West Pender
Middle School
PBIS School
Mr. Keith Whitaker, Principal
Mrs. Bernita Jordan, Assistant Principal
Student Handbook
10750 NC Hwy 53 West
Burgaw, NC 28425
Phone: (910) 283-5626
WPMS Belief Statement...... 4
WPMS Mission...... 4
Student Calendar...... 4
Title One School Compact Page……………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
WebPage...... 6
Regular school Day Schedule...... 6
pto...... 6
meal prices………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Insurance ...... 6
Attendance Policy...... 7
Absentee Notes……………………………………………………………………………………...7
Athletic Eligibility...... 7
Parent contact……………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Leaving School Grounds...... 7
Tardy Policy...... 8
Dress code...... 8
Discipline Policy/ PBIS...... 9
School Bus Discipline Policy...... 12
School Bus Rules...... 12
academic information...... 12
Grading Scale...... 12
Progress Reports/Report Cards...... 12
Honor Roll...... 13
Homework Make-up...... 13
Miscellaneous Information…………………………………………………………………..13
Electronic Devices...... 13
Bikes...... 14
Car Rider Line…………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
Visitors...... 14
Communications...... 14
Fire Drills...... 14
Hall Passes...... 14
Medications...... 14
Food and Drinks...... 14
Guidance Services...... 14
Promotion Standards...... 15
Harrassment and Bullying...... 16
West Pender Character Traits...... 16
Rights and Responsibilities of Students...... 17
Rights and Responsibilities of Parents...... 17
Health Alerts / Pender County Board Policies...... 17
Signature Page…………………………………………………………………………………..20
Dear WestPender Middle Community:
Each of us receives a fresh start and clean slate as the 2014-2015 school year begins, and we welcome this new year and each member of the school community to West Pender. Some of us have enjoyed enormous success in our academic, social, and athletic past. Some of us have done pretty average work. Some of us have struggled to find any success at all. But, August 25, 2014 offers an opportunity for each of us to take our past performance and improve on it. If we have excelled in one area but not others, this is a chance to shine in another part of our lives. If we haven’t yet found our place to excel, this is a chance to discover for ourselves and those around us our area of great talent.
One of the keys to finding success this year is found in the ROCKS pledge that we recite every morning as part of the opening of school, and that we try to use as a guide for our actions every day of the school year. If we take Ownership to succeed, we have taken the first, and sometimes the most important, step toward success. Adolescents sometimes can interact socially in ways that discourage individuality and personal differences, and sometimes that lead us to not want to excel in some area because it makes us different from others around us.
So, here are two challenges for West Pender for the 2014-2015 school year: 1) come to school day in and day out Expecting to succeed academically and socially, and don’t let anything negative stand in your way to success, and 2) be mindful that everyone around you has the right to succeed in their life at school, and don’t let yourself do or say anything negative that would cause those around you to stumble on their way to success.
We sincerely believe that if the school, staff, students, and parents commit to a partnership we will succeed in offering your child the best educational experience possible. If we all work together great things can happen for all stakeholders.
OTakeOwnershipfor my actions
CCooperatewith teachers, bus drivers and each other
SAnd keepSafety in mind at all times
Mr. Keith Whitaker
West Pender Middle School Belief Statement
We at West Pender Middle School believe that middle school education involves the total person in a lifelong learning process.
West Pender Middle School
Mission Statement
West Pender Middle Schoolis a diverse community of 21st Century learners that strives for excellence; fosters a passion for learning; promotes the development of the whole child; encourages service; and instills a respect for others.WPMS Student Calendar 2014-2015
August 25...... First Day for Students
September 1 ...... Labor Day Holiday
September 17 …………………………………………………………………………….Early Release
October 28...... End of First Grading Period
October 29 ...... Early Release
November 4...... Professional Day
November 11……………………………………….………………….……….. Veterans’ Day Holiday
November 26-28...... Thanksgiving Holidays
December 22-January 1 ...... Christmas Break
January 2 ……………………………………………………………………………… Staff Workday
January 22 ……………………………………………End of Second Grading Period/Early Release
January 19 …………………….………………………………………Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 22 ……………………………………………………………End of Second Grading Period
January 23……………………………………………………………………….…Staff Workday Day
February 25 ……………………………………………………………………………….Early Release
March 27……………………………………………………………………………………Early Release
March 27 ……………………………………………………………….....End of Third Grading Period
March 30-31…………………………………………………………………….Student/Staff Vacation
April 1-2 ….……………………………………………………………………..Student/Staff Vacation
April 3 ……………………………………………………………………..……..Holiday/ Good Friday
May 25……………………………………………………………………………Memorial Day Holiday
June 11……………………………………………………………Last day for Students/Early Release
Make-up Dates:
Saturdays when possible, November 26, June 12, May30, January23
School Pride
Your school is a very special kind of community. We rely on each other to make the community a pleasant and attractive place to spend about 7 hours together every day. We all need to do our best to keep the physical buildings neat, clean, and free from damage. As importantly, we must all do our best to make the personal atmosphere of the school friendly and supportive for every student, faculty member, staff member, parent, and visitor. Thank you for making West Pender a place we can be proud of.
West Pender Middle School, A Title I School
We believe the education of students is a cooperative effort. The School-Parent-Student Compact Promotes the educational growth of our students.
, agree/pledge to the following:
- Ask for help from my teachers and family as soon as I need it.
- Write down assignments, do my homework every day, and turn it in when it is due.
- Demonstrate to my family, concepts that I am learning in class, and encourage them to attend school sponsored events.
- Respect adults, other students, and myself while following the school’s rules.
- Bring supplies to classes, such as writing instruments and paper.
- Be Respectful, take Ownership for my actions, Cooperate with teachers, bus drivers and each other, exhibit Kindness, and keep Safety in mind at all times.
, agree/pledge to do the following:
- Build my child’s self-esteem through praise of good efforts, works, and behavior at home and school.
- Set aside special time daily to be used for nothing but schoolwork, reading, reviewing notes , making up incomplete assignments.
- Become more engaged in my child’s education, ask questions, attend school functions, and consistently communicate with staff members.
- Support the school in it’s efforts to maintain proper discipline.
- Monitor my child’s progress through homework, graded assignments, progress reports, connect ed. Calls, emails, newsletters, parent portal, and contact the staff with any questions or concerns.
West Pender Staff:
, agree/pledge to do the following:
- Provide opportunities for two way communication with families through parent conferences, Connect messages, emails, and teacher webpages.
- Recognize good efforts, achievement, and behavior from students with praise and other motivational techniques.
- Communicate students’ progress to parents through progress reports every three weeks, report cards, conferences, and available assessment data.
- Use benchmark assessment results to progress monitor student performance and differentiate instruction accordingly.
- Employ interactive learning events to encourage parent involvement and motivate adolescents.
WPMS Information
Web Page
West Pender Middle School may be visited on the World Wide Web at The school web site provides school news, sports schedules, and team information. Each team has its own web page, which is linked to the school site, as do numerous individual teachers. Team web sites feature homework and team news.
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Regular School Day
7:45-8:45First Period
8:47-9:47Second Period
9:49-10:19Warrior Pride
10:21-11:21Third Period
11:23-12:43Fourth Period
11:45-12:047th grade lunch
12:05-12:246th grade lunch
12:25-12:458th grade lunch
12:47-1:47Fifth Period
1:49-2:49Sixth Period
A Parent Teacher Organization has been organized in order to develop school/home communications and support. All parents are encouraged to join and actively participate. Meetings are scheduled for October 2, December 11, February 5, and April 16 at 6:30 PM. The PTO will engage in at least two major fundraisers during the school year, and all students and parents are encouraged to participate in each of these opportunities to supplement the school’s finances. The PTO is a vital link in the connection between the faculty and parents. Please take every opportunity to show your support for this valuable organization as it works to make education better at West Pender.
Meal Prices
Lunch Price:Students$2.25
Reduced$ .40
Breakfast Price:Students $1.35 Reduced .30
Application forms for free or reduced lunch will be available to all students at the beginning of school, or from the cafeteria office any time during the year.
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Attendance Policy
The lobby doors will be opened each day at 7:20 am to admit students. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:20. Those students who arrive between 7:20 and 7:40 will be required to remain in the gymuntil the bell sounds indicating that students may report to classrooms..Any student walking home from school will require a signed note from parents on file in the office.
A student may miss no more than five (5) days (lawful or unlawful) during any nine (9) week grading period. Should a student miss more than five (5) days in any class during a grading period, the student will be in danger of failing the class for the quarter. If the student is passing and has excessive absences, the grade will be recorded as a 69. If the student is failing and has excessive absences, the student will receive the grade which he/she has earned. The principal reserves the right to require students to make up class time on an hour-for-hour basis to buy back time when attendance is a criterion for promotion or a criterion for passing a class each quarter. Make up classes may be offered after school, on Saturdays, on teacher workdays. At the end of the year, under special circumstances, the principal may waive absences as a criterion for promotion. For the purposes of retention, ten (10) tardies and/or early departures will equal one day absent.
Absentee Notes:
Students are requiredto bring documentation from home for absences when they occur. This documentation could be in the form of a note from a parent, or guardian, a note from a doctor or dentist, a funeral program, a note from the officer in court, etc. These notes should be brought to the front desk. This documentation will be absolutely necessary for all absences if a student should exceed the five day limit and need to file an appeal to receive credit. However, these notes DO NOT REMOVE absences from a student’s record; they simply confirm that the absences were lawful.
Athletic Eligibility
According to the handbook Middle/Junior High School Athletics in the North Carolina Public Schools, students in grades 7-9 must pass one less course than the number of core courses each semester and meet promotion standards established by the LEA. The promotion standards for Pender Schools are that a student must pass at his/her performance ability level language arts and math and two of the following: science, social studies, or physical education. Our conference rules state that a student must pass all courses less one during the previous semester to be eligible during the current semester. So, a student who failed any two courses during second semester of 2012-13 will be ineligible during the first semester of 2013-14. The student must also be in attendance 85% of the previous semester (can miss up to 13 days).
Our conference rules further state that a student who is failing more than one class (any class, not only core classes) at the end of the first quarter will be ineligible for the remainder of the first semester. A student who is failing more than one class (any class, not only core classes) at the end of the third quarter will be ineligible for the remainder of the second semester.
Parent Contact:
Attempts are made each day to contact the parents/guardians of students who are absent. If parents are not contacted in person during the day, a computerized calling program calls in the evenings. Also, parents are contacted when a student reaches three days of absences in a quarter and again when students reach day five.
Leaving School Grounds
For various reasons, parents sometimes need to sign students out of school during the instructional day. When a student is ill, has a medical appointment, needs to attend a court hearing, or has a death in the family, and needs to leave school early, we request that parents send a note with the student to be given to office personnel before school begins. This note should include the students first and last name, the time the student will need to sign out, the reason the student is signing out, and the first and last name of the person who will be picking the student up. We will call the student from class only after the adult arrives to pick the student up. For security reasons, we ask that adults present identification and remain in the office until the student arrives in the office to sign out. If a student misses one-half or more of the instructional day (three and one-half hours), he or she will be recorded as absent from school.
Frequently, we have request from one of a student’s parents that the other parent in a divorce or separation arrangement not be able to see the student at school or check the student out of school. Unless the school is provided with a legal document, signed by a judge, specifically denying
Tardy Policy
Tardy to School:
Anytime a student arrives at school after 7:45 am, he/she must sign in with office staff with a parent. There is no exception or set of circumstances to which this rule does not apply. Following the fourth unexcused tardy/ early sign-out each quarter, the student is referred to the office and assigned credit recovery. An early dismissal shall be considered any checkout from school prior to the designated dismissal time. Each additional tardy/early sign-out after the fourth one will equal an hour of credit recovery time.
Tardy to Class
During the school day students are expected to get to class on time. Failure to make it to class on time will result in the following consequences:
1st offense Warning3rd offense Processing
2nd offensecontact parent4th offenseAID
Personal appearance directly affects students’ pride in the school; therefore, dress should be comfortable and appropriate for the learning environment. It should not be revealing or distracting to others. WPMS wants to help the student prepare for the business and social world. Dressing appropriately is part of this education.
Middle and High School Dress Code
- All clothing, skirts, shorts, and dresses are of an appropriate length when falling at mid-thigh or lower.
- Shirts can hang no lower than at the student’s wrist or must be tucked inside.
- Pants, shorts, skirts must be secured at the waist.
- There may be no holes in clothing above the knee. No holes in inappropriate places will be allowed in any clothing.
- At no time may undergarments be visible.
- All clothing must have sleeves. No tank tops or spaghetti straps.
- Shoes must be worn at all times and no open toe shoes are allowed.
- Tennis shoes may be required for physical education activities and areas.
- No hats, bandanas, sunglasses, or head coverings are allowed during the school day nor may they be carried.
- Outerwear normally associated with the outdoors such as bulky overcoats or raincoats may not be worn throughout the school day.
- Clothing must overlap at the waist at all times.
- A neckline is considered appropriate when it does not fall below the student’s 4-closed finger horizontal hand when placed at the base of the neck.
- Pajamas, pajama pants, slippers, bedroom shoes, or any night time attire is not permitted.
- Any apparel which may be considered sexually, culturally, or institutionally offensive as deemed by administration will not be allowed.
- Administrators may use their discretion in addressing dress code issues which go beyond the dress code articulated above but believe the dress code issue significantly violates the intent of School Board Policy 4316.
Middle School Dress Code Violation Procedures
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1st OffenseCorrection of violation
Verbal warning to student
Parental contact made
2nd OffenseCorrection of violation
Drop one level
Parental contact made
3rd OffenseCorrection of violation
Day of AID
Parental contact made
4th OffenseCorrection of violation
1 day Out-of-School Suspension
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Discipline Policy
The goal of West Pender’s discipline procedure is to ensure each student’s right to a wholesome and supportive learning atmosphere. It is the school’s job to translate the principles of democratic discipline into daily action throughout the campus. No student has the right to disrupt or interfere in the learning process of fellow students. Promoting effective discipline requires a comprehensive program supported by everyone in the school community – family, parents, teachers, and administrators.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) was implemented at West Penderlast year, and it has made a very positive difference at the school. PBIS is designed to try to keep minor infractions minor and have them handled inside the classroom, while minimizing the conflict that can accompany behavior corrections. PBIS is also designed to reward students for positive behavior during the course of the school year. We have been able to celebrate the positive accomplishments of the majority of our students while providing predictable consequences for students who make choices that are not so positive. PBIS applies to the total school environment, from the bus to and from school, throughout the school day, and into curricular and extracurricular activities held outside the school day.