Section XVII
Ground transportation vehicles,
lifting vehicles, floating equipment and implements and equipment
pertinent to transport
Group 89
Watercraft, boats and floating structures
1. Watercraft hulls, watercraft undeveloped or not equipped, assembled, unassembled or disassembled, as well as watercraft equipped, but unassembled or disassembled should be included in commodity item 8906, if they have no general performances of watercraft of particular type.
Additional Notices:
1. in sub-sub-items 8901 10 100 0, 8901 20 100 0, 8901 30 100 0, 8901 90 100 0, 8902 00 120 0, 8902 00 180 0, 8903 91 100 0, 8903 92 100 0, 8904 00 910 0 and 8906 90 100 0 should be included watercraft, meant for sea operation only and having hull overall length (excluding pennant parts) not less than 12 m. However fishing and rescue watercraft, meant for sea operation, should be considered as such irrespective of their overall length.
2. in sub-sub-item 8905 10 100 0 and 8905 90 100 0 should be included only watercraft and floating docks, meant for sea operation.
3. in commodity item 8908 the term "watercraft and other floating, meant demolition" includes the following items upon condition, that they were parts of their usual equipment:
- spare parts (e.g. water propellers) previously used or new;
- dismountable items (furniture, mess gear, crockery etc. with manifest traces of their previous using.
│ Codeof │ │Extra│ Importcustoms │
│ Foreign │ │unit│ rate of duty │
│ Economic │ Commodity item │ of │ (in percentage of │
│ Activity │ │mea-│ customs value or │
│ Commodity │ │sure│ in Euro) │
│ Nomenclature│ │ment│ │
│8901 │ cruise ships, sightseeing ships, ferries│ │ │
│ │ cargo vessels, barges and similar │ │ │
│ │ floating craft for transportation │ │ │
│ │ passengers or cargoes: │ │ │
│8901 10 │- cruise ships, sightseeing ships and │ │ │
│ │ similar floating craft, │ │ │
│ │ meant mainly for │ │ │
│ │ transportation of passengers; ferries │ │ │
│ │ of all types: │ │ │
│8901 10 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 10 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 20 │- tankers: │ │ │
│8901 20 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 20 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 30 │- refrigerated vessels, except │ │ │
│ │ included in sub-item 8901 20: │ │ │
│8901 30 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 30 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 90 │- cargo and passenger-freight │ │ │
│ │ other floating craft: │ │ │
│8901 90 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│ │- - other: │ │ │
│8901 90 910 0│- - - nonself-propelled │ pcs│ 5 │
│8901 90 990 0│- - - self-propelled │ pcs│ 5 │
│8902 00 │ fishing craft; parent ships and other │ │ │
│ │ vessels for conversion and conservation │ │ │
│ │ of fishery products: │ │ │
│ │- sea: │ │ │
│8902 00 120 0│- - with gross registered tonnage │ pcs│ 5 │
│ │ more than 250 vessel tons │ │ │
│8902 00 180 0│- - with gross registered tonnage not │ pcs│ 5 │
│ │ more than 250 vessel tons │ │ │
│8902 00 900 0│- other │ pcs│ 5 │
│8903 │ yachts and other watercraft for │ │ │
│ │ leasure or sporting; row-boats and │ │ │
│ │ canoe: │ │ │
│8903 10 │- inflatable: │ │ │
│8903 10 100 0│- - with weight not more than 100 kg each│ pcs│ 20 │
│8903 10 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │- other: │ │ │
│8903 91 │- - sailing craft with or without │ │ │
│ │ auxilary engine: │ │ │
│8903 91 100 0│- - - sea │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │- - - other: │ │ │
│8903 91 910 0│- - with weight not more than 100 kg │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │- - - - other: │ │ │
│8903 91 930 0│- - - - - not more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│8903 91 990 0│- - - - - more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│8903 92 │- - motorboat and lifeboats, except boats│ │ │
│ │ with pendular engine: │ │ │
│8903 92 100 0│- - - sea │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │- - - other: │ │ │
│8903 92 910 0│- - - - not more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│8903 92 990 0│- - - - more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│8903 99 │- - other: │ │ │
│8903 99 100 0│- - - with weight not more than 100 kg │ pcs│ 20 │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │
│ │- - - other: │ │ │
│8903 99 910 0│- - - - not more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │
│8903 99 990 0│- - - - more than 7,5 m long │ pcs│ 20 │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │
│8904 00 │ tow boats and push boats: │ │ │
│8904 00 100 0│- towboats │ pcs│ 5 │
│ │- push boats: │ │ │
│8904 00 910 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│8904 00 990 0│- - other │ pcs│ 20 │
│8905 │ beacon vessels, fire vessels, │ │ │
│ │ dredge ships, floating crane and other │ │ │
│ │ watercraft, whose │ │ │
│ │ navigable qualities are │ │ │
│ │ secondary in comparison with their │ │ │
│ │ principal function; floating docks; │ │ │
│ │ floating or submersible drilling │ │ │
│ │ plates or production platforms: │ │ │
│8905 10 │- dredge ships: │ │ │
│8905 10 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 5 │
│8905 10 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 5 │
│8905 20 000 0│- floating or submersible │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │ drilling plates or │ │ │
│ │ production platforms │ │ │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │
│8905 90 │- other: │ │ │
│8905 90 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 15 │
│8905 90 900 0│- - other │ pcs│ 15 │
│8906 │ other watercraft, including warships │ │ │
│ │ and rescue ships, except rowing boats: │ │ │
│8906 10 000 0│- warships │ pcs│ 10 │
│8906 90 │- other: │ │ │
│8906 90 100 0│- - sea │ pcs│ 10 │
│ │- - other: │ │ │
│8906 90 910 0│- - - with weight not more │ │ │
│ │ than 100 kg each │ pcs│ 10 │
│8906 90 990 0│- - - other │ pcs│ 10 │
│8907 │ other floating structures (e.g. rafts, │ │ │
│ │ floating cisterns, caissons, floating │ │ │
│ │ landing stages, buoys and │ │ │
│ │ river beacons): │ │ │
│8907 10 000 0│- inflatable rafts │ pcs│ 5 │
│8907 90 000 0│- other │ pcs│ 20 │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │
│8908 00 000 0│ watercraft and other floating │ pcs│ 20 │
│ │ structures meant for demolition │ │ │
│(legal wording of RF Government Regulation dated 30.05.2002 N 366) │