BFC Web Users Guide

BFC Web Users Guide 1

Introduction 3

Web admin 4

Logon 4

Main admin page 4

HOA Admin 5

Team Administration 6

Match reports / Articles 7

Advanced 9

Guidelines 11

Upload Images 12

Diary update 12

Upload HOA information 13

HOA Links 13

Flickr 14

Newsletter 15

Other information 15

Youtube 15

Advertising 15

Year group Admin 16

Login 16

Main menu 17

HOA 18

Team group Admin 18

Link players to team 19

Player admin 20

Search 21

View list by age group 22

Add player 22

Team 24

Link players to team 24

Player admin 25

Search 25

View list by age group 26

Coaching record 27

Payment information 27

Order Entry 27

Inventory view 27

Admin pages 28

Emails 29

Future plans 32


The idea of this user guide is to help HOA's to use the tools available to them to keep their HOA and team pages up to date with the latest information and to help administer their age group.

The guide will show the following

Web Administration

·  Keep the age group and team information up to date

·  Load images to flickr for inclusion on website

·  Add match reports

·  Add articles of information for the age group

·  Create an age group diary

·  Upload links for other HOA to use

·  Create links to website from age group pages

Age group Administration

·  Look up information on players

·  Create teams of players

·  Track money for teams/age groups

Web admin

The Web admin pages allow you as the HOA to manipulate the HOA and team pages.


To logon to the admin page go to

Here you must enter the e-mail address associated with you as head of age group. Please e-mail me if you have any problems logging on. There is only one account per year group.

Main admin page

The main admin page is split into 6 areas and each one will be explained

Each section is independent and can be updated any time.

HOA Admin

This is the main part of the Heads of age group page and each part maps to a part of the Age group page. Any updates you do will happen straight away. The Head of age group information also appears on each team page

The Training location comes from a list of locations maintained else where that also holds the information to drive Google maps

Team Administration

This is the main part of the team page and each part maps to a part of the team page. Any updates you do will happen straight away. The Head of age group information also appears on each team page

Again the locations link to the locations and link to Google maps.

Match reports / Articles

The match report section is used to enter match reports and also any other text for your age group/team.

For Match reports:
Match date - The date of the match in the format DD-MON-YYY for example 22-FEB-2011.

·  Author - The author of the report

·  Team - Choose the team the report is for. (leave this if this is not a match report)

·  Home Team - Home team Name

·  Score - Home team Score

·  Away Team - Away team

·  Away Team score - Away team score

·  Non Match Report - Please Leave

For non match reports

·  Match Date - Date of article

·  Author - Author of report

·  Team,Home Team,Home Score, Away Team, Away team score - Please leave

·  Non match report - Please enter the title of the article

The next session is all about the article. You can use the editor but the best way is to import your document from an editor and pasting it into the text part. To do this copy your text from editor

Then paste into the text are (Ctrl V) a box will pop up (On Internet Explorer 6 or 7)

You can then paste the text into this area.

You will then have the text in the system.

You can then click send match report. The report is then sent and sits in a queue waiting to be posted to the site. All articles will be posted to Age group pages but some may also be posted to the home page.


The text box is fully HTML compatible so if you paste HTML with images as long as the images are URls it will work. For more details please e-mail separately.

Here are some examples of match reports where images and videos have been included.

Google videos embedded in an article


Guidelines in Compiling Match Reports

Youth Football

Over the past few years the internet and social networking sites have become a more accessible and effective way of communicating, in particular with publishing youth match reports. To assist clubs, the Football Association has prepared the following best practice guidelines for clubs on compiling and publishing match reports. In preparation for these guidelines, match reports have been viewed together with youth players reporting on matches they have participated in.

·  Reflect on the positives of the team.

·  Make the report wide ranging – cover all the players’ performances or “midfield” etc. Try not to praise just one individual. It’s a team performance.

·  Give encouragement – something that may not have gone to plan can be turned into “this will worked on in our next training session”.

·  Keep it factual rather than giving opinions.

·  Seek the views of the players “what did they think” – perhaps the captains view.

·  Ask parents/spectators to compile a report.

·  Comment positively on the opposition.

·  End on a positive.


·  Criticise and comment negatively on single performances on either team.

·  Use the report to negatively comment on the match officials – players read reports and this will encourage dissent from the players towards officials.

·  Use inappropriate language with could be misinterpreted “their players were out to get us”.

·  Use the report to negatively comment on the opposition players/officials/spectators. Any mis-conducted should be reported by the Referee or can be referred to the Club Welfare Officer.

·  If it’s an U7’s or U8’s game, this is non-competitive fixture and a result should not be published.

It should be noted that any reports published are the responsibility of the club and under FA rules and regulations; charges could be raised resulting in a fine and or suspension, should inappropriate comments be made.

Upload Images

This will load images directly to an area on the BFC website. When you go to the pictures you will see them under the title Uploaded Photos for age groups.

It is better to use flickr and this will be explained else where in this document.

Diary update

The diary part is used for your age group to keep track of dates. This should not be used for match fixtures as these are picked up from the Full time site automatically

Upload HOA information

At the moment this section is still being tested and needs further input and ideas. The idea is to store information for all HOA's to view and use. Any HOA can update links, documents or images and they will be shared between all hoa on the admin page.

HOA Links

This last section is for adding external links from the HOA page. For example to the Eastberks league.

The url and image will then be shown on the HOA page.

This is still in experimental stage so if you need help then please get back to me.


We have set up an account for Flick and this was used for the presentation day. Each age group has an area and images can be sent to flickr directly by e-mail. If you send an e-mail to in the subject put an age group and a description it will then be moved to correct area and included in the pictures Gallery and be part of the HOA page.

With android phones you can share you photo and use e-mail to send it to this address.

Flickr is very powerful and an article can be created that has a gallery on it. This was done for presentation day but could be used for matches...


A newsletter is sent out on a regular basis to all parents who gave their e-mail address when players signed up. This newsletter consists of latest leagues, results,articles for the age group and any articles from the club. Articles shown are from the last time the report was run. This gives you a way to give information to the parents by writing articles in your age group.

Links to the articles are included in the newsletter.

Other information


Youtube can be used for videos and the U14 have set this up as example. The video can be included into the web page or you can go directly to the channel. All the videos where shot using mobile devices and then uploaded.

For more information on this then please contact me


More information on sponsorship and advertising is to follow.

Year group Admin

The year group admin pagesallow you view information on your players as well as a number of other admin tasks. Within these pages are a lot of things set up that could potentially be used to help.


The admin pages have now been moved to the BFC site so integration is easier. The URL is

A link has now been added to your HOA admin page

There are 3 levels of users

Committee - Access to the admin pages as well as rollup of money, training records and all players search.

Year group - Access to year only info

Team Group - Access to teams only

Your userid and password are unique so please e-mail me if you require access.

Main menu

The main menu is different dependent on access. This is the HOA menu

Committee/admin menu

And finally Team Admin


The HOA menu contains all the screens to view your Age group, Set up teams , collect money and view coaching records.

Team group Admin

This allows you to set up teams for your age group these are used later on to link players to teams. The users need to be set up before they can do this. If they are not on the system then please e-mail me.

Link players to team

This allows you to link players to teams. (The linking to age group should already be done) this can be used later on to see a list of players and contact information, add payments or view details about the player

You can update the team and click link

You can edit the player or add payment from this page as well.

Every page has a link back to the admin menu

Player admin

The player admin page allows you to search for players, view list by age group or add a player.


The search brings up a box where you can enter a part of the name

You can the go onto to edit the player, or add a payment

View list by age group

This shows a complete list of your age group and allows you to edit and add payments

The subs paid section allows the players to be included in Newsletters etc.

Add player

This allows you to add a new player to the database all the information on this page matches the form and in the future an online version of the form may be used

One that's been filled in


Link players to team

This allows you to link players to teams. (The linking to age group should already be done) this can be used later on to see a list of players and contact information, add payments or view details about the player

You can update the team and click link

you can edit the player or add payment from this page as well.

Player admin

The player admin page allows you to search for players, view list by age group or add a player.


the search brings up a box where you can enter a part of the name

You can the go onto to edit the player, or add a payment

View list by age group

This shows a complete list of your age group and allows you to edit and add payments

The subs paid section allows the players to be included in Newsletters etc.

Coaching record

This is new and was set up last year to keep a record of who has what training and show dates on training for a renewal system

Payment information

At present this is not being used but is way to track money collected for each player and then roll it up.

Order Entry

This was tested last year and was used for all orders. Order is entered by HOA/TEAM e-mail sent to HOA who approves which is then sent to Purchasing for approval then to treasurer who approves and an electronic order then sent to the supplier

At present we are not using this

Inventory view

Inventory view is tied to ordering and is not used

Admin pages

The admin menu gives overview visibility to all the parts. This can roll up money collection, training records, match subs. Below are a few test examples
Coaching Records