2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR

ROOM 402

Work Telephone: 626-307-3385 x3138

Home Telephone: 626-281-3727



Welcome to Mr. Castroll’s science class. I am very excited about the year ahead of us. However, so that we all enjoy the class, there are some policies that you need to know and understand before we begin.


CPO Focus on Physical Science

  • You will be assigned a book for homework. You are responsible for the condition of the book. If you discover any damage or vandalism in the book, please tell me immediately. Otherwise it’s YOURresponsibility to replace it.
  • You will earn grades on different kinds of assignments including tests, quizzes, lab reports, presentations, group projects, class participation, and a science project.
  • Grading is weighted as follows:
    Homework: 25%
    Quizzes and Tests: 25%
    Science Notebook/Classwork: 25%
    Projects: 25%
  • Updated grades will be posted using Aeries. I shall update them at least twice every week.
  • Scores will be recorded into my computer, and then all papers will be placed in your folder in the back of the room.
Grading Scale

90-100: A

80-89: B




  • I do not give pluses or minuses. However, if your score is over 100% due to extra credit and furthermore, you complete a special assignment by the end of the trimester, you will earn an A+ for that trimester.

  • Your citizenship grade is based upon the number of times you break the rules after the first warning (see below).
  • O 0-3 Violations
  • S 4-6 Violations
  • N 7-10 Violations
  • U 11 or More Violations
  • All assignments are at the beginning of the period.
  • All written work must be done in pencil, pen, or typed.
  • You must write the correct heading on every assignment as follows:

Name (First and Last)



If you are absent, you have one day for each day absent to make it up. If you cannot make it to class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to check my website or contact one of your “Contact Buddies” to get the assignment. If for some reason you cannot do that, you can always call me instead.

  • Homework will be assigned every class day except Friday. Homework assignments are usually worth ten points.Missing homework will be made up during break or after school in my class on the day it was due.
  • You will bring and maintain a “Science Notebook” every day. The Notebook will be collected and graded every two weeks. (50-70 points for each Notebook check.)
  • On Friday, you will have a ten question quiz worth twenty points. You have ten minutes to complete the quiz.
  • Tests (worth 100 points) will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will be announced well in advance. Obviously, you don’t have quizzes on days that you have tests. Tests will last all period.
  • You may submit a “Metacog” sheet for every test or quiz returned to you. Every wrong answer “Metacogged” will give you a bonus half-credit on that test or quiz.
  • If you have already submitted a “Metacog” sheet or have met with me privately to study the test, you may also take a make-up exam.
  • There will be several small projects and at least one large project each trimester.
  • If you cheat, you will receive a zero on that assignment.


  1. Follow All Directions
  2. Keep Your Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourself
  3. Bring All Materials to Class
  4. Raise Your Hands and Be Recognized Before Speaking
  5. Remain in Your Seat Until Given Permission to Leave
Leaving the Classroom
  • You get fourbathroom breaks per year. Use them wisely.
  • All hall passes (except to go to the nurse) will be written on your agenda. No agenda – No Pass

Discipline Policy for Rules Violations

1st Offense:Verbal Warning

2nd Offense:5 Minute Detention

3rd Offense:15 Minute Detention – Parent Call

4th Offense:30 Minute Detention – Parent Conference

5th Offense:Office Referral

  • Serious offenses will result in immediate contracts or other disciplinary measures as the situation demands.
  • Offenses accumulate for the week. You start with a tabula rasa (a clean slate) every Monday. Accumulated offenses will affect your citizenship grade.
  • If you have only one violation for any given day, it is removed at the end of the day.
Final Note

I will work very hard to give you a unique and valuable learning experience this year. In the end, though, you will only get as much out of this course as you put into it.

Please detach and return to Mr. Castroll by August 23, 2017

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mr. Castroll’s science class and have shared them with my parents or guardians.

Student’s name: ______Period: ______

Student’s signature: ______

Parent’s signature: ______