NASP Detroit
“Life in Post-Bankruptcy Detroit:
An Institutional Investor & Wealth Management Forum
Date: Friday January 23, 2015
Hosted By: NASP Detroit
Location: Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce
Time: 8:00 am until 3:00 pm
8:00 am – 8:30 am
Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Overview of forum (Kathleen Colin, NASP Detroit President)
Introduction of Panelists (Kathleen Colin, NASP Detroit President)
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Economic Overview: The “State of the StateState of the City of Detroit”
A fiscal overview of the health of the economy and markets overall; in particular focus on Detroit and thestate of Michigan.
*Featured panelist: David Sowerby, PM, Loomis Sayles,CNBC Market Commentator/Economic & Stock Market Analyst; Member, Investment Committee City of Detroit General Retirement System
9:45 am – 10 am
10:00 am – 11:00 am
“Nuts & Bolts:”-Michigan/City of Detroit Plan Sponsor & Public Pension funding update.
Despite finding creative ways to “function” post crisis (i.e. bankruptcy, economic collapse)the local pension and plan sponsor community are still challenged by funding requirements/liability shortfall-as well are many other US pensions & sponsored plans throughout the country. This diverse group of pension & plan sponsor trustees & executives will lead an interactive discussion on what the issues are in funding liabilities & any changes on the liability side;give update on public pensions and share how much the US markets impact their decisions
- Les Bond, Pres., Attucks Asset Management, Chair NASP: Moderator
- Charlie Harrison, Chair Pontiac Retirement System
- Woodrow Tyler, Member Investment Committee, COD Police &Fire; State of Michigan DC Plan
- Doris Ewing, Member, Investment Committee, COD General Employees
- Cynthia Thomas, Executive Director-City of Detroit Retirement Systems
- James Moore, Trustee, COD Police & Fire
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Leaders of the “New School”: The Case for Diversity and Inclusion in Post-Bankruptcy Detroit:
Corporate, Civic & Governmental leaders converge to tackle the new challenge that is “business diversity” & meaningful inclusion for people of color and women in all aspects of business opportunity going forward.
- William Howard Morris, BOD Owens-Corning: Moderator
- Portia Roberson, Head of Civil Rights, Duggan Admin.; Trustee COD Police & Fire
- Scott Benson, City Council; Trustee COD, General
- Brenda Jones, Pres., City Council; Member, COD Financial Oversight; Trustee COD Police &Fire
- Tony Saunders, Dir., Restructure Wayne County; Member, COD Financial Oversight
- Jimmy Settles, VP UAW-Ford; BOD UAW-VEBA
12:20 pm – 2:00pm
Lunch: “Lunch & Learn”:
Foundation Roundtable: The New Paradigm:
Foundation leaders discuss their organization’s role in Detroit’s Revival/”Re-Birth” and how to creatively enhance the “Wealth & Health” of the Community via social investing & innovation. Plus a brief case study: “Hotel Strathmore”
- Gwen Butler, Pres., Capri Capital: Moderator
- Kim Dempsey, Deputy Dir., Social Investing Kresge Foundation
- Chris Uhl, VP Innovation, Skillman Foundation
- Mike Finney, MEDC; Sr. Advisor@ State of Michigan
- Chris Jackson, CEO Jackson Consulting; BOD, (DEGC)*
- Sherwin Prior, GM Ventures
- ToshaTabron, JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Institution Participants (as of 12/23/14):
- City of Detroit Retirement Systems
- City of Pontiac General Retirement Systems
- †DEGC (Detroit Economic Growth Corporation)
- Detroit Public Schools
- GM Ventures
- JP Morgan Chase Foundation
- Owens-Corning
- Skillman Foundation
- State of Michigan Pension
- Kresge Foundation
- Attucks Asset Management
†Unconfirmed as of 01/16/15