Lighting Practice Assignment
Task 1
A.Using a subject (human or otherwise), set up & shoot with only a Key light
(shoot 1 minute).
The subject and camera should not be moved or adjusted once you have shot A set.
B.Add a fill light, to the above
(shoot 30 seconds)
C.Add back light. This is now the traditional 3-point lighting scheme (key, fill, back) (shoot 30 seconds)
- Add background light.
(shoot 30 seconds)
E.Add flags/cookies to this lighting design.
(shoot 1 minute)
Task 2
- Using TWO humans as your subject, create a film noir/chiaroscuro(pronounced- “key arrow skew row” is Italian for 'light and shade') extreme low-key lighting to create distinct areas of light and darkness, lighting design.
(shoot 1 minute).
- Create a motivated variation in the light during shooting (i.e. lights go on/off, waver, are added removed, firelight, lightning, headlights move across the scene -- use your imagination)
(shoot 1 minute)
- Add small or large movement (by one or more subjects, so they move into and/or out of the light.
(shoot 1 minute)
Task 3:
Using a human as your subject, light a close up of their face for an emotional scene.
Task 4:
- Light a small object on a tabletop, evenly, with slow falloff
(shoot 30 seconds)
- Light the same object dramatically, with fast falloff.
(shoot 30 seconds)
Edit your above work. Including text to describe each lighting effect.
Video Lighting Marking Rubric
Markers Name______
Group being Marked ______
____ /11Tasks
____/22Effect use of lighting
(0-poor, 1-OK, 2-Excellent)
-Documentary (tells how lighting was done)
-Camera Shots
(5-A little weak, 7-Good, 10-Amazing)
_____/5WOW factor
-extra –Above & Beyond
_____ Total
Group being Marked ______
____ /11Tasks
____/22Effect use of lighting
(0-poor, 1-OK, 2-Excellent)
-Documentary (tells how lighting was done)
-Camera Shots
(5-A little weak, 7-Good, 10-Amazing)
_____/5WOW factor
-extra –Above & Beyond
_____ Total
Group being Marked ______
____ /11Tasks
____/22Effect use of lighting
(0-poor, 1-OK, 2-Excellent)
-Documentary (tells how lighting was done)
-Camera Shots
(5-A little weak, 7-Good, 10-Amazing)
_____/5WOW factor
-extra –Above & Beyond
_____ Total
Group being Marked ______
____ /11Tasks
____/22Effect use of lighting
(0-poor, 1-OK, 2-Excellent)
-Documentary (tells how lighting was done)
-Camera Shots
(5-A little weak, 7-Good, 10-Amazing)
_____/5WOW factor
-extra –Above & Beyond
_____ Total