An Enriched Life/Junior Secondary
(Secondary school)
Life Event: An Enriched Life (for secondary school)
Key Concepts
The problem of drug abuse has been on the rise among Hong Kong students. Lack of information on drugs, peer influence and curiosity are some of the factors leading students to underestimate the harmful effects of drug abuse. Anti-drug education is more than giving students information on the harmful consequences of drugs. We also need to nurture their perseverance, rationality and positive values so that they can stand firm and resist the temptation.
Teenagers love to be creative. Learning through creative work is an effective way to spread anti-drug messages. In this exemplar, story/prose writing is used to arouse the awareness of drug problem among teenagers, helping them to learn the harmful effects of drugs and think about how to lead a wonderful and fulfilling life.
Secondary students
Learning Objectives
1. To explore harmful effects of drugs at personal level.
2. To foster love for oneself.
3. To explore ways to lead a wonderful life with positive values.
Self-love, self-reflection, self-determination, positive, perseverance
Delivery Mode
Moral & Civic Education Lesson/ English Language Lesson /Class Teacher Period/Others
1. News brief (Appendix 1)
2. Reference material (Appendix 2)
3. Story/prose outline for “An Enriched Life” (Appendix 3)
4. Single-lined paper for story/prose writing (one sheet per person)
70 minutes
Teaching Procedures
Activity 1: Discuss the News Brief (30 mins)
1. Distribute the news brief (Appendix 1). Ask students to read it and finish the questions on the worksheet.
2. Upon completion, students will form groups for discussion and present their views.
3. Teachers and students discuss the comments so that students will learn about the harmful effects of drug abuse.
4. Summary (reference): The conditions of drug abuse among Hong Kong teenagers deserve our attention. Some young people overlook the harmful effects and have ruined their lives. Encourage students to resist the temptation with perseverance, rationality and positive values. / Ø To help students become aware of the drug problem among teenagers and the harmful effects of drug abuse through discussing a news brief.
Ø For the harmful effects of drug abuse, you may refer to Narcotics Division at
Activity 2: “An Enriched Life” Story/Prose Writing (35 mins)
1. Distribute a piece of single-lined paper to each student. Explain that the objective of the activity is to create a short story/prose on “An Enriched Life”.
2. Present on a projector the story outline for the students’ reference and encourage them to write on the theme.
3. Set the number of words required and time limit as appropriate to the level of students.
4. Ask students to read their finished work to the class and share with one another. / Ø Teachers may choose either story or prose. Work with language teachers beforehand and ask them, for example, to teach students the relevant writing skills and format.
Ø Teachers may consult the language teachers of their classes to set the number of words and time limit appropriate to the students.
Ø To help students think about the harmful effects of drug abuse and the impact on their lives through story/prose writing.
Ø After students have read their work, teachers can discuss with them the anti-drug messages, perseverance, rationality and positive values conveyed in the text to enhance their anti-drug awareness.
Conclusion (5 mins)
Reference: Drugs are extremely destructive to teenagers and will harm their health and future. You should be careful, learn to love yourselves for having healthy lives and work hard for your dreams and goals. Don’t try to escape from difficulties with drugs. Be positive and think about your goals and you will have an enriched life.
Extended Activity
Ask students to take a poll in the class/grade/school and select the most popular work which may be published in a school publication or read aloud by the student in the morning assembly.
News Summary
Form 4 student on 1-year probation for drug possession
A Form 4 student at school was found possessing three pieces of Ecstasy and small amounts of prohibited painkillers. He pleaded guilty to all charges and was put on probation for a year, a lenient penalty. He also had to comply with seven other strict requirements demanded by the probation officer.
Accompanied by his parents, the defendant appeared before the Magistrate’s Court. His lawyer quoted his probationary report when pleading his case and stated that he had a very good background and was full of remorse for causing such inconvenience to his family and his school. As a secondary school student, he had already learnt a lesson from his criminal record. The defence also pointed out that the defendant and his parents and two elder sisters communicated more after the incident. The school discipline committee and social worker would follow the case. He believed that the defendant, with his good academic performance in school, would very likely return to the right track with the support from all those concerned. He also stated that the two most recent urine tests of the defendant showed that he did not take any more drugs.
Having considered the probationary report and the plea, the magistrate believed that it was suitable for the defendant to be put on probation. But seven other conditions should be added: the defendant should heed the advice of his probation officer regarding his study and work; he should not possess or take any dangerous drugs; he should follow the suggestions of his probation officer including receiving residential drug rehab treatment; he should take urine tests; a curfew should be imposed between eight o’clock every night and six o’clock in the following morning and should be lifted only at the consent of the defendant’s parents or probation officer; the defendant should make friends following reasonable instructions; and he should join social support programmes.
Source: Newspapers from Hong Kong
Questions for reflection
1. Why did this Form 4 student get addicted to drugs?
2. Could the judgement of the magistrate help this Form 4 student turn over a new leaf?
3. In this case, what harm was brought by drug abuse? How would friends, family and school be affected?
Physical and Psychological Effects of Drug Abuse
/ Street names / Physical and psychological effectsKetamine / “Special K”, “K”, “Kit Kat”, “vitamin K” / ‧ Slurred speech
‧ Tranquilliser, inducing sleep, pain-killing
‧ Hallucination, sleepiness
‧ Depression
‧ Impaired long-term memory & cognitive difficulties
‧ Impaired motor function
‧ Respiratory/heart problems
‧ Tolerance/physical and psychological dependence
MDMA (Ecstasy) / “Ecstasy”, “E”, “XTC”, “Adam” / ‧ Excessive physical activity causing dehydration, exhaustion, muscle breakdown; and convulsion and fainting due to overheating
‧ Insomnia
‧ Anxiety and restlessness
‧ Death due to respiratory failure
‧ Kidney and liver damage
‧ Depression and confusion
‧ Nerve cell damage
Methamphetamine / “Ice” / ‧ Restlessness and irritation
‧ Constant nagging, agitation
‧ Sweating, chest pain, fever
‧ Trepidation and confusion
‧ Consistent insomnia
‧ Anxiety and nervousness
‧ Elevated blood pressure
‧ Elevated and irregular heart rates
‧ Skin rashes
‧ Violent behaviour due to hallucination and feelings of persecution
Cannabis / “Marijuana”, “pot”, “grass”, “hash”, “joint” / Effects of first-time abuse:
‧ Enhanced relaxation and delayed response
‧ High mood, talkative, giggling inanely and feeling less suppressed
‧ Reduced concentration, impaired memory and judgement
‧ Reduced ability to process information or perform more complicated activities
‧ Loss of balance, especially when standing
‧ Elevated heart rates, increased appetite, dry mouth and throat, red eyes, sleepiness
‧ Confusion and anxiety
Long-term overdose may lead to more serious effects:
‧ Nervousness, agitation and bad temper
‧ Bronchitis, conjunctivitis, endocrine disorder
‧ Depression; paranoid
Cocaine / “Coke”, “crack”, “flake”, “snow”, “stardust” / ‧ Behavioural changes
‧ Sensation of pleasure
‧ Reduced sense of fatigue; no urgent need to sleep
‧ Loss of appetite
‧ Talkative or preferring solitude
‧ Abnormal sensation of happiness
‧ Overly confident and a strong feeling of being able to control
‧ Anxiety or even trepidation
‧ Enhanced performance on simple tasks; if the drug user is overly anxious or confident, his/her performance will be low.
‧ Constriction of blood vessels
‧ Elevated heart rates and blood pressure
Source: Drug Information, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau website:
“An Enriched Life” Short Story/
Prose Outline
- Students may decide the personal details of the leading role. Refer to the following outlines to create your story/prose:
Outline 1
The leading role was tempted and misled by undesirable persons and took drugs. He/she thought that he/she could control how many drugs he/she took but only found himself/herself taking more and more. He/she only came to his/her senses when he/she had lost all his/her health and study. He/she was then determined to quit and finally started a new life. With this experience, he/she helped other young people go back to the right track and lead an enriched life.
Outline 2
Undesirable persons were trying to mislead and tempt the leading role who, with his/her perseverance, rationality and positive values, was able to resist them and was determined not to contact them any longer. He/she worked hard and finally attained his/her goal and lived an enriched life.
Other sensible storyline conveying anti-drug messages/positive values