Item No. / Item Description / Relevant business considered, facts noted, the decision taken and its rationale1. / Apologies / Gavin Bultitude, David Cutler, Matthew Ling, Barbara McLean, Carolyn Tester, Eugene Staunton and Nicky Thomas.
2. / Previous minutes:
2013-11-13 / Item 9: CAMHS Strategy: CC working on action plan and adding action around NSFT design.
Actions agreed:
2.1 Sue Cook agreed to be the Teenage Pregnancy Champion.
2.2 Sally Hogg to give a presentation/update at the next meeting on the Great Cornard Project.
3. / CT Network evaluation / future meetings / CT Network: The first meeting took place in November 2013. The network was set up at the request of the CT Strategic Board which is now disbanded. Members of the previous CT Strategic Board wish to continue with the network and invite anyone interested in C&YP to attend.
The report presented by TH is a summary of the meeting held in November.
An evaluation of the first event was presented to the Group.
Page 3 of the report (shaded area) shows the priorities that came out of the network meeting. These were objectives around obesity and moving to make every child active, which Health want to embed. Other priorities include young people’s housing and preventing homelessness. At the network meeting 35 out of the 42 attendees wish the meetings to continue. This would be an opportunity for colleagues across agencies to come together to network and discuss issues that are more strategic. The network meeting was unsure whether the membership should be split between Officers and Members. SC informed this meeting that she would like the CT Network meetings to continue and she will speak to Cllr L Chambers about this.
State of Children in Suffolk: Most of the priorities are included in the action plan under the Health & Wellbeing Board. However, housing, bullying and how we support families into employment are not covered. Safety of children is not embedded in terms of priority. Some items are picked up under parenting but it is how they are picked up and where the gaps are in terms of needs assessment. The key question asked was: Do we need a C&YP Plan? It was agreed that we need a plan that draws together the top 5-6 priorities at a high level to enable all working to be checked to ensure we meet the priorities.
Actions agreed:
3.1 Sue Cook to talk to Cllr Lisa Chambers about the continuation and make-up of the CT Network.
3.2 Tina Hines to draw up a C&YP Plan framework for the next meeting. The plan to reflect joint priorities.
4. / Feedback from Health and Wellbeing Board:
2013-12-12 / CC presented her report to the meeting. Points to note are:
· The board received the first review of the action plan in relation to the four outcomes, with partners identifying key contacts to help unblock data sharing issues.
· A workshop is taking place in February to look at vulnerable and looked after children, with awareness raising.
· Integration is an overarching workstream for the H&W Board. Proposals are tight in terms of the use of the Better Care Fund with February being the deadline. All are Adult, Health and Carers’ budgets. The other grant is the Disabled Facilities Grant used by the District and Boroughs. SC said that the Best Care Fund needs to be more explicit which are for Children’s Services.
· A range of logos were presented for H&WB promotional events which are still to be determined and are out for consultation.
· The SEND reforms are to go to the H&WB Board in March.,
· Outcome 3: members wanted to re-frame the action plan in terms of Adult Services and they felt there was still more work to be done on the action plans to bring them up to status.
· Amanda Jones is to lead on preventative health.
· SALT needs to be separately designed and driven otherwise we will not have the capacity to carry this out.
· The board discussed HCP and school nursing and making best use of combined resources to improve outcomes. MM said that there is not one nurse for every school but schools want mental health support to help them cope with these challenges.
SC asked the meeting if there are other areas which are children’s that could potentially be re-designed in an integrated way to free up money in Health eg children’s admissions to hospitals. It was suggested that we prioritise an emergency admissions pathway; the budget for HV sits with NHS England and perhaps it could sit in the Better Care Fund. The top 10% of deprivation in Suffolk is in Ipswich and there is a strong link with emergency admissions. Mental health has an impact on education and funds could be channelled into early intervention.
Action: SC and CC to feed emergency admissions pathway for children into Better Care Fund.
5. / Early Help Strategy / Offer / AS informed the meeting that the Prevention and Early Help Strategy 2014-2016 was presented to the LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children Board) in December. All agreed with this and signed up to the EHS (Early Help Strategy). The strategy needs to be worked on to make it smarter, shorter and clearer about the impact of data.
The key question from the LSCB is what is uniquely special about this? It is not about principles but application and the challenge is how we apply this, a shared language, an effective policy and changes on the ground. Alongside the strategy overarching things need to be in place that people can identify and work with. The LSCB are happy to continue to develop this document and want an update in a few months.
AS said we now need to ask agencies to think of where they fit in the key headings and for people to give good examples of work going on to help crystallise where that fits.
Page 13: Suffolk Levels of Need and Services 2013: AS said this broadly fits with LSCB thresholds and would link in with the work of the Early Help Offer and statutory assessment and from a partnership and MASH perspective. This was discussed and some points to note are:
· Align future service development to this.
· Don’t use numbers.
· Commonality and shared language.
· To note that in CAMHS specialist services is out of county.
· In Social Care we would use T4 including CAMHS T4 and would say all specialist services.
· Have a separate page, not in the strategy, that matches terminology with tiers and other professional things.
AS went on to say that the LSCB have asked for an associated action plan built on what people will do differently. SC said we would have one plan for one family and sign up to the same document. A HV, Nurse, teacher could lead it but there would only be one plan. There would never be one assessment but can have something that allows us to say it is an overarching assessment.
AS is to write to other organisations to ask what they will do differently and how they will participate and intervene early. SC said that there are Locality Managers in the Suffolk Family Focus (SFF) team and we could build on those posts for help with sign up for the strategy and single plan.
AS will now send out examples of good practice asking if these are an accurate reflection of what they do, asking if there are any blocks and an action plan on how to unblock them and this will go back to the LSCB.
Action: AS to write to organisations regarding their early help offer
AS to send out examples of good practice to build up an action plan for LSCB
6. / SEND Reforms / CS gave an update of where we are at in Suffolk.
· Progressed some of the work, especially single agency.
· We need to assess needs together and come up with a local offer from all agencies, especially as families want one response to meet their needs.
· From April there will be personal health budgets and SCC need to look at budgets and arrangements for parent carers. We are currently working with three different Health systems and cannot develop work without partners around the table. BP already represents Great Yarmouth & Waveney in Norfolk. Eugene Staunton represents East and West Suffolk.
· All areas have to have a mediation service and Education have this and an advocacy service for young people which can be built on.
· With effect from 1 September the SEND reforms take place.
Actions agreed:
6.1 Cheryl Sharland to let Belinda Price have details of next and future meetings. Belinda to attend next meeting and new member of staff due to start to attend any future meetings.
6.2 Cheryl Sharland to send Belinda Price details for the March workshop to be held in Essex.
7. / Forward Work
Plan / 5 March:
Monitoring of outcome 1 on the action plan.
Presentation from Public Health on Great Cornard Project.
Teenage Pregnancy Strategy (does this include child sexual exploitation?)
CYP Plans – draft
Youth Strategy and commissioning education
Parenting programmes and impact as key strand out of outcome 1.
NICE Guidance for ADHD diagnosis – the guidance suggests parenting programme before a referral. There is a spike in parenting programmes. Need evidence of why NICE recommended this and the financial implications.
8. / Next meeting / 5 March : 2.00 – 4.00pm : Britten Room, Endeavour House
8. / AOB / None.
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