Life Processes 2 Animals 2.1 Body Parts

Sc2: Life Processes

2 Animals

2.1 Body Parts


Key Stage 1 Sc 2: 2a, 2e


·  To explore, with all the senses, features of animals.
·  To be able to assemble cut-out body parts to make complete animal.
·  To be able to name main body parts of animals.
·  To be able to compare main body parts of animals and humans.
·  To be able to find some information on animals.


·  Use a CD Rom that allows pupils to combine words and pictures of animal parts.
·  Use “clicker 4” to make up animals from constituent parts. / LINKS
Art –drawing/modelling animals.
Drama/PE – animal movements. /


Animal; animal names – dog, cat etc; body part names – head, legs, tail; fur; feathers; skin; scales; hair; animal sounds - bark, moo, miaow.
·  Explore living domestic animals or real animal skin/fur – touch, look, smell, listen e.g. cat, dog, rabbit etc.
·  Compare real living animals with stuffed furry toys for alive/not alive, warmth, respiration, wet/dry, sounds/no sounds, movement/no movement, food/no food.
·  Explore other animals through pictures, books, sound tapes, video.
·  Identify main body parts e.g. head trunk, legs, eyes, no legs.
·  Compare domestic animals/pets main body parts with humans body parts.
·  Make “What am I?” picture cards to identify animals – wings, beaks, feathers, webbed feet etc.
·  Use “Clicker 4” computer program to assemble whole real and imaginary animals from body parts.
·  Model animal bodies with dough, showing main body parts.
·  Observe real animals/model/picture of animal carefully, and then draw, showing body parts.
·  Match particular body part (e.g. on card as for “What am I?”) to picture of whole animal.
·  Mime animal movements (in Drama, PE) e.g. fish, bird, dog, using “What am I?” cards as cues i.e. hold up picture of wings, child shows how winged animal moves.
·  Compare human and animal body parts e.g. wings and flippers in place of arms, hooves in place of fingers, lack of external ears in birds. / RESOURCES
·  Selection of animal artefacts
·  Live animals.
·  Stuffed furry toy animals
·  Pictures of animals
·  “What am I?” cards
·  Playdough
·  Books, videos on animals
·  Variety of miniature plastic/wooden replica animals
·  Posters/wallcharts of different types of animals (wild, domestic, marine etc)
·  Tape/CD of animal sounds/voices. / POINTS TO NOTE
·  Be aware of all allergies e.g. to animal fur/hair.
·  Be aware that a few pupils have phobias about animals.
·  Make sure animals brought in are “pupil-friendly”.
·  Ensure good hygiene when handling animals in or out of school – always wash hands afterwards
·  Animal artefacts often available from museum and zoos.


·  Pet shops
·  Farms
·  Zoos
·  Zoological museum
·  Sealife centres. / POINTS TO NOTE (cntd)
·  A number of organisations can be contacted to bring animals into school.


·  What is the best wing shape for a model bird? Make a simple bird shape from card and attach different wing shapes to test how well it flies.


Date Record Began:

Outcomes: ‘P’ Level 1 èNC Level 1

P1 (i) / ·  Is present during experience but may not respond e.g. adult-assisted touch, look. May be resistant.
P1 (ii) / ·  Shows random fleeting response to activity or object e.g. turns head, vocalises briefly.
P2 (i) / ·  Begins to attend and respond – may be inconsistent e.g. reaches out to touch animal, with support, tolerates contact with animal for longer, shows surprise.
P2 (ii) / ·  Shows more consistent attention and differentiated or focused response e.g. refuses to touch certain animals, shows pleasure or interest towards specific animals or body parts.
P3 (i) / ·  Begins to observe and handle animals e.g. watches worm moving on own hand for a few moments.
P3 (ii) / ·  Is actively involved in observing and handling animals for longer.
P4 / ·  Begins to imitate animal movements.
·  Begins to handle living animals appropriately e.g. takes care and is gentle.
P5 / ·  Begins to share, take turns, anticipate activities, e.g. shows awareness of others responses to animals, with support, shows excitement during turn-taking activity.
P6 / ·  Participates actively, e.g. takes initiative to explore, comments on activity in some way e.g. laughs, signs, points to main named body parts e.g. leg, head.
·  Matches particular feature of body e.g. striped leg to whole animal.
P7 / ·  Names main body parts e.g. head, leg (can use signs/symbols) – may still need support.
·  Assembles main body parts to make whole animal e.g. using cards or “Clicker” computer program, assembles jigsaw.
·  Demonstrates function of main body part.
·  Finds some information from a book with help.
P8 / ·  Locates and names obvious body part e.g. beak, claw, paw.
·  Labels body parts on picture using stickers etc.
·  Names simple function of body parts.
·  Finds out some information from a book.
N.C. Level 1 / ·  Simply compares human and animal body parts.
·  Suggests where to find out information about a particular animal.
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