XXX Named to Software Magazine’s 33rd Annual Software 500 Ranking
IMPORTANT NOTES: Before your firm publishes a Software 500-related release, our editorial team must approve it. Please send completed templates to Cassandra Balentine, for approval requests.Allow seven business days for turnaround.
While the embargo is 8/7/15 and you’re welcome to promote your inclusion after this date, the official rankings will not be released until the November print issue, which mails on 11/11/15 and will be available online by 11/18/15. Editorial and ranking information are subject to change without notice.
Company Nameannounces its inclusion intoSoftware Magazine’s 2015 Software 500 ranking of the world’s largest software and service providers, now in its 33rdyear. Based on 2014 Software/Software Services revenue, Company Name’srank is XXX, reporting a XXX increase from prior year data.
The Software 500 is a revenue-based ranking of the world’s largest software and services suppliers, targeting medium to large enterprises, their IT professionals, software developers, and business managers involved in software and services purchasing.
“The Software 500 helps CIOs, senior IT managers, and IT staff research and create the short list of business partners,” says Thomas Tetreault, publisher/editor-in-chief, Software Magazine. “It is a quick reference of vendor viability. And the online version, to be posted this Fall at, is searchable by category, making it what we call the online catalog to enterprise software.”
Visit to subscribe and be among the first to see the 2015 Software 500. It is released in the November issue, as both a print and the digital publication, which mails on November11 and will be posted online by November 18, 2015. Hard copies of the issue, as well as an extensive CD of ranking data,are available to purchase at
The ranking is based on total worldwide software and services revenue from the 2014 fiscal year. This includes revenue from software licenses, maintenance and support, training, software-related services, and consulting. Suppliers are not ranked on total corporate revenue, since many have other lines of business, such as hardware. Financial information is gathered by a survey prepared by Rockport Custom Publishing, LLC. using public documents and company input. It is published in print as well as posted online at softwaremag.comas both a digital edition and searchable database.
Software 500 Contacts:
Tom Tetreault, publisher/editor-in-chief
Cassandra Balentine, managing editor