Lifespan Psychology

9595-PSYC&200.D Spring 2017

Please print out and read this syllabus

Dr. Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.

Phone: (206) 934-7011 (Email through the Canvas website is preferable and faster)

Office hours: Online M - F 8:00 – 9:00.

Office: Rm. IB2327A

Class E-mail = Please send email for this class through the Canvas website.

Go to Canvas home page > Help? > “Ask your instructor a question”

NSC Email:

Subject: Include your full name with the item # and class you are in

(E.g.Sally Sue - #XXXX-PSYC200)

Where is the class website?

How do I loginto the class website? (Write your items in the space below)

User name: ______

Your entire student ID number

Password: ______

Use the six (6) letters of your last name. (Repeat if less than six eg. Liuliu)

If this is your first use of Canvas, use eight (8) letters.

How do I login to LaunchPad?: Log In =

How can I get help with LaunchPad?

Technical support = 1-877-587-6534 or 1-800-936-6899 or (800) 936-6899

•through theonline forum

Also, there is a “Help” button in the upper right corner of the home page for a User Guide, email technical support, and chat with an agent.

Where is the course schedule?

The Course Calendar in the back of this syllabus gives you a schedule for the quarter.

How am I graded? Your class grade is based on the four non-cumulative multiple-choice midterms (50 points each), “Psychology Launchpad” (100 points)

My Grades:

Exam #1 _____, Exam #2 _____, Exam #3 _____, Exam #4 _____,

Total exam points = ______

Launchpad (% Correct) = ______

Total = ______

(Finding this total on the Grading Scale in this syllabus will give you your final grade).

What materials do I need for the course?

1. Text and Access code:

Required text and access code:

Berger: The Developing Person9th. Ed (Hard cover) with Launchpad access code

ISBN: 9781464193934


Access code for Launchpad (with an e-book): This may be purchased separately from the publishers at the Launchpad login website on the front of this syllabus.

2. Computer:

Your computer needs to be a PC or Mac with a good internet connection, internet browser, ability to view Power Point, PDF, and MP4 video files. Most computers come with the ability to view these, if not, you can search for free player downloads for these items. Search for: “Microsoft Power Point Viewer”, “Adobe PDF reader”, Windows Media Player MP4” or “Apple QuickTime”.

Google Chrome netbook computers are not recommended.

What are some short answers to my quick questions?

1. What should I do to get started?

Read this entire syllabus and listen to the “Start Here” videos on the Canvas website.

2. Where can I find the Launchpad activities? - June 13th.in the Assignment Calendar within Launchpad. Do them in the order listed in the calendar, which corresponds to the Course Calendar in this syllabus.

3. Where are the 50-point exams?

Under the “Quizzes” tab in the Canvas website.

4. When is the homework due?

There are no homework due dates. Launchpad activities are all available until near the end of the quarter. You may do them whenever you wish. I suggest you at least follow the Course Calendar at the back of this syllabus.

5. Do we have a comprehensive final exam? – No

6. May I retake an exam? - No

7. Are we required to do postings and reply to posts? – No

8. Is there extra credit? – No

9. How do I contact you? – Preferably through the Canvas website.

10. I am having trouble with Launchpad, what do I do?

Try a different browser and computer.

Allow “Pop-ups” in your browser – within preferences

Do a “System Check” in the lower right corner of the Launchpad home page.

Contact Tech Support on the first page of this syllabus.

11. It takes a long time to download the videos, how can I do it faster?

You need a faster internet connection. Possibly come to the college and use the computer lab (Rm. 3303) to download all the videos in one trip.

12. What if I change my name?

Use the same name everywhere.

If you change your name during the quarter, you much change it with (1) the NSC Registrar, (2) the Distance Learning Office, and (3) Launchpad. Be sure to use the identical name on Launchpad that you are registered under at NSC. Sally Smith is not the same student as S.J. Smith or JanetSmith, Jan Smith, or Sally Fitzpatrick. If the names are not exact you will have a zero on Launchpad because I cannot give you the score for a different student. Thank you.


Your computer needs to be a PC or Mac with a good internet connection, internet browser, ability to view Power Point, PDF, and MP4 video files. Most computers come with the ability to view these, if not, you can search for free player downloads for these items. Google Chrome computers are not recommended; they have been known to cause problems (the Chrome internet browser will work).


This course will give you the knowledge to:

* Understand the nature of the individual, of human values and of the relationship between the self and the community.

Note: Often people have had traumatic experiences or have strong feelings on certain topics. If you feel any of the topics in the text or class will be emotionally damaging to you, or difficult to learn about or discuss, or would create a “hostile environment” for you - do not take this course.

What is Launchpad all about?

The Launchpad activities will help you interact with the concepts, better understand what I talk about in lecture, do better on the exams, and add interest to the class. It will also give you 100 points in the class.

“Launchpad” is a website that provides the videos and activities to view and take a short multiple choice and essay quiz based on the material. This will add interest to the class, help you understand what I talk about in the lecture videos, and possibly help you with the 50-point exams. You should be able to get 100% on this portion of the course.

Launchpad Videos

These are short 2 – 5 minute videos that relate to the Canvas lecture videos for that chapter. You receive full credit, one point, by simply listening to it. There are no questions to answer. The amount of time you spent viewing it is recorded by the computer, which can be compared to the length of the video. You need to listen to the entire video. If the computer shows you only watched the video for zero “0” minutes for example, your grade will be changed to a zero “0” for that video.

Launchpad Activities

These are assignments that you read, watch built in videos, and answer short multiple choice questions. You will also have short essay questions. The multiple-choice questions can only be taken once, and are graded. The short essay questions are given full credit of one point pending your instructor’s evaluation. If it appears you gave the question some thought, you have full credit. If you apparently did not give your answer much thought, you will receive no credit. I expect every student who is genuinely trying will receive full credit.

**** There is a video of how to use the Launchpad website in the “Start Here” videos. Please listen to that. The information below is just a summary.

How to find the videos and activities:

1. Login with your email and password, click “Sign in”, then “Enter Your Course”

2. Assignment Calendar:

A. Click the title “Calendar” on the left side.

B. Go to the date near the end of the quarter where all the activities are located.

C. Click on that item and click “Open”.

D. Listen to the video or do the activity

E. The computer records that you listened to the video or completed the activity.

All these graded Launchpad activities are located on the date in the Launchpad calendar that everything closes at the end of the quarter as shown in the Course Calendar at the back of this syllabus. When doing these activities, I suggest you simply go to the calendar on the left-hand side of the Launchpad home page and scroll down to all the activities. These will all be in the same order as they are in the syllabus. Do not do the activities from the Launchpad home page, because it can be confusing.

How am I graded in Launchpad?

The average percentage correct on the activities equals the points received on this portion of the course. For example, if you average a score of 80% correct on all the activities you have 80 points on this part of the course. The calendar activities are the only ones that are graded and go into the grade book.

During the quarter, your percentage in Launchpad will be the percentage correct of the items you have completed. After all the activities close at the end of the quarter, any remaining incomplete activities will change to a zero, and be used to calculate your final percentage, which determines your points for Launchpad.

Launchpad e-book and other resources:

There is an e-book and many other resources in Launchpad to help you, that I suggest you take advantage of. However, the activities in the calendar are the only items that go into the grade book.

How do I find my Launchpad grades?

Click on “Grade book” on the left hand side to see your grades.

How do I register for Launchpad?

Follow these steps to get started. If you need additional guidance, consult the studentGet Started guide, especially thesystem requirementswhich list the recommended browsers.

To register for the Launchpad course go to the link on the first page of this syllabus.

Please bookmark the page to make it easy to return to.

You have three options to enroll in the course: you can purchase direct access, you can buy an access code, or you can get free 21 day access while deciding.Your registration options are explained here. I recommend simply purchasing the access to begin with.

To navigate and start using Launchpad please consult theGet Started guide

If you have problems registering, purchasing, or logging in, please contact Customer Support. You can reach support 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekthrough theonline forum

or from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. EST, 7 days a weekby phone at (800) 936-6899

For a video on how to register for Launchpad, go to:

Additional registration questions with step-by-step answers can be found at:

For a video on using Launchpad, go to:

If you have difficulty with any of these links, simply copy and paste it into your browser.

Preferred browser: Chrome and Firefox are the preferred browsers. However, Safari will work also. If you have difficulty, simply try a different browser.

How can I score higher in Launchpad activities?

Some activities in Launchpad such as, “What’s wrong with this study?” do not have an essay portion. Essentially, if there is no essay, do not worry about it.

To do better in these activities, you can:

•Go slower, and try to understand each frame

•Click on the words highlighted in red to receive a definition of it

•Review the section of the text that discusses that term or concept.

•Refer to any of my lecture material that relates to it.

•Read the question, take time to think about it, and think about each answer option before answering.

•Before answering a question, read it, then go back to find the answer. You could also take a screen shot of the question to help you remember it. After you answer a question and submit it, your answer cannot be changed.

•In general, going slower, taking time to think about each frame, along with thinking about each question and answer option combined with looking back for the answer will help significantly.

How can I help Launchpad work better?

1If it stops, close your browser and then reopen the program again.

2Open the “System Check” in the lower right corner of the introductory page.

3Be sure you have the current version of the browser and Flash Player

4View the “System requirements” in that same area.

5Allow “Pop-ups” in your browser.

6JavaScript must be enabled, which it usually is by default.

7Call tech support with the contact information on the first page of the syllabus. They can be very helpful.

You only need to do the launch pad exercises in the course calendar:

When you open Launchpad, on the home page under “Assignments” you will see a list of activities with a “To Do” button. Do not access the activities from here! Go directly to the Calendar on the left hand side where all the activities are in the same order as the syllabus. Also, you do not need to do all the items in each chapter of Launchpad. For example, there is only one activity in chapter one.

Avoid procrastination with Launchpad activities

(This applies equally well to the exams)

Do not wait until the last possible day to do the Launchpad activities. Emails like, “I forgot what the last day was”, or ”I tried to do the activities, and my computer (or internet) had problems”, or, “My electricity turned off”, or “I tried to open Launchpad, and it was not there (emailed after the last day)”, now it is past the last day and the class is over, how do I make it up? The answer is, you don’t. Any activities not completed before Launchpad turns off as indicated in the course calendar have a score of zero – believe me. After the Launchpad activities close, your score will not be recorded in the grade book (or count toward your grade). Therefore, I recommend at least following the suggested course calendar at the back of the syllabus to avoid this procrastination.

What about the exams?

General description:

The four mid-term exams (50 points each) are not cumulative and cover only the chapters for that exam. The exams are all multiple-choice, and will test your knowledge of concepts, terms, and findings. You will also be asked to apply some of the fundamental concepts to new situations.

Where are the exams?

All four major exams are on the Canvas website under “Quizzes”.

What else will help me with the exams?

1. Take the exams on a stable internet connection. If your internet crashes, try repeatedly to restart the connection during the time you have to take the exam. The test will return at the same place you left off, however, the timer will keep going.

2. Once you start an exam you must complete the 50 questions in 50 minutes. You cannot pause an exam to look up the answer and come back to it later.

3. The exam labeled, “Practice Exam (Not graded)” is the only practice exam. All others are real exams. This is to familiarize you with the test taking system. You may take this exam unlimited times. The real exams can only be taken once. You are not expected to know the answers to this practice exam, and it is not graded. This is just a trial run to be sure you know how to take an exam.

4. You may use any notes, study guides, text, or other materials provided in the class during the exams. You may not use any other source of help.

You need to know the material. You will not have time to look up all the answers; the exam will turn off before you finish, and you will have a zero for the remaining questions. Please do not email me saying you had a slow internet connection, your computer crashed, or something else and ask for the exam to be reset. It will not be.

You may use the computer lab at the college (Rm. 3303) for exams if you wish.

5. To reduce cheating, you can only see one question at a time. You cannot go back to previous questions.

6. I suggest you make notes on topics you are unsure about during the exam if you wish to restudy those items. To protect the exam, I will not email you the questions you missed. With online digital questions it is easy to copy the exam questions and send them to other students, friends, relatives or archive them for future reference.

7. If an answer option is “All the above” and it is in position “B” for example, it means all the other answers. This option may occur in other than the last (“D” or “E”) position because the questions and answers are scrambled for each student.

8. Scoring exams: The score you receive will be the grade indicated by the computer. I feel this is the fairest for the largest number of students. While I am glad to discuss the exam with you, it will not change your score. Any changes in question wording, etc. will be considered for next quarter, but will not be used to change scores this quarter.

9. I do not recommend taking the exam at Starbucks, Panera, or similar location. You may be disconnected from the internet if your ant-virus software does not recognize the network.

When you click “Take this quiz” you must take the exam:

Do not click “Take this quiz”(even by accident) and look through the exam without answering the questions, then tell me your computer crashed, or you clicked it by mistake, and ask me to reset the exam. This is the digital equivalent of stealing the exam, looking at the questions, then asking to take the exam. I can see how long an exam was open, and print a spreadsheet showing which questions you opened (even if you did not answer the question) along with the time and date you did it.