7th Grade Gifted Social Studies Syllabus 2013-14

for Mrs. Baker

Course Rationale: The Gifted Social Studies Program provides five periods weekly of accelerated and challenging study in the area of social studies for gifted education students. Students use the grade level online textbooks as resources for study and information. They also read and study other materials required by the teacher. Students write on a regular basis, utilize research and study skills, and participate in a variety of activities that utilize higher order thinking skills and problem solving activities.

Source of Objectives: Content standards fort he course are provided by

The Alabama Course of Study

Stanford 10 Achievement Test

Alabama High School Graduation Exam

Student Resources: Glencoe Publishing Civics Today, Spanish Fort Middle School Library, area public libraries, internet resources. Also, individual novels may be purchased by students.

Course Description

Social Studies/Civics, World Geography- Grade 7

Seventh grade social studies curriculum encompasses civics and world geography. The text has excellent learning opportunities for the different types of learners- kinesthetic, auditory, and visual. However, I will be supplementing with material from other gifted curriculums and sources. Incorporating numerous instructional classroom techniques provides students with an important variety of formats and strategies, including role-playing, debates, and hands-on situational activities. Students are given opportunities to apply civic knowledge to problem based learning situations in the community and to other activities that foster increased personal responsibility. Students continue to develop persuasive writing and refine their (essay) expository writing. Cooperation, listening, speaking, and writing skills are integral parts of this course.

During the first semester of school, we will study civics/citizenship. Students will learn about civic participation, rights and responsibilities of citizenship, fundamental values and principles of constitutional democracy, and personal economics. The state standards we will incorporate will place an emphasis on political science, but will also include economics, geography, and history.

The topic schedule for 1st semester will be as follows (not necessarily in this order):

· Influences of ancient Greece, Magna Carta, and Mayflower Compact on U.S.

· government

· Comparing the U. S. government to other forms of governments

· Essential characteristics of state and local governments

· Legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government

· Electoral process (an election year)

· Importance of laws in the judicial system

· Organization of economic systems

· Relationship between consumers and the marketplace in the U. S. economy

· Principles of money management

· Individual and civic responsibilities of citizenship

· Changes in social and economic conditions in the U. S. during 20th and 21st


· Participation in government and public service

This class is designed for students to become informed, responsible participants in political life and competent citizens committed to the values and principles of democracy. We will be using the textbook Civics Today: Citizenship, Economics, and You, as well as internet sources, videos, and other books or research materials. Students will be doing projects related to the topics we will cover (some in class, some independently.) The online textbook link may be found on my teacher website and the Moodle site in which they will be enrolled

Second semester, we will explore geography. The textbook will be The World and its People. This also will be found online at my school website. Students will increase their knowledge about the physical nature of the world and about the relationships between people and their environments. The content standard focus will be on the cultural geography of the Eastern Hemisphere. Environmental problems and possible solutions are also a primary focus as they will inherit these ongoing dilemmas that will affect the generations to come.

The topic schedule for 2nd semester will be as follows:

Using spatial terms

Analyze regional characteristics

Processes that shape the physical environment

Cultural hearths in Europe, Asia, and Africa

Factors that contribute to conflict

Historical and contemporary trade networks

Effects of human actions on environment

Environmental consequences of technological changes

Preparation for natural disasters in Eastern hemisphere

Distribution of natural resources

Impact of human habitation on environment

We will be using the textbook The World and Its People, and we will be using maps, globes, and graphic organizers to interpret text, charts, and graphs. Again, students will be doing projects related to the topics we will cover.

My grading policy follows the 7th grade grading policy.

Tests, Projects, and Journal 60%

Classwork 30%

Homework 10%

When a student is absent from class, he/she is responsible for making up work and obtaining material that was missed. Tests/quizzes/projects that were announced before the absence will be given the day the student returns to school.

Materials that are needed for this class: laptop (fully charged)

Paper Pen Pencils Colored pencils

Folder with pockets Journal highlighter thumbnail drive(2 GB) at least

Index cards

Mrs.Evelyn Baker

GEP Instructor