King’s College Research Ethics Committee Ref: HR-15/16-3716

Lightening the shadow of abuse: Supporting survivors approaching childbirth

Thank you for interest in our study

The aim of this study is to work with survivors in the production of an on-line learning resource that will help to prepare those who have experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse for pregnancy, birth and caring for a new baby. This will be a resource that survivors are able to access at their own pace and in private. It will help them to learn about topics, which will be identified during the project, that are important for those who are contemplating pregnancy and birth and explore strategies that helped other survivors to cope.

More information can be found in the accompanying Participant Information Sheet. Please make sure you read it before you decide if you would like to take part. If you have any questions or concerns in connection with the information we have provided,please get in touch and ask us. You will find our details in the Participant Information Sheet.

We will be very careful to protect your identify in all our work. We will produce presentations and publications about this work and would like your permission to use direct quotes from what you have said to us.

In completing this questionnaire you are confirming that:

You have read and understood the information sheet and have had the opportunity to consider the information and ask questions, which have been answered satisfactorily.

You know that participation is voluntary and that you can leave out any questions you would prefer not to answer

You understand that confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained and it will not be possible to identify you in any publications and presentations.

You understand that the information you have submitted will be used in presentations or published as papers or a report.

Do you give us permission to use direct quotes from what you have said to us? Please delete as applicable. Yes/No

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If you are a survivor who has had children, please go to Sections 1 and 3. If you are a survivor who would like to have children one day, please go to Sections 2 and 3.

Section 1 – if you are a survivor who has had children, please fill in this section

We would like to find out what you think survivors who have not yet had a baby but would like to in the future need to know to prepare them for when they do. We are interested in understanding your experiences in connection with pregnancy, birth and caring for a new baby. There are no right or wrong answers. Please let us know what is important to you in as much detail as you like. We are not asking you to tell us about your childhood experiences. Please ignore any questions you would prefer not to answer.

(1)What did it feel like when you found out you were pregnant?

(2)Looking back, as a survivor, is there anything you wish you had known before you got pregnant?

(3)What impact did being a survivor have on your experience of pregnancy?

(4)Can you tell us anymore about the impact you felt being a survivor had on the care you received while pregnant? For instance, did you feel the need to tell or feel able to tell the healthcare professionals assisting your pregnancy? Were they understanding?

(5)What was your experience of labour?

(6)Is there anything specifically that you would share with other survivors to help them in their labour?

(7)Is there anything you would like to tell other survivors about giving birth?

(8)How did you find the first few weeks after having your baby?

(9)Do you feel your experience of abuse impacted this time, if so can you tell us about that?

(10) What was caring for your new baby like? Do you feel your experience of abuse impacted this time, if so can you tell us about that?

(11) Do you feel you had the right support to help you, as a survivor of abuse, at this time?

(12) What sort of things have you found that helped you cope with pregnancy and birth?

(13) Is there anything else about pregnancy, birth and caring for a new baby you think we should know?

Please now turn to Section 3 (p12)

Section 2 - If you are a survivor who would like to have children one day, please fill in this section.

We are interested in finding out about your thoughts and feelings so there are no right or wrong answers. Please let us know what is important to you in as much detail as you like. Please ignore any questions you would prefer not to answer.

(1)If you think about may be having a baby one day, how does it make you feel?

(2)What excites you about having a baby?

(3)Does anything worry you about having a baby?

(4)As a survivor, what questions do you haveabout pregnancy, birth and caring for a new baby?

Please now turn to Section 3 (p12)

Section 3 Please fill in this section whether you have had children or not.

Finally, a few questions about you:

(1)What is your age? ______

(2)What is your ethnic group? (Please tick one box)

Ethnic group / Tick one
Mixed/ multiple ethnic group
Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Other ethnic group, please specify______

(3)What is your highest level of education? (Please tick one box)

Level of Education / Tick one
University degree
College diploma
A levels
Other please specify______

(4) Do you live with another adult?(Please tick one box)

Tick one

(5) Have you ever been pregnant? (Please tick one box)

Tick one

If yes

(6) How many pregnancies have you had? ______Or please mark with an X if you prefer not to say

(7) How many births have you had? ______Or please mark with an X if you prefer not to say

(8) If you would be interested in taking part in later phases of this work, please provide your contact details:

Name: ______

Email: ______

Address (optional):

Please send your answers to:

Postal address:

The Survivors Trust

Unit 2, Eastlands Court Business Centre
St Peter’s Road
CV21 3QP


lease put ‘Lightening the shadow’ in the subject heading.

Thank you very much for answering our questions. The Final report from the Project will be available on The Survivor Trust website towards the end of 2018.

If you find that you feel upset after answering these questions or in the weeks to come, support is available from the following organisations:

(England & Wales)


(Northern Ireland)

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