A Few Selected Social ScienceResearch Resource Databases
Academic Search Complete: A big general database that is highly useful for researchers in most disciplines. Much is full-text online.
Access World News Research Collection (NewsBank): News including the Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
AgeLine: A database that focuses on the population aged 50 and over and issues of aging. Many article citations link out to full-text.
AGRICOLA: Citations tor materials within the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Library.
Alexander Street Press Streaming Video: Provides access to streaming video across a wide variety of subjects and disciplines.
American History in Video: Thousands of videos related to American history.
America: History and Life: The key history database that indexes articles by and about the Americas.
American FactFinder: Provides key facts about your community, economy, and society from the US Census Bureau.
American Indian Histories and Cultures: Primary and secondary sources on North and Central American Indian history and culture.
Annual Reviews: Full text critical overviews of primary science and social science research written by leading field experts.
Anthropology Plus: Extensive listing of cultural anthropology research resources. Some links out to AnthroSource.
Anthropology Review Database: Provides signed, refereed reviews of anthropological resources.
AnthroSource: Provides full-text access to American Anthropological Association (AAA) publications.
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA): Citations over almost all of the social sciences.
Armed Conflict Database: Provides up-to-date information on international, internal, and terrorist armed conflicts worldwide.
Associations Unlimited: Info about international and U.S. nonprofit organizations.
Avalon Project: (Yale) Documents relevant to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government.
Bibliography of Native North Americans: Citations to all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life.
Biological Abstracts: Most comprehensive indexing of the biological sciences including biological anthropology.
Campbell Collaboration: Systematic reviews of research evidence. Covers education, social welfare, and crime and justice.
Child Care & Early Education Research Connections: Resources for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.
Child Welfare Information Gateway: Provides access to policy information to help protect children and strengthen families.
CINAHL Complete: The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) is the key resource nursing and allied health.
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Online videos for social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
CQ Almanac: Access to over sixty years of authoritative congressional reporting.
CQ Researcher:Provides reports focused on topics of current interest covering a wide range of social and political issues.
CQ Weekly: Provides coverage of the U.S. Congress including status of bills and votes, committee and backroom maneuvering.
Criminal Justice Abstracts: Coverage of the major journals in criminology, criminal justice, delinquency, violence, and victims.
Digital National Security Archive (DNSA): Access to declassified primary documents central to U.S. foreign policy since 1945.
EconLit: Full text for more than 480 journals, including the American Economic Association journals.
eHRAF Archaeology: A cross-cultural database containing information on prehistory. Sources are indexed at the paragraph level.
eHRAF World Cultures: A cross-cultural database containing primary cultural information indexed at the paragraph level.
Ethnographic Video Online: Streaming video collection for the visual study of human culture and behavior.
Europa World: Online Europa World Yearbook gives political and economic information for over 250 countries and territories.
FDsys: GPO's Federal Digital System: Full-text access to official publications from the U.S. Federal Government.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index: Info about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages.
Gallup: Provides data-driven news based on U.S. and world polls, daily tracking and public opinion research.
Gerritsen Collection - Women's History Online 1543-1945: Ebooksand documentsilluminating the movement for women's rights.
GovSearch™ Plus: Contact information for federal, state, and municipal government employees.
Historical Abstracts: The primary history database that indexes articles about the Old World, or any area that is not the Americas.
Historical Statistics of the United States: Access to quantitative facts of American history, statistics from many sources.
ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research): is a membership-based, not-for-profit organization serving member colleges and universities by providing access to a large database of machine-readable social science data sets.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS): Unique in its broad coverage of international materials.
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Describes all fields within the social and behavioral sciences.
iPoll: Access to the largest archive of public opinion polls (Roper) with over 500,000 questions and answers asked since 1935.
JSTOR: (Journal Storage) is mostly an archive collection of older articles from full text scholarly journals.
LexisNexis Academic: Provides access to full-text news, business and legal publications.
LGBT Life: Citations covering literature about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues.
MEDLINE (EBSCO): Provides indexing for journal articles overmany of the policy and social aspects of the health care system.
Military & Government Collection: Focusing on current military affairs, public affairs, public policy, and international affairs.
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS): Free aggregate census data and GIS-compatible files for the US.
National Security Archive: Service of George Washington University.
NCJRS Abstract Database. Contains summariesof over 200,000 criminal justice and drug abuse research resources.
PAIS International: Access to public policy issues including economic, political, and social background information and statistics.
Periodicals Archive Online: Full text international articles published in the humanities and the social sciences.
Pew Research Center: A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends.
PILOTS: Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (1871-Current): By the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs about PTSD.
PolicyFile: Interdisciplinary coverage for urban affairs, business, international studies, education, nursing and other fields.
Project Muse: Full text of scholarly journals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
ProQuest Criminal Justice: Supports research about crime, its causes, and impacts, legal and social implications, and crime trends.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT Global): Many US and Canadian PhD dissertations are full-text online.
ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection: Access to databases covering the social sciences, including politics, etc.
PsycINFO: Covers nearly all of the psychological topics since 1887. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA
RAND Corporation: A research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges.
Religion & Philosophy Collection: Full text coverage of world religions, political philosophy, and moral philosophy.
Research Professional: A source for information on funding opportunities and news on research policy and politics.
SAGE Research Methods: Full text from over 720 books including the entire “Little Green Book”, the "Little Blue Book” Sage series.
ScienceDirect: Includes articles in the life, physical, medical, technical, and social sciences.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN): Abstracts of scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers. Free registration required.
Social Sciences Citation Index: SSCI lists and tracks articles and authors cited by others in scientific journals.
Social Services Abstracts:Indexes publications focused on social work, social welfare, social policy, and community development.
Social Work Abstracts: Indexes thousands of social work, social services, and human service journal articles.
Sociological Abstracts: Indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines from1952 to present.
SpringerLink: Articles and e-books in the sciences, engineering, humanities, business, law, and social sciences.
Statistical Abstract of the United States: Summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the US.
Tests and Measures in the Social Sciences: Finding aid forscales, questionnaires, and other research instruments.
TOPICsearch: Social science and popular science topics to discuss and research. (Often good for quick papers.)
UNData: A multi-disciplinary source providing official statistics produced by countries and compiled by the UN.
Universal Human Rights Index: (United Nations) Provides easy access to country-specific human rights issues worldwide.
Web of Science: Citations from the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
WestlawNext Campus Research: A database of law-related sources such as law reviews, legal encyclopedias, cases, statutes, etcs.
Women & Social Movements in the United States: 1600-2000: Brings together books, primary sources, for women's studies.
World Bank: Data and publications about ending extreme poverty within a generation and boosting shared prosperity.
World Factbook (CIA): Offers facts on every country, dependency, and geographic entity in the world.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts: Citations, abstracts, and indexing of the literature in political science (1975 - Current).
John James Dillard, MA, MS - - Social Work and Social Sciences Librarian
Email: - - Homepage: libraries.uta.edu/dillard
February 4, 2016