Article I


Section 1.

The name of the organization shall be the Lincoln County Historical and Genealogical Society.

Section 2.

When necessary for purposes of brevity, this organization may be referred to as LCHGS or “the Society”.

Section 3.

The fiscal year of the Society shall coincide with the calendar year, January 1 – December 31.

Article II


Section 1.

The purposes of the Society are set forth in its Articles of Incorporation on file with the Mississippi Secretary of State.

Section 2.

The Society shall promote and preserve historical and genealogical information of Brookhaven and Lincoln County, Ms.

Section 3.

The Society shall promote the preservation of historical sites, artifacts, and buildings within Brookhaven and Lincoln County, Ms.

Section 4.

The Society shall promote education related to local history.

Section 5.

The Society is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article III

Board of Directors

Section 1.

The Board of Directors shall be comprised of 12 members with four members serving as officers. Members will be appointed to serve one (1) year, two (2) year, and three (3) year terms as members rotate off the board.

Section 2.

The members, serving as officers, will be appointed to serve three (3) year terms (January 1 – December 31).

Section 3.

The officers will be President, Vice-President/ President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer. They will each serve a one (1) year term unless re-elected by the board. The out-going President will remain as a member of the board for a period of two years, unless re- elected to the board.

Section 4.

The Historian will serve as an Honorary Board Member, appointed by the President.

Section 5.

Dr. Jack E. Tindall shall serve as Board Member Emeritus during his lifetime.

Section 6.

Duties of the Board Members include – but are not limited to – attending meetings, conducting business of the Society, voting, accepting responsibilities (serving on committees, assisting with Society functions, etc.)

Section 7.

In case of Resignation, Removal, or Death of a Board Member or Officer the Executive Board will meet and elect a new member to serve the remaining portion of the term.

Article IV


Section 1.

Any individual or business interested in the history of Lincoln County who applies for membership and who tenders the necessary dues, shall there by become a member.

Section 2.

Active members of the Society comprise all persons who have paid the current membership dues. Dues are due by the first meeting of the calendar year. Members failing to pay their dues by the third meeting of the calendar year shall be dropped from the membership roster.

Section 3.

Membership categories and dues are as follows:

Individual dues shall be $20.00 annually (January 1–December 31), with the two following exceptions.

A member joining for the first time after July 1 of the calendar year (July 1 – December 31) will pay dues of $10.00 for the remaining months of that year.

A member purchasing a copy of the The Early History of LincolnCounty, Mississippi by Dr. Jack Tindall ($30.00) will receive the first year’s dues included with the purchase of the book*

*This option is deleted as of July 1, 2009. At this time Dr. Tindall stated that he needed to sell books privately in order to repay his personal investment in the publishing.

Article V


Section 1.

Regular meetings of the Society shall be held January – May, and August – December, with the summer months (June, July) omitted.

Section 2.

Special meetings may be called by the President, or if the President is unable, by a majority of Board Members as needed.

Section 3.

The Executive Board shall meet monthly as/or determined by the President.

Article VI


Section 1

The President shall:

*preside over all meetings of the Society, and of the Executive Board, and shall be an ex-offico member of all committees

*make sure all legal and financial obligations are in order;

*have the authority to delegate duties and responsibilities, as needed;

*form committees to assist in carrying out the duties, purposes, and objectives of the Society, and appoint committee chairpersons, with consultation to the Executive Board;

*have authority to convene meetings of the Executive Board, in addition to the regular membership meetings, to plan, organize, and discuss matters of importance to the Society.

*become chairman of the nominating committee at the end of the term of president

Section 2.

The Vice-President/ President-Elect shall:

*preside over all meetings in which the President is not available;

*assist in carrying out the duties, purposes, and objectives of the Society as assigned by the Executive Board

Section 3.

The Secretary shall:

*keep accurate minutes of all regular membership meetings of the Society;

*maintain a roster of the membership;

*give notice of all regular membership meetings and special meetings as needed

*make a report upon the work, actions, and accomplishments of the Society at the last regular meeting of the calendar year. This report shall be in writing and kept with the minutes of the Society.

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall:

*receive and disburse funds, including dues and donations;

*have the authority to establish an appropriate bank account to manage the Society’s funds;

*keep a complete, accurate account of all funds and shall make a report thereof at the last regular meeting of the calendar year and whenever required by the Executive Board;

*deposit all funds received by the Society into a banking company in the name of the Society;

*pay monies by numbered checks signed by the Treasurer if less than $500.00, and with the President’s signature if $500.00 or greater;

*act as a prudent manager of all Society monies, keeping required records and following procedures established by the Executive Board. All records of the Society shall be subject to independent audit as requested by the Executive Board.

Section 5.

The Historian shall:

*compile a scrapbook of the society’s events, actions, and related information.

Article VII

Standing Committees

Section 1.

The Society shall have the following standing committees:

A.Education Committee – assists in obtaining speakers for monthly meetings, seminars, and any other events which require a presentation or tour.

B.Finance Committee – plans and implements special and ongoing endowment activities; monitors investments of the Society’s assets, advising the Executive Board of any recommended changes in investment; with the treasurer a member of the committee.

C.Genealogy Committee – plans and implements activities to promote awareness and preservation of our ancestral heritage.

D.Membership Committee – responsible for membership drives and processing new applications for membership.

E.Preservation Committee – responsible for establish properties and sites of historical significance in need of assistance; recommends solutions to the Executive Board.

F.Publications Committee – responsible for a newsletter to members; provides notice to the public of special events; assisting in the publishing of Society information, including the sales or books signings of any books used to promote the society.

G.Program Committee – responsible for planning programs, locations, speakers, refreshments, and other duties related to the program.

H.Historian Committee – responsible for maintain a scrapbook of the society’s actions and events, including – but not limited to – programs, newspaper articles, and flyers. The Historian is an honorary member of the Executive Board, and is appointed by the president.

I.Nomination Committee – responsible for recommending a slate for nomination with the out-going president serving a two (2) year term on the Executive Board and the Vice President/ President Elect becoming the President. The past president serves at the chairman.

Section 2.

The President shall appoint members and chairpersons of the standing committees.

Section 3.

Other committees, standing or special, may be created by the President as directed by the Society or the Executive Board.

Article VIII

Elections and Voting

Section 1.

The Nominating Committee will present a slate of officers to the membership at the October meeting annually.

Section 2.

The number of board members present constitutes a quorum. If no members are present, no formal action shall take place, except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date.

Section 3.

The elected officers will assume their duties on January 1 of the following year.

Article IX

Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Society, except in cases governed by the Constitution or Bylaws.

Article X

Dissolution of Society

Upon the majority vote of the membership to dissolve the Society, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. (See Article II, Section 5 for dissolution per governmental guidelines.) At the time of dissolution the Executive Board will decide which 501 (c) (3) organization, if the board is in effect at that time.

Article XI


Section 1.

These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of all members in good-standing who are present at such meeting or are voting by proxy.

These Bylaws were approved and adopted on ______, 2008.


Marti Parker, Secretary

Section 2.

Amended to allow addition of Section 2, Article 5 on ______, 2010.


Rita Rich, President


Marti Parker, Secretary

Section 3.

Amended to allow typographical correction from 502 to 501 in Section 2,

Article 5 on ______, 2010.


Rita Rich, President


Marti Parker, Secretary

Section 4.

Amended to allow typographical correction from 502 to 501 in Section 2,

Article 5 on ______, 2010.


Rita Rich, President


Marti Parker, Secretary