Lincoln High School

Student Bulletin

Monday, September 12, 2016

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LOCKERS: If you didn’t register for a locker during orientation last week, please stop by the activities office with your partner and a lock. Lockers will only be issued during lunch. You are only allowed to register for one locker for every two students. No one can have two lockers. If you have put a lock on a locker that is not registered with the activities office, the lock will be cut off.

ASB PUNCH SALES: There is still time to buy your ASB punch. It’s only $55 (cash only) and saves you money on admission to dances, rallys and sporting events, plus you get a free spirit t-shirt. This year you get in free to all home sporting events with an ASB punch (except playoffs). Stop by the Activities office during lunch. Spirit/class t-shirts are also on sale during lunch for $10.

SENIOR PORTRAIT MAKE-UP DAYS: SENIOR PORTRAIT MAKE-UP DAYS are SEPTEMBER 12 & 26, 2016 at the PRACTICE GYM FROM 1:15 PM-7:00 PM. Seniors can call LIFETOUCH at 916-844-1236 if they have any questions about their picture selections and/or options.

PARKING PERMIT REMINDER: Our Public Safety Officers will be issuing citations to all students and staff without a current parking permit. Citations will also be issued to students parked in the “Staff” spaces as well as any staff or student in the visitor’s area. Students will need to pick up a form in the Student Service Center, M-Z side and return the completed form before Monday. Staff will need to go to HR @ District Office to receive their new parking sticker.

KEEP INFORMED: Students and Parents: Stay Informed about school activities, deadlines, and events with text messages just for your class! Please send the following text code (according to grade level) to 81010.

Seniors: @lhsseni (register in order to receive Disneyland updates)

Juniors: @lhsjuni

Sophomores: @lhssopho

Freshmen: @lhsfres

PSAT SIGN-UPS: Sophomores & Juniors, Its time to sign up for the PSAT. Only 2 days to register; Thursday, September 15 and Friday, September 16. The cost is $18.00. You may sign up at lunch or after school in front of the SSC M-Z side.

YEARBOOK PURCHASE: Buy your yearbook now! To order online, visit, and enterour school code#6556. To purchase on campus, please bring $80, either cash or check to room 1112 during Wednesdays at lunch.

If you have any questions, seeMr. Muñoz.

SENIOR ADS: Attention Seniors, Senior Ad packets were distributed during your GOV/ECON classes. If you wantto purchase a senior ad in the yearbook, come to room 1112 during lunch on Wednesdays and see Mr. Muñoz. Bring your completed packet and payment to purchase. Ad Packets are also available in the SSC.Don't miss out!Space is limited!

SCIENCE CAMP COUNSELORS: Applications are now being accepted.If you area Junior or Senior and are interested in becoming a science camp counselor, come by the A-LEO side of the Student Service Center to pick up an application. Once you complete your application please turn it into Randee Ramirez in the Student Service Center.

REFLECTIONS ART CONTEST: Calling all writers, composers, dancers and artists. LHS PTSA is proudly sponsoring the 2016 Reflections Art Contest. This year's theme is "What is your Story..." There are 6 mediums for artists to submit artwork: Photography, visual arts, literature, musical composition, dance choreography, film production. This year's winner will be flown to Virginia to showcase their entry. Lincoln High School is proud to have several state winners - this year it could be you! Applications and rules are available in the student services center on campus. For more information or ideas, you can go All finished entries can be submitted to the Student Services Center byOct. 4.


PRE-MED CLUB: Pre- Med Club will have a voting meeting on Monday at lunch in Room 1107. Please join us if you are interested in being a part of a club focused on exploring the field of medical science. Students with interest in all areas of health related fields are invited to attend. Please see Mrs. Chuck for any questions.

CLUB RUSH: Come out and talk to all the clubs on campus on Thursday and Friday in the endzone area during lunch.


BASEBALL: There is a Trojan Baseball Parent Meeting for all Levels – Freshman, JV and Varsity on Monday, September 12th at 6:30pm in the Lecture Hall Room 1113.

LACROSSE: Did you know that lacrosse is the fastest growing high school sport in the country? Lincoln is proud to have a growing competitive lacrosse program and is recruiting new players to learn "the fastest sport on two feet."Freshmen and sophomores who would like to learn the sport and compete on the JV team this spring are invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, September 15 at 3:15 in the Lecture Hall (room 1113). Meet some of the players and coaches and find out how you can get ready for the season.

Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance

“It’s a great day to be a Trojan. At Lincoln High School we promote human kindness and acceptance of all. Please pick up your trash.”

Stay up to date with school events and happenings by following:


  • @TrojansLHS

