaryClubofLantzville
Now up to 191 likes – J.
His wife had been after him for several weeks to varnish the wooden seat on their toilet. Finally, he got around to doing it while she was out. After finishing, he left to take care of another matter before she returned.
She came in and undressed to take a shower. Before getting in the shower, she sat on the toilet. As she tried to stand up, she realized that the not-quite-dry epoxy paint had glued her to the toilet seat. About that time, he got home and realized her predicament.
They both pushed and pulled without any success whatsoever. Finally, in desperation, he undid the toilet seat bolts. She wrapped a sheet around herself and he drove her to the hospital emergency room.
The ER Doctor got her into a position where he could study how to free her. (Try to get a mental picture of this.) She tried to lighten the embarrassment of it all by saying, “Well, Doctor, I’ll bet you’ve never seen anything like this before.
The Doctor replied, “Actually, I’ve seen lots of them……just never saw one mounted and framed.”
...A child’s best friend...
I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.