Контролирующие материалы / / Ф ИМОЯК 8.2.4 -01

Controltask 3

In Philosophy

For foreign students

Course 2, semester 4

  1. Philosophy and Its Role in man’s Life and Society
1.1. What is the Weltanschauung or world outlook?
  1. System of elements in stable structure
  2. System of notions on world order
  3. System of news about informational activity
  4. System of views on the Universe and the place of Man into it
1.2. The main features of the mythological outlook are:
  1. Happiness of all men, sum of all good things, sense of beauty
  2. Moral, faith, dogmas
  3. Scientific data, logic, reflection
  4. Spiritual mastering of the world, reflection, freethinking, reason
  5. Practical orientation, lack of reflection, imaginative description of the world, antropooriented description of nature (anthropomorphism)
1.3. The specific features of the religious world outlook are:
  1. Happiness of all men, sum of all good things, sense of beauty
  2. Moral, faith, dogmas
  3. Scientific data, logic, reflection
  4. Spiritual mastering of the world, reflection, freethinking, reason
  5. Practical orientation, lack of reflection, imaginative description of the world, antropooriented description of nature
1.4. The specific features of the scientific world outlook are:
  1. Happiness of all men, sum of all good things, sense of beauty
  2. Moral, faith, dogmas
  3. Scientific data, logic, reflection
  4. Spiritual mastering of the world, reflection, freethinking, reason
  5. Practical orientation, lack of reflection, imaginative description of the world, antropooriented description of nature
1.5. Choose the philosophical questions:
  1. What is Man? Who was Freud?
  2. What is existence? What is plan for baby?
  3. What is time? What is space?
  1. Historical types of philosophizing
2.1. Point out main philosophical trend of Modern Times:
A. The Pantheism
  1. The Theocentrism
  2. The Mechanism
2.2. Point out main philosophical ideas of Modern Times:
  1. The Empirism
  2. The Rationalism
  3. The Anthropotheism
2.3. Point out main philosophical idea of the philosophy of objective spirit:
  1. The absolute idea
  2. The Panlogism
  3. A subjective idea
2.4. Point out main philosophical idea of the philosophy of subjective spirit:
  1. Space and time are subjective senses
  2. Man is the highest value
  3. The Panlogism
2.5. Point out main philosophical idea of the philosophy of anthropotheism:
  1. Space and time are subjective senses
  2. The Pantheism
  3. A love is the main law of human beings
3. The philosophical understanding of the world
3.1.Scientific Picture of the world is
  1. Image of world, based on philosophical principles
  2. Image of the world, based on separated sciences
  3. Integrative image of the world, based on all types of scientific knowledge
3.2.Main forms of the being are
  1. Being of things and processes
  2. Being of things and processes, being of Man, individualized spiritual and objective spiritual, social being
  3. Being of material things, created by Man
3.3.Attributes of matter are
  1. Matter as reality existing independent of consciousness
  2. Matter as CAUSA SUI (cause of itself)
  3. Reflection, movement, space, time, structure, system.
3.4.Forms of matter’s movement are
  1. Physical, chemical, biological, social.
  2. A way of material existence, changing of any interrelationship of material object
  3. Material bodies moving
3.5. What is reason?
  1. Cognitive relation to the world based on concept
  2. Noncognitive attitude to the world, based on sense
  3. Belief in supernatural forces
  4. Mastering new knowledge
  1. The pictures of the world
4.1. The scientific picture of the world:
  1. Based on faith
  2. Based on myths
  3. Based on thoughts of the Universe
  4. Based on scientific information
4.2. The religious picture of the world:
  1. Based on existence
  2. Based on myths
  3. Based on faith
  4. Based on scientific information
4.3. The mythological picture of the world:
  1. Based on thoughts about past and future of the world
  2. Based on faith
  3. Based on myths
  4. Based on scientific information
5. Possibilities and limits of cognition
5.1. What is knowledge and what is cognition?
  1. Knowledge is process of mastering of new information and cognition is an adequate information
  2. Knowledge is an adequate information and cognition is an adequate information
  3. Knowledge is process of cognition and cognition is an adequate information
  4. Knowledge is an adequate information and cognition is a process of gaining of new knowledge
5.2. How do practice and cognition correlate?
  1. Practice is basic for cognition and secondary criteria of it
  2. Practice is secondary for cognition and secondary criteria of it
  3. Practice is basic for cognition and basic criteria of it
  4. There is no correlation between practice and cognition
5.3. What is truth? What are its features and criteria?
  1. Truth is evidence and evidence and cleanness are its features and criteria.
  2. Truth is self-evidence and self-evidence and cleanness are its features and criteria.
  3. Truth is an adequate mastering object in a process of cognition. Objectiveness, absolute and relativity are its features and practice is its main criteria.
  4. There are no truth, its features and criteria.
5.4. What are main trends in philosophy of cognition?
  1. About the role, place and correlation of feelings and rationality within the process of cognition main are sensualism and rationalism.
  2. About the role, place and correlation of feelings and rationality within the process of cognition main are Pantheism and Panlogism
  3. About the role, place and correlation of feelings and rationality within the process of cognition main are Theocentrism and Mechanism
  4. There are truth and experience
5.5. Name leading feature of cognition in sensualism:
  1. Sensualists supposed that the leading role in cognition belongs to the sensory organs
  2. Sensualists supposed that the leading role in cognition belongs to the thinking.
  3. Sensualists supposed that the leading role in cognition belongs to the sensory organs and thinking itself
  4. Sensualists supposed that the leading role in cognition belongs to the scientific research and only the theory of rationality coincides with the methodology of science and arts.
6. Human’s Essence and Sense of His Being
6.1. Man is alive being and can be defined:
  1. Harmony of body as gives orientation for spiritual life
  2. Spiritual world in moving toward God
  3. Biopsychosocial being gifted with reason
6.2. What does the term anthroposociogenesus connects with:
  1. Changing according God’s will
  2. Centrality of human choice
  3. Elaboration of ability in all kinds of activities
6.3. What is essence of man?
  1. Material and spiritual, natural and self-developing
  2. Planning in future according human choice
  3. Social and spiritual activity
6.4. The definition of a sense human’s life:
  1. Happiness for Man in all
  2. Centrality of human choice
  3. Aim or aims of a life to that or which the life can be submitted
  4. Social and spiritual activity
6.5. Understanding of Man as living in the Universe for self-affirmation is main feature of:
  1. Ancient Cosmocentrism
  2. Theocentrism of Middle Ages
  3. Anthropocentrism of Modern Times
7. The Philosophy of History
7.1. The term “the philosophy of history” means:
  1. Society in social progress
  2. Philosophical picture of the world
  3. Man and social progress
  4. Rational critical thinking on mankind’s way in the Universe
7.2. What is the essence of a human public form of life?
  1. Self-development of Nature
  2. Scientific rationality
  3. Religious understanding of God and people
  4. Activities of joint people
7.3. Name the concepts of a philosophical understanding of society and name famous representatives of these concepts:
  1. Formations theory, psychoanalysis of childhood – Marx, Freud, Fromm
  2. Theory of civilization, psychoanalysis of society – Toynbee, Fromm
  3. Cultural understanding of the society, psychoanalysis of soul – Spengler, Freud
  4. Anthropocentrism, psychoanalysis of childhood – Marx, Freud, Fromm
7.4. Name the concepts of a philosophical understanding of society and name famous representatives of these concepts:
  1. Formations theory, cultural understanding of the society – Marx, Spengler
  2. Theory of civilization, cultural understanding of the society – Spengler, Freud
  3. Cultural understanding of the society, Theocentrism – Marx, Th. Aquinas
  4. Anthropocentrism, formations theory - Marx, Th. Aquinas
7.5. Name the concepts of a philosophical understanding of society and name famous representatives of these concepts:
  1. Formations theory, cultural understanding of the society – Th. Aquinas, Toynbee
  2. Cultural understanding of the society, theory of civilization – Spengler, Toynbee
  3. Cultural understanding of the society, Brahman – Tolstoy, Tagor
  4. Anthropocentrism, formations theory – Marx, Spengler
7.6. Name the concepts of a philosophical understanding of society and name famous representatives of these concepts:
  1. Formations theory, theory of civilization – Marx, Toynbee
  2. Theory of civilization, cultural understanding of the society – Toynbee, Engels
  3. Theory of civilization, Theocentrism – Marx, Th. Aquinas
  4. Anthropocentrism, formations theory - Marx, Th. Aquinas
7.7. Society can be defined:
  1. The part of isolated and self-developing Nature. An organizing form of joint activity of people
  2. Specific stage of historical development of mythology
  3. Specific stage of historical development of mythology
  4. Process of mastering of necessary qualities for living among people
7.8. Communication can be defined:
  1. The part of isolated and self-developing Nature. An organizing form of joint activity of people
  2. Specific stage of historical development of mythology
  3. Specific stage of historical development of mythology
  4. Process of mastering of necessary qualities for living among people, exchange of information among people, communities and so on
8. Personality. Freedom of personality
8.1. What is personality and individuality?
  1. Separated individual and freethinking man
  2. Separated individual and unique in the man
  3. Social gifted individuality and freethinking man
  4. Social gifted individuality and uniqueness of man
8.2. What is the essence of human freedom?
It is possibility to be an independent personality not isolated from society, connected with the world, other people and nature
Man cannot be free in his activity and freely chose his individuality
To have more much information, than others
To be successful and prominent as political actors.
8.3. What are the main types of personality?
  1. Artists. They are able to express themselves spontaneously. Small children. They think and act by their own will. Revolutionaries. They can express their spontaneous activity constructively and destructively.
  2. Small children. They can express their spontaneous activity constructively and destructively. Successful small children are prominent political actors. Unsuccessful small children are also active personalities, who expresses their will but they are in the category of criminals. Artists. They are able to express themselves spontaneously. Scientists. They have more much information, than others.
  3. Revolutionaries. They think and act by their own will. Shows of spontaneity are equal to happiness: a fresh and spontaneous perception of the landscape, enlightenment after long thinking and access to tenderness for another person. Scientists. They have more much information, than others. Artists. They are able to express themselves spontaneously.
D. Artists. They are able to express themselves spontaneously. Old people. They have rich everyday experience. Scientists. They have more much information, than other.

Composedby______/GoolbinG. K./

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Chair ______/Cushkun G. V./

«___» ______200_ г.


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