10th September 2013
- Present: Councillor B Childs (Chair) Councillor M John
Councillor E Rawlings (Mrs) (Vice Chair)
Councillor K Sandford (Mrs)
Absent: Councillor D George
- Apologies - Councillor M Watkins (Mrs)
Note: The Chair advised that Mr & Mrs Jacob, residents of Black Tar, would be attending the meeting from 7.30pm.
- Declarations of any personal, prejudicial or potentially conflicting issues.
- Minutes of meeting held on the 9th July 2013
Proposed by Cllr Rawlingsand seconded by Cllr Morris
- Matters Arising
- If no plan to fund the Black Tar Public Convenience was found the PCC would close the facility.
- In the Chair’s absence, and with his approval, Cllr Rawlings sent a letter of proposal to “take on” the Convenience in partnership with the Rowing Club.
- The PCC will be setting up another meeting which will cover an in depth agenda e.g. building lease/legal status/on costs etc.
- Cllr Rawlings felt that LCC should be represented with more members. Cllr Sandford will, if work commitments allow, attend.
Cllr John advised that if the Village Hall Committee were in agreement, LCC could use their Charitable Status in this venture.
The Council agreed, and Cllr Rawlings will bring to the next Village Hall meeting.
The Chair asked how much the Rowing Club paid the PCC for the rent of the store at the side of the convenience. Cllr John believed it to be £450, and the yearly running cost would be around £1,500.
Cllr Morris noted that the Rowing Club would only have to find another £300 to reach 50% funding with the LCC possibly making up the other 50%.
Responding to the Chair, Cllr Rawlings believes the next meeting to be at the end of October or November.
Note: Agenda item suspended at 7.30pm.
The Chair welcomed Mr & Mrs Jacob of Black Tar to the meeting and invited their presentation.
Mr & Mrs Jacob thanked the LCC for the opportunity of bringing their concerns regarding Black Tar to the meeting.
They felt the need to bring the outstanding issue of the “stones” to a closure, but also raised other issues relating to the area at Black Tar. Mr Jacob read through a lengthy document which he said “He would be happy to e-mail to the Clerk”.
Clerks Note: At this juncture please that only the issue of the “stones” has been minuted. Once a copy of the document is received I will attach to these minutes.
They outlined the history behind the placing of the stones, which they believe was made in good faith. Followingmeetings with a Solicitor and the then Dyfed County Council and the then Llangwm and Hook Community Council. The stones had been placed at cost, by themselves for safety and access to their property. (1991)
Quoting paragraphs from several LCC minutes from this year, they had become aware of the intention to move the stones. They wished to follow advice from Mr L Harding, County Monitoring Officer for PCC, to engage in talks with the Community Council. Further, they had written to Cllr Rawlings as Chair, not realising that Cllr Childs held the Chair at from May, asking for a site meeting.
Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Sandford met them at Black Tar, (9th September 2013), which they felt had been both helpful and rewarding. They informed both Cllrs that “The stones near their property have been moved twice recently, and they are also concerned about the removal of wooden posts around the picnic area.”
The Chair reported that Cllr Watkins has, since the February meeting advised that she did not support the placing of posts at Black Tar. Mr Jacob responded that the minutes were “Legal Documents” and this was semantics as both Cllr Lewis and Cllr John had proposed fencing of some form or another to replace the stones. Both Cllr Lewis and Cllr John stood by their comments. The Clerk, in response, advised Mr & Mrs Jacob, and the meeting, that indeed all LCC Minutes were “Legal Documents” but these “proposals” had not been made to be voted upon, but were intended for future discussion.
The Chair noted that time was approaching 7.30, and asked Mr & Mrs Jacob if they were, indeed, agreeable to removing the “stones”. Responding with “Of course we are” they added that they would also fund the removal.
Mr & Mrs Jacob added that they felt the stones should remain in situ until such time as a replacement barrier “of whatever the LCC felt should be put in place”.
The Chair responding said that he believed “that as outlined in the previous minutes, and under direction from Mr Harding” – Llangwm Community Council were duty bound to protect the Common Land and that any future protection would be decided in a democratic fashion. He continued that once the stones were removed a decision would then be made in how best to protect the area. Further, he pointed out that the Llangwm Community Council could legally have the stones removed, leave them in the car park, and invoice Mr & Mrs Jacob for the work.
Agreeing with the Chair that the responsibility (ownership) was with the LCC. Mr & Mrs Jacob pointed out that some of the stones had been moved a couple of times and that other barriers i.e. dragons teeth had been moved or taken away. Parking on the land was becoming problematic and they had photographic evidence to support. They wished to work with the LCC to resolve the issue, but were concerned about a “gap” when no barrier would be in place to protect the Common Land and allow parking making it either unsafe or unable for them to gain access to their property.
The Chair explained that Llangwm and the Community Council owned land was in the stewardship of the LCC and that they had a responsibility all residents of Llangwm to make their best judgment, and not allow individuals to dictate how particular issues should be handled.
Mr & Mrs Jacob asked the Chair if, (quoting the February 2013 minutes) “that he did not wish to part of anything unlawful” was associated with the removal of some of the stones. The Chair, indignant at this remark, asked if they really believed “he had anything to do with the matter”.
Mr & Mrs Jacob stated again that they wished to work with the LCC in bringing this matter to a conclusion.
Cllr Sandford believed it made sense to leave the stones in place whilst the LCC decided on a replacement. Otherwise we would be leaving the Common Land unprotected.
Members agreed that access was needed for one land owner to a field, and that a gate would be required for pram or wheelchair access.
The Chair felt that this discussion could only be moved forward when the stones had been removed.
Cllr Morris suggested that all members should visit the area to view the area themselves before the next meeting.
In conclusion, the Chair thanked Mr & Mrs Jacob for their attendance and instructed that the meeting to resume with its other business.
Matters Arising (5) – Continued
b)Cllr John has received a complaint regarding the hedge at Black Tar picnic area. He contacted the Clerk who e-mailed all Cllrs regarding the issue. All agreed that the Clerk ask Mr O’Docherty to take off 2 to 3 feet from the the hedge.
c)The Chair was asked by Reverend Jane about the War Memorial in the old school. The Clerk had contacted the PCC and has now been given several lines of enquiry to follow.
Cllr Lewis noted that it would be difficult to remove the memorial as it will need scaffolding and specialist lifting equipment.
Cllr Rawlings advised that there is a Heritage Fund for WW1 memorials – this would not help with the above issue but may be available to fund a WW11 memorial for the village.
The Clerk was requested to follow up.
d)Cllr Morris had spoken to Joan Stephens with regarding the “Old Cemetery” and suggested that Reverend Jane request a donation from the LCC to help tidy the area.
Some clearing had already taken place by Mr O’Docherty allowing a burial to take place safely.
Cllr Morris suggested that Mr O’Docherty undertake two cuts, one before Easter and one later.
All agreed that this was the best way forward. Clerk to action.
- Correspondence
b)PCNP – Local Development Plan –Draft Supplementary Guidance – noted and file.
c)PCC – Photographic Competition – Notice Board & Post Office
d)Pembrokeshire Housing – Annual Report- Filed
e)PAVS - Confirmed Associate Membership details - Filed
f)Port of Milford Haven – Business Review - Filed
g)Cleddau Reach VC Primary School – Receipt for room letting 2012/2013 –Noted and File.
h)Cleddau Reach VC Primary School – Confirmation of Letting Form2013/2014 – Noted and Filed. The Clerk advised that she met Steve Richards the Site Manager, (9th September 2013) and had discussed the form of entry and furniture required for the LCC meetings.
i)Clerks & Councils Direct - File
j)NSPCC – Thank you letter - File
k)Lifeboats – Thank you letter - File
l)Paul Sartori – Thank you letter - File
m)Kidney Wales - Thank you letter - File
n)Shelter – Request for Donations – AGM 2014
o)E-mails for note – Clerk to present at meeting.
- Community Covenant Scheme – Cllr Rawlings has actioned.
- www. Agecymru.org.uk/scamsandswindles – for note.
- Woodland Trust free tree packs – noted
- Mr R M Hardwick – Traffic Calming Pads.
- Planning - Granted
b)Ferryside Llangwm Ferry – Application number NP/13/0263
c)Bay View Llangwm Ferry – Application number NP/13/0206
- Finance
b)Bank Reconciliation 14th August 2013
c)Clerks & RFO remuneration – July £200 and August £200 2013 Proposed by Cllr Morris and Seconded by Cllr Rawlings
d)Clerks expenses – July £20 and August 2013 £20 Proposed by Cllr John and Seconded by Cllr Lewis
e)Postage for BDO audit £6.20
- Risk Assessment
- New Roundabout Layout
- Black Tar – Public Convenience
- Llangwm Newsletter-
- Fly tipping on the beach at Guilford Pill
Chris Lawrence is also investigating previous fly tipping at Llangwm Ferry.
- Three Major Events
- War Memorial Old School Building
- Any other business
b). Cllr Morris- Reported that there had been many complaints regarding parking at the new school. Cllr Childs advised that there is to be a meeting in the near future and will update at the next meeting.
c). Cllr Rawlings – Reminded the meeting that the LCC Standing Orders needs to be reviewed at the next meeting when all members are present. The meeting concurred.
The Chair thanked all members for their patience and tolerance following this meeting.
- Date and time of next meeting
There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed @ 9.00pm
Signed...... Chair
Date...... / Action
Cllr Rawlings
Cllr Childs