[Help for leaders: Your group will profit most from this week’s discussion if they have already engaged in the discussion around Luke 10:1-24 (JTF#13.]

CONNECT IN with one another Last time we met, we talked about a helpful mnemonic for the Christian life: B.L.E.S.S. Begin with prayer (Luke 10:2) Listen (Luke 10:5-6) Eat (Luke 10:7-8) Serve (Luke 10:9a) Story (Luke 10:9b) Let’s give space for people to share how they have B.L.E.S.S.ed people since we last met. [Help for leaders: Depending on how recently and how thoroughly you discussed this concept as part of your Life Group meeting around Luke 10:1-24, you may wish to give a brief 3-minute recap. See Phil’s sermon “JTF#13 – One Life At A Time”.]


Ø  We are going to carry on the same discussion tonight. Let’s read Luke 10:25-37.

Ø  What mistakes does this teacher make in his approach to the Christian life? [Help for leaders: Plenty! If you’re stuck, explore the way he calls Jesus ‘teacher’ while ignoring his example, the way he thinks doctrinal purity offsets daily apathy, the way he wants to justify himself, the way he thinks in terms of them-and-us, etc]

Ø  Jesus reaches out to him through the example of the priest. What is the priest’s problem and how can we fall into the same trap as him? [Help for leaders: He sees holiness as separation from the world, not devotion to letting God use him to B.L.E.S.S. the world.]

Ø  Jesus reaches out to him through the example of the Levite? What is the Levite’s problem and how can we fall into the same trap as him? [Help for leaders: The Levite thinks tribally (tribe of Levi). He ignores the man’s need because he is an outsider. The irony is that the Levites were busy workers in the Temple. He probably thinks he is serving the Lord, even as he fails to B.L.E.S.S. the man.]

Ø  What is so remarkable about the way in which Jesus commends the Samaritan? [Help for leaders: The Jews saw Samaritans as the bad guys – ethnically and religiously impure – but Jesus values his devotion to people far more than his other shortcomings. He is warning us that the words of James 1:27 are true.]

Ø  What do you think Jesus means when he says “Go and do likewise”?

Ø  Let’s be real with each other. How costly was this for the Samaritan? How costly for us? [Help for leaders: The Samaritan puts himself at risk of being attacked by robbers himself. He gives up his donkey and a large sum of money for the man. He lays down his life for him – some readers see the wine and oil as a picture of Jesus giving his life for us at Calvary and his Spirit to us daily. If we want to B.L.E.S.S. people, we can’t just tag it onto our lives. It will cost us.]

Ø  CONNECT OUT with the non-church people around you

Ø  Pray through each of these five B.L.E.S.S. areas in turn together.

Ø  Pray that the Lord will use each of you to bless people this week like the Good Samaritan.

End your time together by promising to encourage one another next week by talking about opportunities spotted and taken to B.L.E.S.S. people who are far from God. Create a sense of excitement and anticipation as a group.