Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei Presentation
After the Prayer after Communion and before the Concluding Rite, the Cubmaster calls up the recipients and their parents by name. Both stand in the sanctuary facing the congregation.
State of Pack:
Cubmaster reads from the podium:
Father ______, Deacon ______and the Parish Community. The Cub Scout oath reads. “I, promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people and to obey the law of the pack.
In 2005, Cub Scout Pack 74 did its best to fulfill these obligations. Each scout has worked on a religious achievement in accordance with their rank. As a pack, our Coat, Hat, Glove and Boot drive collected over 650 Winter clothing items which were donated to Catholic Charities for distribution. Both Troop and Pack 74 participated in the Boy Scouts of America annual, Scouting For Food Drive collecting over 850 pounds of food which was donated to local food banks.
The Celebrant blesses the emblems:
Blessing of the Light of Christ Medals and Patches
“Father, we share in the light of Your glory through Christ, Your Son, the Light of the world. Bless these emblems bearing an image of the Easter candle, so that those who wear them shall always follow the Light of Christ. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.”
Blessing of the Parvuli Dei Medals, Patches and Pins
“Almighty Father, Who has given us the Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph as an example for all families, bless these emblems bearing an image of the Holy Family of Nazareth, so that those who wear them may be loving and obedient children of their parents and obtain with them Your grace in this life and everlasting glory in the life to
come. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.”
Calling of the Candidates:
Cubmaster reads from the podium:
Today, we would like to recognize those Scouts who have completed the National Catholic Committee on Scouting’s requirements to earn a religious emblem for their rank.
Would the following Wolf Den members who have complete the requirements for the Light of Christ Award and their parents please come forward.
List Names:
Would the following Webelos Den members who have completed the requirements for the Parvuli Dei Award and their parents please come forward.
After all the Scouts and parents are up, The Celebrant addresses the congregation in these or similar words.
“If we want to be happy, we must come to know, to love, and to serve God and others. Scouts recognize that they have a duty to God and for a Scout to be reverent. These Scouts have made a serious effort in growing in their faith, knowledge, and service of God. In recognition of their efforts, they are being presented with the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei Religious Emblem.”
Presentation of the Light of Christ Medals and Patches
The Celebrant presents the emblem to the Scout’s parent.
The Celebrant then presents the Scout with either a Patch or Pin and congratulates him.
Start with the Light of Christ and then Parvuli Dei recipients.
The Celebrant addresses the congregation in these or similar words
Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you these Cub Scouts who are a source of inspiration to us all.
Scouts and their parents then sit down.