Prepared by: Ma. Shiela N. Velasco

Cloud Formation and Weather Instruments
Language objective:
·  Explain how solar heating and water vapor in the atmosphere affect weather
·  Discuss how clouds form and how they are classified
·  Describe orally to a partner/class (presentation) the type of clouds and the weather associated with them.
Concept Objective:
·  Identify weather instruments
·  Collect and interpret weather data from weather instruments and maps to explain present day weather and to predict next day’s weather.
·  Scaffolding- Students are given focus questions before the video will be shown, One question build up from the previous question.
·  Graphic organizer worksheet is provided to each student during class discussion for them to fill-out in order to organize information learned.
-Teacher models filling out the graphic organizer found on the board. This is needed so that students will be able to create their own graphic organizer next time.
-Teacher emphasizes that acquiring information is fast and easy but organizing it is a skill that every student needs to develop.
Meteorologist Stratus
Thermometer Cirrus
Barometer Cumulus
Wind Vane Nimbus
Graphic organizer Worksheet
Pre-cut pictures of clouds
Pre-cut pictures of weather instruments
Paper strips
Water color
Poster boards
Ask Students the following questions and write their responses on the board.
·  What do they think when someone says “weather”.
·  How does weather affect your daily activities?
·  Why does weather change from time to time?
Students will be shown a video about Weather
Pre-viewing Activity
Students will be provided with Focus Questions
-How does the Sun play a role in the occurrence of weather?
-How are clouds formed?
- How are clouds classified?
-What are the different types of clouds and the weather associated with it?
-What are the instruments used by meteorologist to collect weather data?
-What are the factors that cause in the change of weather?
(Students will be told to take down notes while viewing. Note-taking tips will be discussed and modeled to them.)
Viewing Activity
Teacher pauses/stops the video to emphasize concepts/information
Post-viewing Activity
Class discussion.
Teacher asks the class what they have learned from the video. They organize information learned through the use of a graphic organizer. (Teacher provides each student a graphic organizer worksheet. The teacher models the use of graphic organizer by writing down key words in the graphic organizer from the board. Students write down information as information is added during class discussion.
Students perform hands-on activity:
In groups of four, students will create a poster showing the different types of clouds. They will use cotton and water color to represent the shape, and color of the cloud. Students will arrange the clouds on the poster according to the altitude of the clouds. They will be asked to label each cloud and write the weather associated with it in parenthesis.
Students work will be displayed in class and students will do a gallery walk to critique other group’s work.
In a group of four students
(Have students count-off from one to four, even number pair up and odd number pair up. Provide odd numbered students with set of pre-cut pictures of clouds and its name on paper strips. Provide the even numbered students with pre-cut pictures of weather instruments and its name on paper strips )
A.  Two students (odd number) will match pre-cut pictures of clouds and its corresponding names and weather associated with it from paper strips.
B.  Two students will match pre-cut pictures of weather instruments and its corresponding names and what it measure from paper strips.
Have the students switch partner and have them explain their work.
Students will be asked to use their work to answer a worksheet provided by the teacher.
Have students collect weather data ( temperature, air pressure, wind, humidity, and precipitation) from a newspaper of a city of their choice. Tell them to make a poster of their weather data and pretend that they are meteorologist for a local TV news station. Have them present the weather forecast to the class.