Minutes of Meeting

Held at Scottish Athletics, The Gyle, Edinburgh

On 17th September 2014


Vic Hockley (Chair)Margaret Brown (Vice Convenor)

Pat Hockley (Officials’ Co-ordinator)

Alistair AitchisonMike Forrest

Kenny MarshallBrenda Stephen

Margaret Ann MacLachlanMargaret McInally

Ann CarterJoyce Rammell

Claire Archbold (Events Administrator)Liz Wilder

Mike Forrest

1.Apologies: Shona Malcolm,Jim Goldie,Marjory Cook,Dave Biggin

2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Vic welcomedeveryone.

3. Matters Arising from minutes of meeting of8th May 2014.

No matters arising. It was noted that the Meet Manager training had been limited to 2 officials and it was accept that a further opportunity should be organised if possible

4. Chairman’s Report.

Vic wanted to congratulate all officials for their involvement in the Commonwealth Games. The standard of officiating had surpassed the expectations of many outside Scotland, although we knew that our officials would rise to the challenge.

*****Vic wanted to send the strongest message possible that Records of Experiences must be in before the 1st October deadline. This is particularly important for anyone wishing to remain on the UK Active List. Producing and submitting R of E is an essential part and the responsibility of each official – without it no argument will allow the official to participate at International Level.

Send to your Head of Discipline

, , ,

And copy in the office

Claire agreed to ask that this information be added to the Website and that an email be sent.

The new Scottish Website is up and running and looking good – Claire added that this is only the first phase and that suggestions would be welcomed.

5. Education and Training (Report from Jim Goldie)

There have been no courses run throughout the summer months, but planning is well advanced in terms of the upcoming winter months. Below are the details of courses planned for delivery and where appropriate the tutors being allocated to the course.

There are a couple of outstanding courses that will require tutors, Level 2 Timekeeping (If Mike cannot do these) and the Starter/ Marksman (Discussion ongoing with the peer group). It is hoped that this regionalised delivery will increase the accessibility and recruitment of new officials.

Timekeeping / 01/10/2014 / Craigswood
14TOFF2002 / Field / 15/11/2014 / Dundee / Brenda Stephen
14WOFFL2T001 / Track / 15/11/2014 / Kilmarnock / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
14TOFFL2T001 / Track / 06/12/2014 / Pitreavie / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
15EOFFL2F001 / Field / 17/01/2015 / Meadowbank / Brenda Stephen
15TOFFT2002 / Track / 17/01/2015 / Dundee / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
15TOFFHS001 / Health & Safety / 17/01/2015 / Dundee / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
15GOFFFL2001 / Field / 07/02/2015 / Aberdeen / Elspeth Allen
15GOFFHS001 / Health & Safety / 07/02/2015 / Aberdeen / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
15HOFFL2001 / Track / 07/03/2015 / Inverness / Margaret Ann MacLauchlin
Timekeeping / 07/03/2015 / Kilmarnock / Mike Forrest
Starter/ Marksman / 14/03/2015 / Craigswood / TBC

I am still doing work on this plan, but as you can see the geographical coverage is excellent and with a course being planned on Orkney and possibly one on Shetland, it is a positive picture of delivery of our officials’ education.

I would like to propose that we deliver a number of Level 3 courses after the AGM in 2015. Can I ask all Peer Group Heads to identify suitable candidates across all disciplines for this training to allow us to target them? This will ensure that we do not cancel all the planned courses

*** Margaret Ann wished to add H&S in Shetland on 21/11 . Joyce Rammell and Jim Callander are at present working on setting up course opportunities in the South of Scotland. The Commission again expressed the need to look at the position with Level 3 Tutors (particularly Track).

6. Track & Field Officials’ Coordinator’s Report Pat Hockley

Track & Field Coordinator Report Sept 2014

  1. All Summer Champs went ahead satisfactorily even though in some disciplines numbers were sparse. The change of venue for the Age Group Champs to Aberdeen which clashed with the European IPC Champs caused some problems but thanks to Alasdhair Love enough officials were found to run the meeting.
  1. All dates have been listed for the Winter season although they were still not forthcoming from most convenors & an email reminder is still necessary. I am in the process again of trying to decipher from Trinity as to who to email with information. Hopefully the winter list & invite letter will be sent out by the end of the week.
  1. Problems with Trinity database.

a)Has officials listed who have not been officiating for years.

Can we remove them??

b)Has Level 1 officials who have only partially completed a course & have no licence. Do I send them an invite?

c)Some officials have an out of date licence. Do I send an invite to these officials?

d)Has Coaches listed who have completed a Level 1 course obviously to help with Coaching .How do I know if they wishto officiate?

e)Has officials listed who only officiate at Endurance events.Can we produce a separate list?

f)Unfortunately still has officials listed who are deceased.

Have produced a list for the Indoor but am concerned that I may have omitted officials who are active. Suggest that we have a working group possibly with discipline heads & someone from the North & someone from the Cross Country Commission working with the Office. Is it possible to produce from Trinity separate lists of Track & Field Officials, Endurance Officials (Obviously some officials would be on both) & Coaches. The office to keep the Track & Field Coordinator & Cross Country Commission informed of any additions deletions during the indoor & outdoor season. Ideally I would like something sorted by March when my replacement takes over.


*** The Commission discussed the questions raised. Margaret Brown confirmed that she can produce Reports in TRINITY which can list the different groups. There are flaws however which make the Database less than user friendly.

Vic agreed to get a clear indication from the office of the procedures in place to ensure that the data contained is updated regularly and that there is a clear method of identifying those officials with current Licence, Disclosure, current Level and who are actively engaged in officiating.

The Commission (Heads of Discipline) will then work with the office to try to get a clearer list of officials who should be included in future mailing lists. (This may include sending a questionnaire) We are all keen to include new officials (who have attended courses) and to encourage their participation and development, and to ensure that everyone who wishes to officiate feels informed and appreciated.

7.Recruitment Retention and Rewards Sub group Report Dave Biggin

Recruitment Retention and Rewards Sub Group Report.

With the summer demands on members in this group no meeting was possible this summer.

The new SAL website easily leads any enquiry to the correct person to progress any interest in officiating.

Ian showed two potential officials, one each for track and field, around day 1 of Senior Championships.

No doubt officials may now find it an appropriate time to consider their commitment to officiating making even more critical the need to successfully recruit and retain new officials.



8. Discipline Heads’ Reports.

Track–(Report from Alistair Aitchison)

One official is being recommended for upgrading to Level 3 this autumn. One other failed the questions and cannot now progress further this year.

Now have 5 Level 2b officials who have indicated their willingness to progress to Level 2c but at their own pace.

An incident at Aberdeen was discussed by the Commission – some protocols in communication between disciplines to ensure safety are being discussed at present.

Field –

3 very able officials are ready to progress to Level 3 (one has still to complete questions).

There are 4 new level 2a officials who have expressed an interest in progressing to 2b.

3 current Level 2c are willing and able to get to Level 3 in the near future.

It is hoped that a Formal Mentoring System can be worked on over the winter.


Margaret McInally wanted to thank Ally Love for securing very effective helpers for the Age Groups in Aberdeen and wonders if this could help at other venues. Claire took note of this to pass to Regional Managers.

It was recognised that Clydesiders had helped at Emirates last year and Liz seemed positive that some would still be available.

Margaret wanted to suggest that officials from all disciplines make themselves available to act as Call Room Managers at our championships and that this group would provide more suitably experienced Call Room stewards at any Scottish International Meetings. All Discipline Heads agreed to work with Margaret on establishing this list

Starter / Marksman–(Report from Dave Biggin)

Congratulations to all officials in all disciplines who performed so well at the Commonwealth Games in the summer. This discipline’s officials were proud and pleased to make a contribution to the success of this global event.

The group’s Generic notes have been amended as a result of an incident at Aberdeen and this hopefully will prevent any repeat.

There is a major problem with the supply of any required stock and an alternative source is being investigated.



Timekeepers/Photo Finish-(Report from Mike Forrest)

Recent meetings have shown a need to go back to basics with a number of officials. The use of Timekeepers to man TIC has possibly reduced their opportunities to hone their own skill and this needs addressing before progression to Level 3. Mike is also concerned that a Code of Conduct needs revisiting as he is aware of incidents where some officials have been less than professional towards others. Perhaps a review of Signalling practices and roles and responsibilities for each discipline needs tightening.

  1. Service to Members (Report from Ann Carter)

Ann has located some possibly suitable venues for an officials’ get together (Curry Night) in the winter. Ann is delighted to report that some Road and Cross Country officials will soon be taking waterproof jackets and trousers off her hands.

  1. Facilities Report from Liz Wilder

The Hampden Legacy is on its way to Scottish Grounds. The Hampden Mondo will be used at Grangemouth outdoors (Track is nearing completion). Drainage issues at the 200m start have been addressed. Blue Mondo will be laid in the Indoor arena. There will be a single long jump pit at the 100m start. The Shot circle has been moved slightly. The Electronic Pole Vault stands are providing a challenge and the size of the mats will need many hands to manoeuvre. Improvements to the cage are also hopeful, but watch this space. Liz hopes that the Indoor meetings will be able to go ahead.

The fact that they have managed to retrieve an unprecedented 97% of the Hampden Mondo means that Crownpoint should also benefit, but drainage problems there will delay this until the Spring (next suitable weather!!)

Aberdeen is to upgrade track and proposal will include a move to Finish Line, Steeplechase, Long Jump Pits. Bill Gillespie will be there soon to assess and start work.

Dampark has the cage from Hampden – may be a manpower problem in its upkeep but this could put Dam Park back as a future venue. There is a possibility of resurfacing.

Equipment from Hampden is being gathered to produce Technical Manager Boxes which would be kept at scottishathletics and brought for championship meetings.

  1. Health & Safety Report

Margaret Ann checked with Michael Hunt that the report on the incident at Pitreavie had been received and acted on. She intends to send a Test Run to check that everything is working. The problems may arise from officials using old forms with wrong address. Perhaps time to run off a new one from the web to carry with you.

12 Track & Field Representative’s Report.

Concern expressed over number of competitors – T and F have asked Stewart Caithness to look at a way to cap the numbers for younger age groups in future. It has been agreed that there will be no U13 Hammer or Pole Vault. Dates to be confirmed, but Grangemouth will hopefully be the venue for summer championships with the Seniors at Aberdeen.

Road Running & Cross Country.

No Report


*After discussion, Joyce has agreed to work with Stewart Caithness with a view to changing the EDM provider. She has a quote from Paul Rutter, who would be willing to leave machines in Scotland after providing suitable training on Set Up. It was agreed that the constant problems experienced this year makes a change necessary

*It was proposed that an opportunity should be sought to get together all the officials from the Commonwealth Games with a view to review, share and use the new expertise to the benefit of all Scottish Officials and Athletics in general. A small group Margaret Brown, Vic Hockley, Liz Wilder and Brenda Stephen will meet soon to discuss.


Pat wanted to ensure that protocols were in place for Events on TRINITY. Margaret Brown wished to state that it is important to be able to put names of officials on TRINITY in advance of the event, but that it is vital that she is told of any changes before the Reports and Assessments are sent in. The Meeting Manager (with the Discipline Heads) should keep Margaret informed of actual officials attending events who need to be included for Assessment. It was further noted that Assessors should be assessed by the Referees in their Report.

*Claire informed the meeting that the Event Team are still keen to get Feedback on Summer 2014 organised by some method – Vic did suggest that Meeting Reports in Scotland were pretty comprehensive and probably could provide nearly all information needed.

He further asked Claire to check on the progress of Template Sheets worked on and submitted on Information to Athletes, Officials and Roles with a view to circulation.

Claire also agreed to revisit the issue of Meet Manager training and possibly extending those involved.

*Margaret Ann informed the meeting that she intended to visit Gordon Baird (who is progressing well after his recent surgery) and everyone expressed their best wishes for his speedy return to rude health.

* Margaret Brown brought up need to give further information on Expenses situation (paid when £15 reached) and Claire agreed to look at this. The possibility of booking accommodation was also raised and the general consensus was that any arrangements should be equally available for all Scottish Athletics Officials.


Proposed Next Commission Meeting – 25th February 2015

Allocations Meeting 29th October 2014

Brenda Stephen

September 2014