LifeSize Room – Room A226 Kenosha Campus (capable of up to 8 connections)
- LifeSize should always be on. A blue light indicates that it is on. It is located in the rack of the teacher station next to the PC .
If LifeSize is asleep (Projection screen and modesty monitor is black), hit the home button on the LifeSize remote to wake LifeSize.
1. Turn the Smart System on (the monitor located next to the LifeSize unit shown above) by hovering your cursor on the right hand side of the screen to get a menu to show. If the system doesn’t come up, click on the Unibar icon located on the desktop. Wait for the countdown on the screen before doing anything else.
You will need to click System On which is located toward the bottom of this menu. These steps should cause the projector screen to automatically come down. Next, please click on the Laptop button (if you don’t see the menu to select laptop, hover on the right hand side of the screen and then click Laptop. LAPTOP ALWAYS HAS TO BE CHOSEN AND SHOULD BE RED IN COLOR. You should hear the system dialing, if you do not hear it dialing, click on LAPTOP again. That should connect the system.
3. If you need to use your laptop to show a PowerPoint, DVD, documents, etc., you will plug your laptop into the system AFTER the system is powered up. There is a black VGC cable with a green end lying on the instructor station which is plugged into LifeSize. Plug this into your laptop. LifeSize should recognize your laptop automatically – look at the modesty monitor (located on the smaller table to the right of the instructor station – it’s the 3rd monitor counting from the Smart System monitor to the right) to make certain it recognizes your laptop. If audio is needed, the audio plug which is also connected to the LifeSize unit – black audio cord with green on tip – needs to be plugged into your laptop as well.
4. With LifeSize, you will have the ability to initiate a call yourself or call a number already programmed into the system. In this case, Elkhorn (Video connection) is the first on the list. Elkhorn (audio only connection) is second on the list. You will be holding a video conference if you a teaching from this unit.
Make certain you select the Elkhorn button that has this image in it:
If it has a telephone handset image in front of it, it’s an audio only conference.
Use the arrow keys to navigate the directory -
5. When selecting Elkhorn from the directory, clicking OK will dial Elkhorn. If you enter your own IP address, you will need to hit the Call button located on the top left hand side of the LifeSize remote control.
6. When playing a DVD, YouTube video, PowerPoint, etc. the green button to stop your presentation. The green button starts and stops presentations.
From Kenosha, you can only control the camera in Elkhorn. You cannot control the mics in the Elkhorn. If you have a BLUE camera on the projection screen – you have control of the Elkhorn cameras. If you have a Orange camera on the modesty monitor, you have control of Kenosha’s cameras.
Room mics look like this: Red is muted, blue is unmated.
7. To end your class, please click the Hang Up botton located on the top right hand side of the remote.
8. To turn the Smart System off, follow the steps outlined above - #2 and click on System Off. Do not close the Unibar software. Do NOT turn the power off on LifeSize or the Smart System. 5/19/10 - LID